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Are You Being Deceived? This is a valid question that all Christians should ask themselves at some point in their lives. The apostle Paul said this in Romans 16" "Now I urge you, brethren, note those who cause divisions and offenses, contrary to the doctrine which you learned, and avoid them. For those who are such do not serve our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly, and by smooth words and flattering speech deceive the hearts of the simple" (Rom. 16:17-18, NKJV). So I ask you why are there so many different denominations, traditions, and interpretations of who God is and how he operates in our lives? Can they all be correct? The purpose of this book is to help you think outside the religious box and interpret the scriptures without the influence of denominational lenses. By giving you seven specific areas in which many Christians are deceived, my hope is that you're at least inspired or provoked to dig deeper in the scriptures. "Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth" (2 Tim. 2:15, NKJV). Because if done correctly, I'm certain the conclusion will be that God's on your side!
A popular presentation of God's basic laws of Christian growth that produce an abundant and effective spiritual life.
How can I be spiritual without becoming "New Age?" What does the Bible teach concerning visualization? How do Pharisees react to the move of the Holy Spirit? How can I avoid both The New Age and Phariseeism philosophies? What does the Bible say about dreams, visions, and imagination? What does the Bible say about faith versus a positive mental attitude? What does the Bible say about Journaling versus Automatic Writing? Get ready to see Christianity in a new, refreshing way. Get rid of the shackles that may be holding you back from true worship Rediscover your First Love and soar to new spiritual heights, as you find freedom - maybe for the first time. The Virklers give poignant definition to false religions and capture the essence of true Christianity in their scripturally grounded work, Am I Being Deceived? Do you know where the boundaries are? Do you know the distinguishing traits of true Christianity, Phariseesim, and the New Age Movement? You will after you have read this book. Set your borders straight, your vision high, and your passion full steam ahead. WATCH THE AUTHOR VIDEO HERE: Video Link: http: //
Paul Washer escorts readers through a biblical overview of the good news about Jesus. Presenting passage after passage from the Bible, Washer describes the holy character of God, the human problem of sin, and the divine solution found in Jesus's redemptive life, death, and resurrection for all who repent and believe. If you are interested in knowing the basic claims of the gospel or know someone exploring the truths of Christ, this succinct treatment of the greatest news the world has ever heard is just what you need.
What if everything you believed to be true was a lie? What if the only reason why it seems that religion has failed on you, is because you have been hearing lies that do not match the real God? What if the truth has been remaining hidden from you on purpose? And what if you could forgive yourself for being deceived? What if you could change your life by getting access to the real truth? For this is what this book proposes you, while answering all these questions. Here, you will obtain a direct guidance filled with personal examples, on how christians and many other religious groups are corrupted and end up corrupting others along the way, pushing them further away from the truth that God wishes everyone to know. This truth is so important, that without it, you will never know why the life of so many seems so chaotic and without a positive end, despite all the prayers and dedication to rituals of various nature. In fact, if you wish to become more religious, this book can help you correct your practice towards this truth, while avoiding being deceived as so many others have been. For this is the truth that God wishes you to access through your own existence, with your own awareness and ethics, and not just a blind faith.
GOD ENCOUNTERS ARE FOR EVERYONE! Every sincere seeker of the Lord can have God encounters! Journey with James and Michal Ann Goll as they share how they discovered a lifestyle of God encounters. You will enjoy a new depth of fellowship with God as you find yourself enjoying a new and refreshing intimacy with your Lord; an intimacy that brings the most powerful deliverance and healing in your life. You will see how God's tangible presence will: Free you from guilt Free you from bitterness and fear Heal you from pain of the past Open your heart to hear and respond to God like never before. Jim and Michal Ann Goll are seasoned prophets, recognized internationally for their work. Their exhaustive research on this topic, endlessly backed up by Scripture, is evident throughout this book. God Encounters is an excellent primer on how to move into deeper realms of the prophetic and supernatural as well how to reap the benefits of God encounters.
The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. John 10:10a NKJV Satan is the god of this world (see 2 Corinthians 4:4 and 1 John 5:19), is the “father of lies” (see John 8:44), and his job description is to “steal, and to kill, and to destroy.” In order to achieve his aims, he most often lies to us and deceives us. Satan often disguises his forces to make them look like natural problems so you’ll fight them with natural weapons. But you cannot fight a spiritual foe with natural weapons but with spiritual weapons, i.e. speaking God’s word to the devil and his demons. Unfortunately satan can disguise himself as an “angel of light,” so it is possible to be deceived by an innocent and apparently correct Christian teaching (see Matthew 24:4, 24:5; Mark 13:5, 13:6; and Luke 21:8). Often these inaccurate or incomplete teachings focus on God’s love and blessings (thus appealing to our flesh and so lead us astray (see Mark 13:22 and 1 Timothy 4:1) and do not mention His greatness, or our need to obey Him and have a reverential fear of Him. This book aims to help reveal satan’s lie and deception strategies and so empower Christians to live the Christian life that God intended. “Great book, interesting and well written based on solid evidence, documented, and not on flights of fancy or fanciful digressions or comforting in a fantastic book where you can find and discover the birth of the religion best known to the world. Through the dialogue structure, the reading is easier even if the terminology is researched and complex. At first glance it may seem pedantic, but you will be fascinated by the events described that so well dot the book.” -- Kalyan Panja , Booktica - Book Reviews
This is an inspirational guide that provides truthful and straightforward answers to life's most fundamental question --why are mankind unhappy. After over half a decade as a struggling Christian Dr. Cho has met Jesus Christ in person and came to have a strong desire to share the awakening and understanding on such fundamental questions of life and God with those who are yet struggling and agonizing to find answers. The book is very readable with illustrative pictures and anecdotes both from the Bible and the author's life story. The author hopes the readers find answers in the book both enlightening and encouraging so as to want to take the journey going back home to Eden --to find true peace and happiness, reconciled with the Creator and now having a purpose and mission in life.
What is a jealousite, you might ask? The term jealous means very watchful or careful in guarding or keeping, resentfully suspicious of a rival or a rival's influence, resentfully envious, resulting from such feelings, requiring exclusive loyalty. An "ite" is a native inhabitant, or citizen of; a descendent from or offspring of; an adherent of, believer in, or member of. A jealousite is anyone that God wants to deal with who is in need of cleansing from jealousy and envy in your territory and life, even if it's yourself. So, you've fallen into the pit of sin and jealousy and envy has a hold on you. Is it to late for you or those in your territory or life who may be struggling with this sin? The answer is no. So many are stuck or at a stand still in life, while others are watching enviously at those who are pursuing ahead. We can no longer ignore this crisis for it affects our relationships on all levels. Whether it be in your home, in the workplace, in your school, in your church, in your family, in your friendships or in your nation. Jealousy and envy is lurking through the eyes and hearts of those who are in need of a God-sized transformation. If you are tired of living an average, defeated, self-consumed and insecure life, this book was designed with you in mind. You don't have to sit back and watch others get to the finish line. You can get in the race and finish your course also. No longer do you have to compare yourself to others but you can find peace with God and others by accepting your value and worth. You, yes you, are called to make a difference and a contribution in the lives of others. This book's message is a beckoning call for healing, deliverance, restoration and forgiveness to the broken hearted. If you've been desiring to get ahead in life, to advance beyond the pain, sufferings and struggles you've been experiencing, this is your time.