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As stability has begun to return to the Asia-Pacific region, so do international investors' appetites for high-yielding Asian securities. Right now, due to the substantial bank debt accrued during the last financial crisis there, the liveliest investment areas in the Asian-Pacific region are fixed income instruments. Authors Jonathan A. Batten and Thomas A. Fetherston provide country-by-country analyses, including highly-focused descriptions of the history, current disposition, and future prospects of each country's bond markets, along with detailed explanations of the market structure and conventions in each. Jonathan Batten is a Professor of Finance at Deakin University. His professional experience includes senior posts at the Australian Industry Development Corporation, The Bank of Tokyo, Credit Lyonnais and IBM Consulting in their Asia-Pacific Banking and Finance Group.
The Bank of Korea and the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) co-hosted a conference on "Asia-Pacific fixed income markets: evolving structure, participation and pricing" on 19-20 November 2018 in Seoul, Korea. The conference marked the completion of the BIS Asian Office's two-year research programme on fixed income markets that had been endorsed by the Asian Consultative Council of central bank Governors in May 2017.The conference brought together senior officials and researchers from central banks, international organisations and academia. This volume is a collection of the speeches, papers and prepared discussant remarks from the conference. Papers presented at the conference covered the effects of advanced economy monetary policy on bond markets; determinants of Asian bond prices; corporate bond market liquidity; the establishment of benchmark bonds; bond financing by Asian firms; and the role of different institutional investors in Asia-Pacific bond markets.
Papers in this volume were prepared for BOK-BIS Conference on "Asia-Pacific Fixed Income Markets: Evolving Structure, Participation and Pricing" held in Seoul, Korea on 19-20 November 2018.While the full publication can be downloaded using the above link, individual contributions are available separately."" The Term Structures of Global Yields (Keynote)"" The Global Impact of Risk-Off Shocks "" Comments on 'The Global Impact of Risk-Off Shocks' "" Determinants of Asia-Pacific Government Bond Yields "" Comments on 'Determinants of Asia-Pacific Government Bond Yields' "" Measuring Corporate Bond Liquidity in Emerging Market Economies: Price- vs Quantity-Based Measures "" Comments on 'Measuring Corporate Bond Liquidity in Emerging Markets: Price- vs Quantity-Based Measures' "" The Rise of Benchmark Bonds in Emerging Asia "" Comments on 'The Rise of Benchmark Bonds in Emerging Asia' Review "" Local Currency Bond Returns in Emerging Market Economies and the Role of Foreign Investors "" Comments on 'Local Currency Bond Returns in Emerging Market Economies and the Role of Foreign Investors' "" Corporate Bond Use in Asia and the United States "" Comments on 'Corporate Bond Use in Asia and the United States' "" The Role of Different Institutional Investors in Asia-Pacific Bond Markets during the Taper Tantrum "" Comments on 'The Role of Different Institutional Investors in Asia-Pacific Bond Markets During the Taper Tantrum' "" Emerging Market Bond Funds: Flow-Performance Relationship and Long-Term Institutional Investors.
Following the Asian financial crisis, the development of local currency bond markets in each of the APEC economies as well as regional bond markets has received the highest priority among financial market policy-makers. Bond markets are considered as an alternative vehicle for domestic savings mobilization and also as a critical means of mitigating the dual mismatch problems of currency and maturity. However, tangible achievements have yet to materialize. The appeal of Asian bonds as evidenced by cross-border investments is dismally insignificant. Given the limited level of market activities associated with foreign investment in Asian bonds and with the supply of local currency or foreign currency denominated bonds issued by foreign borrowers in Asia, this study is designed to identify the types of impediments to cross-border investment in Asian bonds and to propose policy recommendations.
Emerging and frontier financial markets in the Asia-Pacific region have experienced significant changes in recent years in areas affecting regulation, market participants, and products. This collection presents perspectives from authors in local markets who provide their analysis of the history, current development, and future outlook for 11 countries: Bangladesh, Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Mongolia, Pakistan, the Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and Vietnam. The brief should be particularly valuable for prospective investors interested in learning about regulatory developments, market structure, and financial history in the region.
This conference report provides a unique overview of the development of local currency bond markets in the Asia-Pacific region and cross-border investment and issuance in these markets. It brings together insights of the region's leading capital market regulators, private sector market players, finance and central bank officials and experts from academe and international development organizations, who have gathered together to assess the extent to which the region's bond markets have developed, and map out a regional strategy based on public-private sector partnership that promises to address key policy reform and capacity-building issues.
A summary of how stock markets work for those looking to invest. This book is a practical guide to Asia’s stock markets for a general audience. It is for people who do not know much about financial markets but, for whatever reason, would like to learn more. They could be seasoned expatriate pilots, academics and other professionals, newcomers in the region as well as students or young men and women about to start in the finance industry. The idea is to cut through the alphabet soup of industry jargon to provide a clear understanding of how these markets work, how they differ from each other in size and depth, what unique features each stock market has and what drives all the different sectors in these markets – consumers, the internet, banks and technology. The book includes helpful history lessons and personal anecdotes drawn from the author’s 30 years in the world of Asian investments.
Erik Banks, responsible for global risk management at Merrill Lynch in Hong Kong, has written another text on the derivatives field covering innovation in these instruments in Asia Pacific. The text acts as a detailed reference on the nature of these markets and the prospects for the Asian derivative markets, both listed and OTC. He also includes an analysis of the Australian, New Zealand and Japanese markets to fit the emerging markets into context.