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Authored by Maharishi Vyasa, this lucid dialogue between Rajarshi Janak and Astavakra systematically deals with mystical experiences of the spiritual reality. To all advanced students of meditation, Ashtavakra Geeta directly points out the way and the goal.
The Ashtavakra Gita, or the Ashtavakra Samhita as it is sometimes called, is a very ancient Sanskrit text. Nothing seems to be known about the author, though tradition ascribes it to the sage Ashtavakra; hence the name. There is little doubt though that it is very old, probably dating back to the days of the classic Vedanta period. The Sanskrit style and the doctrine expressed would seem to warrant this assessment. The work was known, appreciated and quoted by Ramakrishna and his disciple Vivekananda, as well as by Ramana Maharshi, while Radha­krishnan always refers to it with great respect. Apart from that the work speaks for itself. It presents the traditional teachings of Advaita Vedanta with a clarity and power very rarely matched. The Reverend John Henry Richards, MA, BD, was an Anglican priest born in 1934 who was ordained a deacon in Llandaff in 1977 and a priest there in 1978. He served in Maesteg, Cardiff, Penmark, and Stackpile Elidor until his retirement in 1999, and died in 2017. He is known for his English translations of the Ashtavakra Gita, the Dhammapada, and the Vivekachudamani, which he put in the public domain and distributed on the Internet in 1994. The text used here is the one revised in 1996.
Astavakragita is a unique text among the world's contemplative classics dealing systematically with the mystical experiences of the Self on its way to transcendence, peace and bliss. There are few ancient treatises in East or West which evince such profound and lively concern with the Supreme Self as the ultimate reality, embo-died in mystical insight and experience, and written with such spiritual imagination and poetic fervour. This book presents in twenty chapters the substance of Astavakra's teaching in respect to the Cosmic Self in the form of his dialogue with Janaka, the seer-king of Videha. The teaching is based on the Upanisadic creed of absolute monism (advaitavada) that identifies the Self with the nondual Ultimate Reality. But the contribution of Astavakra is also immense, for he has introduced the element of emotional experience or the mystical feeling as the means for realizing the non-dual nature of the Self. Written in a lucid style and dealing systematically with the subject matter, the book holds a unique position among the contemplative classics of the world.
Who are you? Are you your body, your personality, your special talents and achievements? What do you seek? Is it wealth, love, security, recognition, deeper meaning? What if someone were to tell you that you are none of these things, that all the things you seek are merely poor, insubstantial reflections of that which is your ultimate goal... ...that YOU are that which you seek, YOU are the only one desperate quest of your life, and YOU are the only one final answer of your life? Awaken to Advaita, the principle of non-duality... awaken to your true SELF! Allow the brilliant Sage Ashtavakra to guide you on an incredible, astonishing journey of self-realization, just as he guides King Janaka in this short dialogue of 20 chapters known as the Ashtavakra Gita. This ancient book has been a favourite of great sages, seers and gurus throughout the centuries, including Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, Swami Vivekananda, Ramana Maharshi, Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar... King Janaka found his enlightenment at the end of Ashtavakra's lesson. Now reach out and find yours!
Highly Acclaimed, Very Liberating!Modern Day Classic on Spiritual Enlightenment & Self-Realization!Provides Great Solace; Brings Spiritual Awakening by unfolding the Logic behind the Oneness Perspective:Ashtavakra Gita, also known as the Song of Ashtavakra, is a Sanskrit scripture which has two hundred and ninety-eight verses, spread across twenty chapters.These verses present a spiritual conversation that took place between Sage Ashtavakra and King Janaka in ancient times.In this modern-day classic, Harsha has translated the verses of Ashtavakra Gita into English language.Along with it, he has written an enlightening commentary on these verses interpreting their meaning in an unmatched way.This highly acclaimed work deals with the core ideas of spirituality, such as:?Goal of Spirituality?Choice Vs. Destiny?Nature of Existence?Nature of Our Soul?Ignorance - the real cause of suffering?Liberation and Self-Realization?Attainment of Self-Realization through Verbal means?Karma and its typesThis book paves the way for attainment of self-realization in an uncompromising manner.It makes us aware of the fundamental unity that we have with the all-pervasive existence.
Authored By Maharishi Vyasa, This Lucid Dialogue Between Rajarshi Janak And Ashtavakra Systematically Deals With Mystical Experiences Of The Spiritual Reality. It Is Addressed To Advanced Students Of Meditation.
This is a scriptural commentary of Lahiri Mahasaya on Astavakra Gita in the Light of Kriya. This is the conversation between the famous and mysterious young Master, Yogi Astavakra and his old disciple, King Janaka. Major topics of this discourse are:Atmanubhava : Self-RealizationLaya Chatustaka : The Four DissolutionsBandhana and Moksha : Bondage and LiberationTattva swarup : Essence of Consciousness or DoctrineUpasana : InwardnessNirvikalpa : Eternal TranquilityJivanmukta : Liberated in the embodied state Table of Contents:Atmanubhava : Realizing the SelfRealizing the Self (Continued)Upadesh : Advice Ullas : Joy Laya Chatustaka : The Four Dissolutions Laya Chatustaka : The Four Dissolutions Anubhava : Realization Bandhana and Moksha : Bondage and Liberation Asta (eight) Nirvadas : Tranquility Upasana : Inwardness Nirvikalpa : Eternal Tranquility Upasana : Inwardness Jnana : Knowledge Shanti : Peace Tattva swarup : Essence or Doctrine Advice On Knowledge Tattva : Essence of Consciousness or Doctrine Shanti Shataka : One Hundred Verses on Tranquility Vishranta : Eternal Tranquility Jivanmukta : Liberated in the embodied state Sankhyakram : Account of Verses
Highly enlightening spiritual book of self-realization.
The Ashtavakra Gita is an ancient spiritual document of great purity and power. Pure, because it is relentlessly one-pointed. Every word is aimed at triggering Self-realization-no suggestions for self-improvement, no rules for moral behavior, no practical wisdom for daily life. Powerful, because the mere reading-or repeated reading-of it can be enough to send a ripe mind reeling into Truth. Little is known about the Ashtavakra Gita. Ashtavakra is a name that appears in Indian lore, but almost certainly he did not write it. The author, likely an anonymous sage, merely uses the characters of Ashtavakra and King Janaka to set up a classic dialogue between guru and disciple. It quickly becomes a guru-guru dialogue, however, because after the first salvo of wisdom from Ashtavakra, Janaka realizes his true Self, and from then on they get into an advaitic jam session of the highest sort. Because of this, some translators have done away with the dialogue format and attributed everything to Ashtavakra. Indeed, since all the verses of the Ashtavakra Gita exist at the highest possible level of spoken wisdom, it would appear meaningless to attribute some to the teacher and some to his newly-enlightened disciple. There is nevertheless a storyline set up in the Ashtavakra Gita, which will become clear to you as you carefully read it.