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Il volume 32.1 è suddiviso in due parti. La prima comprende gli articoli proposti annualmente alla rivista da studiosi italiani e stranieri che illustrano ricerche archeologiche interdisciplinari in cui l’uso delle tecnologie informatiche risulta determinante per l’acquisizione, l’elaborazione e l’interpretazione dei dati. Tecniche di analisi statistica, banche dati, GIS e analisi spaziali, tecniche di rilievo tridimensionale e ricostruzioni virtuali, sistemi multimediali, contribuiscono a documentare le testimonianze del passato e a diffondere i risultati della ricerca scientifica. La seconda parte del volume contiene un inserto speciale curato da Angela Bellia e dedicato a una tematica innovativa, l’archeomusicologia, un campo di ricerca multidisciplinare che adotta i metodi dell’archeologia per lo studio della musica e della vita musicale nel mondo antico. Gli articoli s’incentrano sul ruolo delle tecnologie digitali basate sulla modellazione 3D e sulla simulazione del suono per ampliare le conoscenze sugli strumenti musicali dell’antichità e sul prezioso, ma estremamente labile, patrimonio sonoro. Chiude il volume la sezione dedicata alle Note e recensioni.
Il numero 34.1, 2022 della rivista Archeologia e Calcolatori è caratterizzato dalla pubblicazione degli Atti di due Convegni internazionali. Il primo riguarda la sedicesima edizione del Convegno ArcheoFOSS, dal titolo “Open Software, Hardware, Processes, Data and Formats in Archaeological Research”, svoltosi a Roma il 22-23 settembre 2022 presso la sede del Digilab della Sapienza Università di Roma. Gli Atti, curati da Julian Bogdani e Stefano Costa, comprendono 21 articoli che ben testimoniano il successo e la vitalità dell’iniziativa, nata nel 2006, cui si è più volte dato spazio nelle pagine della rivista. La seconda parte del volume, che raccoglie 14 contributi, è stata curata da Carlo Citter e Agostino Sotgia ed è dedicata agli Atti della Sessione speciale “Modelling the Landscape. From Prediction to Postdiction” della settima edizione della Landscape Archaeology Conference (Iași, Romania 10-15 September 2022). Si tratta di un tema dedicato all’uso dei modelli per lo studio dei paesaggi antichi, considerato sia attraverso l’approccio predittivo “tradizionale”, perché in uso dagli anni Novanta, sia attraverso quello postdittivo, che i curatori definiscono più “sperimentale”.
Il numero 35.1, 2024 di Archeologia e Calcolatori è un volume ricco e articolato che contiene tre sezioni speciali e un gruppo di 15 contributi dedicati all’applicazione delle più attuali tecnologie informatiche nei diversi settori della ricerca archeologica, in cui si nota una crescente attenzione verso il dato visuale e la modellazione virtuale. La prima sezione, curata da G. Gambacurta e F. Bortolami, è dedicata agli Atti del workshop (Venezia 25 settembre 2023) “Necropoli etrusco-italiche: archeologia digitale e paesaggio funerario”, che offrono un interessante focus sul tema della ricostruzione del paesaggio funerario attraverso le nuove tecnologie, presentando alcuni significativi casi di studio. La seconda sezione è curata da V. Fromageot-Laniepce e A.V. Szabados e tratta di “Images antiques et humanités numériques”, tematica particolarmente fertile negli studi della scuola francese. La sezione, in particolare, riferisce i risultati dei seminari ArcheoNum, organizzati dall’equipe CNRS-ArScAn con l’obiettivo di creare uno spazio di dialogo sulle questioni dell’archeologia e del patrimonio culturale digitali. La terza sezione, curata da A. Caravale. P. Moscati e I. Rossi, chiude il volume, pubblicando i primi risultati del lavoro di alcuni gruppi di ricerca impegnati nel Progetto PNRR H2IOSC, che mira a creare un cluster di Infrastrutture di Ricerca nei settori delle Scienze Umane, delle Tecnologie Linguistiche e dei Beni Culturali.
Social Complexity and Complex Systems in Archaeology turns to complex systems thinking in search of a suitable framework to explore social complexity in Archaeology. Social complexity in archaeology is commonly related to properties of complex societies such as states, as opposed to so-called simple societies such as tribes or chiefdoms. These conceptualisations of complexity are ultimately rooted in Eurocentric perspectives with problematic implications for the field of archaeology. This book provides an in-depth conceptualisation of social complexity as the core concept in archaeological and interdisciplinary studies of the past, integrating approaches from complex systems thinking, archaeological theory, social practice theory, and sustainability and resilience science. The book covers a long-term perspective of social change and stability, tracing the full cycle of complexity trajectories, from emergence and development to collapse, regeneration and transformation of communities and societies. It offers a broad vision on social complexity as a core concept for the present and future development of archaeology. This book is intended to be a valuable resource for students and scholars in the field of archaeology and related disciplines such as history, anthropology, sociology, as well as the natural sciences studying human-environment interactions in the past.
