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Ce volume contient des pistes de réflexion concernant deux questions relatives aux effets du sentiment d'insécurité sur la cohésion sociale : pourquoi la société européenne d'aujourd'hui - porteuse dans son patrimoine des gènes de la solidarité et d'identité collective - est-elle créatrice d'une demande sécuritaire pouvant parfois paraître irrationnelle ? Y a-t-il des moyens institutionnels et politiques pour déconstruire ces sentiments d'insécurité et la peur qui s'installe dans nos sociétés, parallèlement à la mondialisation ? Les textes présentés invitent à éviter de stigmatiser, de criminaliser, de " ghettoïser ", de désigner des boucs émissaires, et lancent un appel à rechercher les voies qui permettront de déconstruire la peur (d'autrui) qui cloisonne et d'ouvrir nos sociétés à des initiatives menant à la mondialisation de la solidarité, dans la reconnaissance des droits de tous, au-delà de tout stéréotype.
A striking account of a colony for the mentally ill that forces a reconsideration of madness in society. What happens when the mentally ill are not isolated from society but are instead welcomed into it and invited to take a place in the fabric of the community? Are fear and rejection replaced by the understanding and sympathy often engendered by familiarity? Or are the barriers between the sane and the mad only strengthened? We have experienced a taste of this scenario in the U.S. in the last decade with the new emphasis on de-institutionalization, but Denise Jodelet takes us to an extraordinary community in France where the mentally ill have assumed a visible and prominent role for more than seventy years. The small French town of Ainay-le-Ch�teau and its environs are the site of a "family colony" for men, established in 1900. Here the patients ("lodgers") live with ordinary families ("foster parents"), hold jobs, and are free to move about the countryside. Jodelet's chronicle of daily life in the colony is made rich and vivid by extensive ethnographic material as she unravels a complex set of relationships, ultimately finding that while some of the barriers between the "other" and the larger society have been overcome, new ones have arisen in their place. This unique social experiment provides invaluable social and cultural insights, illuminating many fundamental issues in psychology, psychiatry, and sociology.
The linguistic integration of migrants affects every aspect of settling in a new country (employment, health, etc.). The aim of this collection of texts is to propose a number of specific measures member states can take to help adult migrants become acquainted with the language of the host country. The main focus is on organising language courses that meet migrants’ real communication needs. It is not enough for authorities simply to consider the technical aspects of such courses, they should also design and conduct them in accordance with the fundamental values of the Council of Europe. A number of issues concerning the linguistic integration of adult migrants are presented here, beginning with the notion of linguistic integration itself. Family reunion, the nature of citizenship and the function of language tests, among others, are dealt with from the point of view of language and language use. Readers are invited to reflect on the type of language competences that need to be acquired as well as an appropriate use of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. The collection also sets out approaches and instruments designed to assist in implementing effective policies.
An overview of the press and mass media in Africa today and their contribution to democratization
Today, electoral authoritarianism represents the most common form of political regime in the developing world - and the one we know least about. Filling in the lacuna, this book presents cutting-edge research on the internal dynamics of electoral authoritarian regimes.
Sheds new light on Sarajevo as a cosmopolitan gem deserving of a central role in the world's cultural, social, and political history
This is the first up-to-date text written specifically for the international market on psychology in the community. Community Psychology covers the history and foundations of the field, key concepts and values, community research, community action, and the application of psychology in various settings, integrating the values/politics and scientific/research aspects of community work. Written by experienced authors in the field, this text will be internationally invaluable.
As the annual peer-reviewed publication of the International Comparative Literature Association (ICLA), Recherche littéraire / Literary Research is an Open Access journal published by Peter Lang. Its mission is to inform comparative literature scholars worldwide of recent contributions to the field. To that end, it publishes scholarly essays, review essays discussing recent research developments in particular sub-fields of the discipline, as well as reviews of books on comparative topics. Scholarly essays are submitted to a double-blind peer review. Submissions by early-career comparative literature scholars are strongly encouraged. En tant que publication annuelle de l'Association internationale de littérature comparée (AILC), Recherche littéraire / Literary Research est une revue expertisée par des pair·e·s et publiée par Peter Lang en libre accès voie dorée. Elle vise à faire connaître aux comparatistes du monde entier les développements récents de la discipline. Dans ce but, la revue publie des articles de recherche scientifique, des essais critiques dressant l'état des lieux d'un domaine particulier de la littérature comparée, ainsi que des comptes rendus de livres sur des sujets comparatistes. Les articles de recherche sont soumis à une évaluation par des pair·e·s en double anonyme. Des soumissions par de jeunes chercheuses et chercheurs en littérature comparée sont fortement encouragées.