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When one thinks of the Merrimack Valley, shoe shops and mills come to mind. For that reason, it was a hotbed for Armenian immigrants following World War I and the genocide that robbed Armenia of half its population, with some 1.5 million victims lost at the hands of the Ottoman Turkish Empire and another million people uprooted from their homes and scattered to a Diaspora. Many of these refugees came to the Merrimack Valley—settling in the cities of Haverhill, Lawrence, and Lowell—to eke out a better life for themselves and their families. Aside from sweatshop labor, they sought work as barbers and mercenaries, business owners and handymen, going to night school for better English standards and keeping their rich heritage and culture intact with their churches and community centers. Despite the discrimination they faced with their “strange” names and lifestyles, the Armenians remained tenacious and resilient, contributing to the overall welfare of their new promised land.
The Merrimack Valley became home to Greeks after the great immigration to the United States in the 19th and 20th centuries. After its independence from the Ottoman Empire in 1832, Greece had inadequate resources for its citizens, which led to much hardship. Many of these refugees came to the Merrimack Valley in search of a better living. They settled in Haverhill, Lawrence, and Lowell, Massachusetts, or Concord, Manchester, and Nashua, New Hampshire, where they secured jobs in factories and mills. Those who were unable to gain employment in the manufacturing industries went into the service sector; others became self-sufficient, building restaurants, shoe shops, and grocery stores. Although they suffered discrimination because of their distinct language and culture, they were not deterred; instead, they remained focused, went about their activities in peace, and contributed immensely to the socioeconomic development of their newfound home.
In 1926 New Britain, Armenian immigrants gathered to consecrate the first Armenian church in Connecticut, coming together to celebrate their future in the New World and put their tragic past behind them. Victims of the first genocide of the 20th century, Armenians came to the Hardware City in great numbers during the 1920s. It was there they found work, freedom, and safety. Most were orphaned children or members of families separated by geography. Their first order of business was to establish a church, historically the center of Armenian society. As their numbers grew, they thrived. At its peak, the Armenian community boasted drama, choral, dance, and sports groups. They became Americans, serving their new country in war and in peace, but never forgot their roots. New Britain's Armenian Community documents their journey from terror and dislocation to security and freedom.
Lowell, Massachusetts, stands apart as an exceptional city. Bursting onto the scene in the 1820s, Lowell quickly became the workshop of America, powered by the mighty Merrimack River and staffed by tens of thousands of immigrants. Even as the mill era faded, people from around the world kept coming to live and work in Lowell. In the 1970s, community leaders imagined a new Lowell built on its legendary past and echoing its early innovation, a renewed city that is now a global model for urban revitalization. Since then, more than 400 buildings have been preserved, and the city has become a hub of higher education, a center for the arts, and home to a National Historical Park. This remarkable transformation has been fueled by the cultural vitality of its people, which is continuously refreshed by new arrivals from every corner of the globe.
Memory Fragments from the Armenian Genocide: A Mosaic of a Shared Heritage brings together thirty profiles of North Americans of Armenian descent. All exemplify the philosophy that “doing well is doing good,” a credo handed down to them by family members who lost everything when they fled from the Turkish massacres. Family stories of how survivors escaped, survived, and made new lives are filtered through the memories of succeeding generations. The profiles reflect how the actions of the survivors shaped the lives of succeeding generations. Armenian immigrants feared their heritage might be lost in North America. Their fears proved to be unfounded. Children and grandchildren retain the culture passed on to them. At the same time, they hold dear the values of the New World that enabled their families to live free of political repression. While details of their daily lives differ, most of those profiled share a reverence for education. In the New World, they flourish as intellectuals, artists, teachers, entertainers, and entrepreneurs, thereby filling leadership roles decimated by Turks early in their campaign to wipe out the Armenians. By making the most of their talents, they do homage to those who sacrificed so much.