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Alors que le précédent volume de la collection était plus spécifiquement centré sur les nouveaux rôles de l'Etat dans le contexte de la mondialisation, cet ouvrage examine quelques unes des nombreuses initiatives qui s'inscrivent dans le mouvement citoyen que la société civile développe afin de donner aux décisions économiques un caractère éthique.
This publication brings together some of the contributions to the annual Forum held in October 2003, organised by the Council of Europe's Social Cohesion Development Division, on the theme of how to promote social cohesion and security through renewed socio-economic governance. Whilst acknowledging the importance of law and order, the papers makes the point that guaranteeing people's right to live in security requires a long-term strategy to strengthen justice, social bonds and community life. If this is not present, there is a risk that positive cohesion, based on acceptance of mutual responsibility and solidarity, will give way to negative cohesion, based on fear and raising of barriers against groups perceived as a threat.
Dans la recherche de cohésion sociale, les auteurs préconisent l'action à long terme recherchant la synergie entre acteurs locaux, population et institutions afin d'encourager la responsabilité mutuelle et les valeurs de solidarité.
Although the work place has become significantly more flexible in the former socialist countries of central and eastern Europe, the realities of their social institutional systems must be taken into account in any development strategies that aim to unite flexibility and security objectives. This volume seeks to contribute to a pan-European reflection on the concepts and issues of labour flexibility and social cohesion.
This volume on labour flexibility invites readers to question the effects of labour market institutional and organisational reforms on social cohesion. The Council of Europe suggests reconciling social cohesion with the inevitable changes wrought by globalisation, namely the reorganisation of the parameters governing competition. This reconciliation should take into account the essential political value of democratic security, to be found firstly in employment; the high social and societal cost of precariousness attests to this. However, security should not imply rigidity. It should rather translate into societal recognition of a "right to transition" which calls for co-responsibility on the part of all social actors and stakeholders. Reconciliation is more than a political duty, it is a prerequisite for the stability necessary for social sustainability. It should therefore raise awareness of the need to find new ways of fairly sharing the costs and benefits such transitions create. -- Council of Europe.
Ce volume contient des pistes de réflexion concernant deux questions relatives aux effets du sentiment d'insécurité sur la cohésion sociale : pourquoi la société européenne d'aujourd'hui - porteuse dans son patrimoine des gènes de la solidarité et d'identité collective - est-elle créatrice d'une demande sécuritaire pouvant parfois paraître irrationnelle ? Y a-t-il des moyens institutionnels et politiques pour déconstruire ces sentiments d'insécurité et la peur qui s'installe dans nos sociétés, parallèlement à la mondialisation ? Les textes présentés invitent à éviter de stigmatiser, de criminaliser, de " ghettoïser ", de désigner des boucs émissaires, et lancent un appel à rechercher les voies qui permettront de déconstruire la peur (d'autrui) qui cloisonne et d'ouvrir nos sociétés à des initiatives menant à la mondialisation de la solidarité, dans la reconnaissance des droits de tous, au-delà de tout stéréotype.
Far from considering the integration problems faced by migrants to be the result of alleged «cultural incompatibility, the articles and conversations in this volume reflect on the combined effects of exclusion stemming from social policy and policy on immigration, employment and nationality. Furthermore, as «intercultural competencies developed in certain hospitals and schools have clearly shown, there are other, much more effective strategies for treating differences in a favourable light which make social rights more accessible to all. These alternative approaches can effectively help to foster social cohesion only if migrants themselves are committed to them, in particular as recognised political players in the European public arena.
These reflections on the sharing of social responsibilities as proposed by the Council of Europe pave the way for asserting concepts and forms of behaviour that, while acknowledging differences in status and authority, can nevertheless promote multiple opportunities for deliberation, joint decision making, co-operation and reciprocity between stakeholders. If we are to avoid conflict and destruction in the face of growing interdependence, it is essential to reformulate current social choices, ensuring that social, intergenerational and environmental justice lie at their very heart. This volume, like the previous one on the same theme, calls us to take action by once again heeding a key social function: when making choices and decisions, taking into consideration the expectations and preferences of the different players and citizens, and in so doing to promote transparency. Failure to exercise this function will destroy our human, natural and knowledge - and solidarity-base
A publication that has received political and financial support from the Directorate General of Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities of the European Commission.