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Exploring the inner motivations of one of America’s greatest religious thinkers, this book analyses the ways in which Jonathan Edwards' intense personal piety and deep experience of divine sovereignty drove an introverted intellectual along a course that would eventually develop into a mature and respected public intellectual. Throughout his life, the tension between his innately contemplative nature and the active demands of public office was a constant source of internal and public strife for Edwards. Approaching Jonathan Edwards offers a new theoretical approach to the study of Edwards, with an emphasis on his writing activity as the key strategy in shaping his legacy. Tracing Edwards’ strategic self-fashioning of his persona through the many conflicts in which he was engaged, the critical turning points in his life, and his strategies for managing conflicts and crises, Carol Ball concludes that Edwards found his place as a superlative contemplative apologist and theorist of experiential spirituality.
Approaching Jonathan Edwards offers a new theoretical approach to the study of Edwards, with an emphasis on his writing activity as the key strategy in shaping his legacy. This book analyses the ways in which Jonathan Edwards' intense personal piety and deep experience of divine sovereignty drove an introverted intellectual along a course that would eventually develop into a mature and respected public intellectual.
Everyone has wanted their favorite book to be real, if only for a moment. Everyone has wished to meet their favorite characters, if only for a day. But be careful in that wish, for even a history laid in ink can be repaid in flesh and blood, and reality is far deadlier than fiction . . . especially on Addington Isle. Winterset Hollow follows a group of friends to the place that inspired their favorite book-a timeless tale about a tribe of animals preparing for their yearly end-of-summer festival. But after a series of shocking discoveries, they find that much of what the world believes to be fiction is actually fact, and that the truth behind their beloved story is darker and more dangerous than they ever imagined. It's Barley Day . . . and you're invited to the hunt. Winterset Hollow is as thrilling as it is terrifying and as smart as it is surprising. A uniquely original story filled with properly unexpected twists and turns, Winterset Hollow delivers complex, indelible characters and pulse- pounding action as it storms toward an unforgettable climax that will leave you reeling. How do you celebrate Barley Day? You run, friend. You run. Jonathan Edward Durham was born near Philadelphia in one of many rust-belt communities where he read voraciously throughout his youth. After attending the College of William & Mary, where he received a degree in neuroscience, Jonathan waded into the professional world before deciding he was better suited for more artistic pursuits. He now lives in California where he writes to bring a unique voice to the space between the timeless wonder of his favorite childhood stories and the pop sensibilities of his adolescent literary indulgences.
Much attention has been given to Edwards in relation to his Puritan and Calvinist forebears; however, in this text, McClymond examines Edwards in relation to his 18th-century intellectual context.
This classic is organized as follows: Introduction Containing Explanations of Terms and General Positions Chapter I. Wherein Is Considered, What Reason Teaches Concerning This Affair. Section I. Some things observed in general, which reason dictates Section II. Some further observations concerning those things which reason leads us to suppose God aimed at in the creation of the world Section III. Wherein it is considered how, on the supposition of God’s making the aforementioned things his last end, he manifests a supreme and ultimate regard to himself in all his works Section IV. Some objections considered, which may be made against the reasonableness of what has been said of God making himself his last end. Chapter II. Wherein If It Is Inquired, What Is To Be Learned From Holy Scriptures, Concerning God’s Last End In The Creation Of The World Section I. The Scriptures represent God as making himself his own last end in the creation of the world Section II. Wherein some positions are advanced concerning a just method of arguing in this affair, from what we find in the Holy Scriptures Section III. Particular texts of Scripture, that show that God’s glory is an ultimate end of the creation Section IV. Places of Scripture that lead us to suppose, that God created the world for his name, to make his perfections known; and that he made it for his praise. Section V. Places of Scripture from whence it may be argued, that communication of good to the creature, was one thing which God had in view, as an ultimate end of the creation of the world. Section VI. Wherein is considered what is meant by the glory of God and the name of God in Scripture, when spoken of as God’s end in his works Section VII. Showing that the ultimate End of the Creation of the World is but one, and what that one end is.
This Handbook offers a state-of-the-art summary of scholarship on Jonathan Edwards by a diverse, international, and inter-disciplinary group of active Edwards scholars.
In Holy Living, author Matthew Everhard explores the “resolutions” Jonathan Edwards wrote when he was just nineteen years old, revealing how they are still beneficial to Christians today. Though not yet ordained, Edwards (1703-1758) wrote these short but powerful aphorisms to guide his life, and now they offer spiritual guidance to a modern audience as well. Following a brief biography of Edwards, the book then looks at each resolution under three main categories: (1) existential (considering the purpose of life); (2) ethical (considering the duty and character of the Christian); and (3) eschatological (preparing for the brevity of life followed by death and eternity). Lay readers, pastors, students, church elders, and study group members will find troves of timeless wisdom and guidance for how to live the Christian life. The book is divided into five sections: An Introduction to the Life of Jonathan Edwards The Meaning and Purpose of Life How Should We Then Live? The Brevity of Life and Eternal World to Come Why Did Jonathan Edwards Stop Using the Resolutions? It includes the following topics: Edwards’s Youth and Conversion to Christ The Early Pastoral Years The Writing of the Resolutions Faith and Assurance Peace Relationships and Self-Control The Brevity of Life Heaven and Hell Between Antinomianism and Legalism Reflections of a More Mature Saint Resolutions and the Gospel of Grace
Among his many accomplishments, Jonathan Edwards was an effective mentor who trained many leaders for the church in colonial America, but his pastoral work is often overlooked. Rhys S. Bezzant investigates the background, method, theological rationale, and legacy of his mentoring ministry. Edwards did what mentors normally do--he met with individuals to discuss ideas and grow in skills. But Bezzant shows that Edwards undertook these activities in a distinctly modern or affective key. His correspondence is written in an informal style; his understanding of friendship and conversation takes up the conventions of the great metropolitan cities of Europe. His pedagogical commitments are surprisingly progressive and his aspirations for those he mentored are bold and subversive. When he explains his mentoring practice theologically, he expounds the theme of seeing God face to face, summarized in the concept of the beatific vision, which recognizes that human beings learn through the example of friends as well as through the exposition of propositions. In this book the practice of mentoring is presented as an exchange between authority and agency, in which the more experienced person empowers the other, whose own character and competencies are thus nurtured. More broadly, the book is a case study in cultural engagement, for Edwards deliberately takes up certain features of the modern world in his mentoring and yet resists other pressures that the Enlightenment generated. If his world witnessed the philosophical evacuation of God from the created order, then Edwards's mentoring is designed to draw God back into an intimate connection with human experience.
While there were earlier biographies and memoirs of Jonathan Edwards, the great eighteenth-century religious figure, than the one written by A. V. G. Allen, they were apologetic versions that had been produced by Edwards's disciples. Allen's stands out as the first to approach the life of Edwards comprehensively and critically, attempting to discern the positive and negative elements in his thought. Nearly forgotten today, Allen's book deserves a place among the landmark studies on Edwards.