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Author Grant takes readers beyond the fact of angelic appearances to show how angels influence the world. He includes new research on angels' role in personal and planetary karma, the angelic hierarchy, the origin and destiny of Christ, archangels, fallen angels, and what the Revelation really means.
The "next step" for those who want to discover angels in their lives, this book goes beyond angelic appearances to a keen new awareness of how angels influence world evolution and one's own personal psyche. You will explore new research on angels' roles in personal and planetary karma, the angelic hierarchy, the origin and destiny of Christ, archangels and fallen angels, and the meaning of angels in the Revelation.
Are We Listening To The Angels is the first book published that explores Edgar Cayce's readings on the "Angels and Unseen Forces," Michael the Archangel, and the role of guardian angels. With this book you can explore: the angels' roles in personal and planetary karma the angelic hierarchy the origin and destiny of Christ archangels and fallen angels the meaning of angels in the Revelation Please note, the paperback edition has dropcaps and illustrations by Gustave Dore and others not in the Kindle edition.
Would You Recognize an Angel if You Saw One? The majority of earth’s inhabitants believe in Angels. Yet so few of us can claim to have seen one. Why? Perhaps it’s because in order to encounter one, we first have to learn what to look for and how to look! We live in a world where the natural and supernatural overlap. Angels are constantly on mission from God and constantly at work in this world. From the Garden of Eden to the Book of Revelation, Scripture is filled with hundreds of references to these wondrous creatures. In this creative work, Scot McKnight explores what the Bible says – and doesn’t say – about these majestic beings. And that’s deeply important because angels are still on mission today. They express God’s love, confirm His presence, and even lead humans in redemptive worship. Don’t just believe in angels. Learn how to recognize these messengers of God that are all around us and know how God might be using them to affect our lives. Now available in a convenient paperback edition, The Hum of Angels illuminates what the Bible says about these heavenly beings; and it helps you to understand the deepest truths about one of God’s most magnificent and yet misunderstood creations. Most People Believe in Angels. It’s What we Believe About them that Matters. Believing in angels is one thing. But how can we know what angels are really like – especially when our preconceived notions have been mostly shape by sensationalized misinterpretations of these wondrous beings? To help sort things out, Scot McKnight untangles fact from fiction on topics such as: * Do loved ones become angels when they die? * Can we hear from angels? * Is there a hierarchy of angels? * Do we have a specific guardian angel? * Should we be scared of angels? * Are cherubs and seraphs different creatures than angels? * Do angels have wings? * Are angels worship leaders?
How to Hear Your Angels is a step-by-step manual on how to clearly receive messages from your angels and guides. The material was culled from Doreen Virtue's best-selling book Messages from Your Angels and from her workshops. Doreen has been assigning this reading material to her Angel Therapy Practitioner students for many years, and at their request has compiled the information in this handy book. Within these pages, you'll discover your communication ''style'' so that you can more easily recognize the visions, words, thoughts, and feelings you receive as Divine guidance. The book is filled with charts to help you discern the difference between true Divine guidance and the voice of the ego, and it will help you engage in clear and understandable conversations with Heaven.
Hearing the Angels Sing is a wonderfully inspiring book. Peter Sterling, in telling his uplifting story of encountering the angels and being shown his destiny as one of God's harpists, encourages readers to open to the deeper dimensions of life for themselves. There is authentic humility in suggesting that if the author seeks and receives such profound guidance from the angels, anyone can do it. In writing so openly and courageously about his life, Peter demonstrates the commitment required to work with angels as well as the rich spiritual rewards of finding one's true path. In a troubled world, reuniting with the angels is becoming a potent way for people to reconnect and reclaim their spiritual essences. Peter's exquisite Harp Magic provides a portal through which the reality of the angels can be felt and experienced. One of the pleasures of reading his book is following the author's trail of synchronicities and angelic guidance through the challenges, distractions, revelations, and obstacles to emerge as a world-class harpist in service to the angels. It is exhilarating and deeply encouraging to learn how intimately and creatively the angels can interact with our lives if we just let them. Hearing the Angels Sing is a must-read for anyone drawn to the angels, and for those who already know what a salve Peter's music is to the souls of the openhearted and the spiritually minded, the book will yet further deepen your enjoyment of Harp Magic. --Timothy Wyllie Author of Dolphins, ETs & Angels, The Return of the Rebel Angels, and coauthor of Ask Your Angels
The confidence, courage, and resolve in many of the greatest Bible heroes and world-changers are the result of a single, powerful, biblical principle. It's a principle woven into the very foundation of creation that, when applied, has the power to calm chaos, overcome obstacles, and win every battle. The secret? Activating the power of God's spoken Word.
The Miraculous Story of a Hugely Successful New Age Teacher’s Conversion to Christianity In this brilliant, utterly captivating memoir, Doreen Virtue chronicles her journey in discovering everything she believed in was a lie. She poignantly shares the price she’s paid for following Jesus. New Age teachings are based on concepts that sound almost irresistible. But as Doreen discovered, they come with a hidden price: your eternal destiny. Here is a riveting, personal confessional of how a former false prophet learned to trust God after nearly wasting a lifetime being independent and willful—trying to predict and control the future—and how Jesus saved her soul from deception and opened her eyes to His truth. Deceived No More can help you learn how to discern dangerous teachings so you can detect and avoid deception. Topics include: How to spot New Age teachings, and why they’re dangerous Biblical ways to deal with persecution, spiritual warfare, and other post-conversion issues How to witness to a New Ager
How the Angels Can Assist You in Every Area of Your Life. Healing with the Angels is an inspirational work that reveals how to work with the angels to improve your physical, mental, and emotional health. The author's case studies show how depression, anxiety, sleep disorders, and other common maladies can be lifted with angel therapy. Topics...
The Bible mentions angels nearly 300 times, yet until recently many doubted their existence.