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Zak has been captured and sent to Planet Alcatraz's "Monster Zoo" where the inmates are forced to fight for the entertainment of the Overseers--but Erro is still free and he is determined to use all his Quom survival skill to rescue is human friend.
Bran was one of the most dangerous and revered humans in the galaxy before he vowed never to fight again. His new existence is not accepted and a bounty is placed on Bran's head. When he's captured and imprisoned, the only way he can earn his freedom is to fight in The Arena If he fights, his captors will profit from television rights and gambling and he will earn his freedom. But freedom means nothing to Bran...until his captors raise the stakes. The Arena is a Science Fiction Space Opera short story, that looks at how violence can both empower and destroy
Sports are perhaps the most visible expression of the ideals of masculinity in our society, and figure as a training ground on which young boys are taught what it means to be a man. Given the involvement of sports with masculinity, the homosexual athlete becomes a paradox, and the recent explosive growth of gay sporting leagues, a puzzle. Pronger explores the paradoxical position of the gay athlete in a straight sporting world, examines the homoerotic undercurrent subliminally present in the masculine struggle of sports, and explicates the growth of gay sports in the framework of the developing gay culture.
Green Lanterns Hal Jordan and Kilowog have captured Razor, who has been manipulated by the Red Lanterns into performing evil deeds.
A history of sports in Boston told through its parks and arenas.
The Arena of Khaboom is set on the Kraken Continent, an alternative fantasy world. With the Tunnels & Trolls short rules, available by free download, a few dice and a pencil and paper, you can play a fighter to take on any of 72 pre-designed opponents. They get tougher as you progress and many have special powers. You will have plenty of chances to upgrade your abilities and maybe you will even live!
From Rose Estes, the bestselling author of Master Wolf, comes a thrilling tale of intergalactic fantasy. In the this second installment to the Hunter series, Braldt the Gladiator must battle feral horrors from the stars.
To Quest, To Win, To Progress. The Arena Awaits. As Advanced Adventurers, Daniel and his friends journey to Silverholt to attempt larger and more dangerous Dungeons. But just because they've graduated from Beginner Dungeons doesn't mean they'll get any more respect from the experienced Adventurers that make up their new city. They'll have to train, struggle and take part in an arena battle to win a chance at to enter the new Dungeon and some respect. The Adventures of Brad series is a traditional fantasy story with LitRPG elements and features a Catkin, a Healer and an enthusiastic barbarian.
The Interceptor crew fights in the Monster Arena! Can Malvir become a Red Lantern by capturing Hal? Not if Aya and Hal cook up a plan to end Malvir's tyranny first!
First published in 1973, Arena discusses the Year AD 80, when the Colosseum opened with quite the longest and most nauseating organized mass orgy in history. It was a mammoth celebration on the grandest scale, a fitting inauguration for an arena built to epitomize all the majesty and power of the Roman Empire, a building which also held the seeds of that Empire's decay and destruction. As well as his vivid account of the erection of the Colosseum, Mr Pearson discusses the origins of death spectacles and their evolution into highly organized games intended to enhance imperial prestige and provide the populace with an effective substitute for politics and war. 'Butchered to make a Roman holiday', the victims of this lust for slaughter were slaves and criminals, the human surplus of their day, coached for an almost certain death. One chapter highlights the perverted death-wish of many early would-be martyrs and decisively establishes that there is no evidence for the death of a single Christian martyr in the Colosseum. The book concludes with a brief survey of the building's subsequent history; looted and despoiled yet still the embodiment of Rome's spirit and greatness, it became a sublime romantic ruin, now exposed by slum-clearance as a gigantic traffic island. Mr Pearson is acutely aware of the violence that was endemic in Roman society, and in his shrewd analysis he draws disturbing parallels with the twentieth-century situation.