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The six- and eight-vertex models originate in statistical mechanics for crystal lattices with hydrogen bonds. The first such model was introduced by Linus Pauling in 1935 to account for the residual entropy of water ice. The family of models not only are among the most extensively studied topics in physics, but also have fascinated chemists, mathematicians, theoretical computer scientists, and others, with thousands of papers studying their properties and connections to other fields. In this dissertation, we study the computational complexity of approximately counting and sampling in the six- and eight-vertex models on various classes of underlying graphs. First, we study the approximability of the partition function on general 4-regular graphs, classified according to the parameters of the models. Our complexity results conform to the phase transition phenomenon from physics due to the change in temperature. We introduce a quantum decomposition of the six- and eight-vertex models and prove a set of closure properties in various regions of the parameter space. These regions of the parameter space are concordant with the phase transition threshold. Using these closure properties, we derive polynomial time approximation algorithms via Markov chain Monte Carlo in some parameter space in the high temperature regime. In some other parameter space in the high temperature regime, we prove that the problem is (at least) as hard as approximately counting perfect matchings, a central open problem in this field. We also show that the six- and eight-vertex models are NP-hard to approximate in the whole low temperature regime on general 4-regular graphs. We then study the six- and eight-vertex models on more restricted classes of 4-regular graphs, including planar graphs and bipartite graphs. We give the first polynomial time approximation algorithm for the partition function in the low temperature regime on planar and on bipartite graphs. Our results show that the six- and eight-vertex models are the first problems with the provable property that while NP-hard to approximate on general graphs (even #P-hard for planar graphs in exact complexity), they possess efficient approximation schemes on both bipartite graphs and planar graphs in substantial regions of the parameter space. Finally, we study the square lattice six- and eight-vertex models. We prove that natural Markov chains for these models are mixing torpidly in the low temperature regime. Moreover, we give the first efficient approximate counting and sampling algorithms for the six- and the eight-vertex models on the square lattice at sufficiently low temperatures.
Computer science and physics have been closely linked since the birth of modern computing. In recent years, an interdisciplinary area has blossomed at the junction of these fields, connecting insights from statistical physics with basic computational challenges. Researchers have successfully applied techniques from the study of phase transitions to analyze NP-complete problems such as satisfiability and graph coloring. This is leading to a new understanding of the structure of these problems, and of how algorithms perform on them. Computational Complexity and Statistical Physics will serve as a standard reference and pedagogical aid to statistical physics methods in computer science, with a particular focus on phase transitions in combinatorial problems. Addressed to a broad range of readers, the book includes substantial background material along with current research by leading computer scientists, mathematicians, and physicists. It will prepare students and researchers from all of these fields to contribute to this exciting area.
Computer science and physics have been closely linked since the birth of modern computing. In recent years, an interdisciplinary area has blossomed at the junction of these fields, connecting insights from statistical physics with basic computational challenges. Researchers have successfully applied techniques from the study of phase transitions to analyze NP-complete problems such as satisfiability and graph coloring. This is leading to a new understanding of the structure of these problems, and of how algorithms perform on them. Computational Complexity and Statistical Physics will serve as a standard reference and pedagogical aid to statistical physics methods in computer science, with a particular focus on phase transitions in combinatorial problems. Addressed to a broad range of readers, the book includes substantial background material along with current research by leading computer scientists, mathematicians, and physicists. It will prepare students and researchers from all of these fields to contribute to this exciting area.
In each generation, scientists must redefine their fields: abstracting, simplifying and distilling the previous standard topics to make room for new advances and methods. Sethna's book takes this step for statistical mechanics - a field rooted in physics and chemistry whose ideas and methods are now central to information theory, complexity, and modern biology. Aimed at advanced undergraduates and early graduate students in all of these fields, Sethna limits his main presentation to the topics that future mathematicians and biologists, as well as physicists and chemists, will find fascinating and central to their work. The amazing breadth of the field is reflected in the author's large supply of carefully crafted exercises, each an introduction to a whole field of study: everything from chaos through information theory to life at the end of the universe.
Sethna distills the core ideas of statistical mechanics to make room for new advances important to information theory, complexity, and modern biology. He explores everything from chaos through to life at the end of the universe.
Partition functions arise in combinatorics and related problems of statistical physics as they encode in a succinct way the combinatorial structure of complicated systems. The main focus of the book is on efficient ways to compute (approximate) various partition functions, such as permanents, hafnians and their higher-dimensional versions, graph and hypergraph matching polynomials, the independence polynomial of a graph and partition functions enumerating 0-1 and integer points in polyhedra, which allows one to make algorithmic advances in otherwise intractable problems. The book unifies various, often quite recent, results scattered in the literature, concentrating on the three main approaches: scaling, interpolation and correlation decay. The prerequisites include moderate amounts of real and complex analysis and linear algebra, making the book accessible to advanced math and physics undergraduates.
This concise primer (based on lectures given at summer schools on complex systems and on a masters degree course in complex systems modeling) will provide graduate students and newcomers to the field with the basic knowledge of the concepts and methods of statistical physics and its potential for application to interdisciplinary topics. Indeed, in recent years, statistical physics has begun to attract the interest of a broad community of researchers in the field of complex system sciences, ranging from biology to the social sciences, economics and computer science. More generally, a growing number of graduate students and researchers feel the need to learn some basic concepts and questions originating in other disciplines without necessarily having to master all of the corresponding technicalities and jargon. Generally speaking, the goals of statistical physics may be summarized as follows: on the one hand to study systems composed of a large number of interacting ‘entities’, and on the other to predict the macroscopic (or collective) behavior of the system considered from the microscopic laws ruling the dynamics of the individual ‘entities’. These two goals are, to some extent, also shared by what is nowadays called ‘complex systems science’ and for these reasons, systems studied in the framework of statistical physics may be considered as among the simplest examples of complex systems—allowing in addition a rather well developed mathematical treatment.
A new and updated edition of the successful Statistical Mechanics: Entropy, Order Parameters and Complexity from 2006. Statistical mechanics is a core topic in modern physics. Innovative, fresh introduction to the broad range of topics of statistical mechanics today, by brilliant teacher and renowned researcher.
Analyzes approaches to the study of complexity in the physical, biological, and social sciences.
This book documents the state of the art in combinatorial optimization, presenting approximate solutions of virtually all relevant classes of NP-hard optimization problems. The wealth of problems, algorithms, results, and techniques make it an indispensible source of reference for professionals. The text smoothly integrates numerous illustrations, examples, and exercises.