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The Christian canon of scripture, known as the New Testament, excluded many of the Church's traditional stories about its origins. Although not in the Bible, these popular stories have had a powerful influence on the Church's traditions and theology, and a particularly marked effect on visual representations of Christian belief. This book provides a lucid introduction to the relationship between the apocryphal texts and the paintings, mosaics, and sculpture in which they are frequently paralleled, and which have been so significant in transmitting these non-Biblical stories to generations of churchgoers.
Understanding Early Christian Art is designed for students of both religion and of art history. It makes the critical tools of art historians accessible to students of religion, to help them understand better the visual representations of Christianity. It will also aid art historians in comprehending the complex theology, history and context of Christian art. This interdisciplinary and boundary-breaking approach will enable students in several fields to further their understanding and knowledge of the art of the early Christian era. Understanding Early Christian Art contains over fifty images with parallel text.
This volume presents a timely contribution to the growing body of scholarship on the apocryphal writings and their reception in the Middle Ages, especially in connection with visual representation. It aims to bridge what often remains disconnected, the visual art and the written text, the early Christian roots and medieval reception, the East and the West, as well as methodologies of various disciplines. The studies in this volume firstly investigate issues related to the Virgin Mary, and through them, also the status, function, and identity of women. Mary and the female element thus represent significant models and/or background figures in fields pertaining to theology, religious studies, textual studies, manuscript studies, and art history in a trans-disciplinary perspective. Secondly, the studies focus on the apostles and the Last Judgment, their visual representations and the use of apocryphal sources. The volume is divided in two parts according to two major topics: Part I dealing with Mary in the Apocrypha, and Part II focusing on the Apostles and the Last Judgment.
Apokryferna är en samling dramatiska och spännande berättelser som saknas i den hebreiska bibeln men som Martin Luther ansåg vara både bra och nyttiga att läsa. De fanns ofta med i äldre svenska biblar men försvann gradvis under 1800-talet. I den nya svenska bibelöversättningen ingår de som "Tillägg till Gamla testamentet". Elizabeth Philpot har studerat utvecklingen av apokryfiska motiv, både i katolska och protestantiska delar av Europa. Hennes forskning visar att konstnärer har fängslats av berättelserna genom århundradena, med början i Roms katakomber och fram till slutet av 1800-talet. I södra Sverige (Halland, Blekinge och Skåne) återfinns motiv från de apokryfiska böckerna på bonader och bonadsmålningar och i Dalarna på dalmålningar, vilket är unikt för hela Europa. Dalmåleri var ett folkligt måleri som utövades av självlärda småbönder i Dalarna under knappt hundra år från 1770-talet och framåt.
This is one of many texts that were removed from the Bible, centuries ago, and dates to around 200 BC. The narrative of the Book of the Watchers is told from the point of view of Enoch and not surprisingly focuses on a class of angels known as the Watchers. Watchers are featured in the fourth chapter of the Book of Daniel as well as some of the other apocryphal books that have Enoch's name attached to them. Included here are some opening remarks, which examine the text itself.
Nira Stone (1938-2013) contributed to the understanding of mediaeval Armenian art and painting. Her interest ranged over a millennium of artistic expression, and over such fields of creativity as manuscript painting, frescos, and mosaics. The volume contains her published papers and one made newly public.
Apocryphal traditions, often shared by Jews and Christians, have played a significant role in the history of both religions. The 26 essays in this volume show how such traditions were elaborated in literatures, liturgies, figurative arts and mythology, in regions ranging from Ethiopia to Italy.
"The books included in the present volume are those which, loosely speaking, we call 'The Apocrypha.' They have a strange and piercing interest of their own. They are very old; most of them are very noble of sentiment and high of purpose; yet for one reason or another they have been tightly rejected from the Holy Scriptures into which they sought admission. The origin of most of them is doubtful."-From the Introduction.