Virtual heritage has been explained as virtual reality applied to cultural heritage, but this definition only scratches the surface of the fascinating applications, tools and challenges of this fast-changing interdisciplinary field. This book provides an accessible but concise edited coverage of the main topics, tools and issues in virtual heritage. Leading international scholars have provided chapters to explain current issues in accuracy and precision; challenges in adopting advanced animation techniques; shows how archaeological learning can be developed in Minecraft; they propose mixed reality is conceptual rather than just technical; they explore how useful Linked Open Data can be for art history; explain how accessible photogrammetry can be but also ethical and practical issues for applying at scale; provide insight into how to provide interaction in museums involving the wider public; and describe issues in evaluating virtual heritage projects not often addressed even in scholarly papers. The book will be of particular interest to students and scholars in museum studies, digital archaeology, heritage studies, architectural history and modelling, virtual environments.
This volume constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Third International Conference on The Future of Heritage Science and Technologies, Florence Heri-Tech 2022, held in Florence, Italy, in May 2022. The 32 papers presented in this volume were thoroughly reviewed and selected from 101 submissions. They are organized in the topical sections on ​3D reconstruction of tangible cultural heritage and monitoring devices; IA and AR/VR based methods and applications for CH; methods and systems for enhancing heritage fruition and storytelling; virtual museums and virtual tours.
Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology (CAA)
This volume represents the third edition of a work cycle that started in 2006 for my PhD thesis. The thesis was presented in 2010 (first edition, Gattiglia 2010), partially published as a summary monograph in 2011 (second edition, Gattiglia 2011) or in articles (Gattiglia 2012, Gattiglia 2012a, Gattiglia 2011a), and now (third edition) takes the form of a more comprehensive publication in the light of new data. Over the past two years, the work study on Pisa, not only relating to the Middle Ages, continued within the MAPPA (Metodologie Applicate alla Predittività del Potenziale – Methodologies Applied to Archaeological Potential Predictivity) project, allowing a widespread collection of data thanks to which it was possible to explain more fully the hydro-geological, geomorphological and topographic context and to check (and in many cases change) part of the assumptions made.
SEEING THE UNSEEN. GEOPHYSICS AND LANDSCAPE ARCHAEOLOGY is a collection of papers presented at the advanced XV International Summer School in ArchaeologyGeophysics for Landscape Archaeology (Grosseto, Italy, 10-18 July 2006). Bringing together the experience of some of the worlds greatest experts in the field of archaeological prospection, the
Rebetiko Worlds invites the reader to share the experience of rebetiko music-making in the city of Thessaloniki today. It aims at representing an ethnographic world made of diverse realities united by the melancholic sounds of rebetiko songs. Rather than a musicological account on rebetiko music, this ethnography is about the human encounters happening in certain rebetiko venues of the Ano Poli area in Thessaloniki. How do people perceive, practice, feel and imagine rebetiko song—a music tradition coming from the beginning of the 20th century—today? What are the worldviews embodied and inspired in the context of the ongoing rebetiko performances? And, how may the exploration of rebetiko revivalist culture convey understandings of broader music-cultural orientations defining contemporary Greek society? This ethnography is primarily interested in knowing contemporary rebetiko culture as a ‘lived experience’. It captures instances of the life-worlds of the people involved in the rebetiko revival, which unravel the ways local traditions are re-defined in the context of the nostalgic re-invention of ‘ethnic’ music in postcolonial times. On this level, the representation of the discourses and aesthetics associated with rebetiko performances today instigate further interpretations of local cultural trends, the visions of ‘our’ future triggered by the mythicized representations of ‘our’ past. Beyond a window to the rebetiko worlds of today, this book recounts the story of an ethnographer engaged in fieldwork ‘at home’. It aims at communicating the dynamics of reflexivity shaping the ethnographic self by proposing an understanding of the fieldwork experience as a ‘special ontology’. In this way, it reveals the various dilemmas, moments of enthusiasm and moments of despair lived in the process of research in an attempt to illuminate the poetics of the subjective cultural knowledge. Rebetiko Worlds incites the reader to share the poetics of ethnographic ‘fiction’ and interpretation and, through this, the gradual ‘making’ of the ethnomusicologist in the field.