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Gene regulatory networks dynamically control the expression levels of all the genes, and are the keys in explaining various phenotypes and biological processes. The advance of high-throughput measurement technology, such as microarray and next-generation sequencing, enabled us to globally scrutinize various cell properties related to gene regulation and build statistical models to make quantitative predictions. The evolutionary process has left all kinds of traces in the current biological systems. The study of the evolution of gene regulatory networks in comparable cell types across species is an efficient method to unravel such evolutionary traces and help us to better understand the regulatory mechanism. The two main themes of my research are: analysing various "omics" data in the evolutionary context to identify conservation and changes in gene regulatory networks; and building computational models to incorporate different "omics" data for the annotation of genomes and prediction of evolution in gene regulation. The second chapter of my thesis described a computational algorithm for de novo prediction of transcription factor binding site motifs in multiple species. The algorithm, named "GibbsModule", uses three information sources to improve the prediction power, which are 1)co-expressed genes sharing the same set of motifs; 2)binding sites co-localizing to form modules; and 3)the conservation for the use of motifs across species. We developed a Gibbs sampling procedure to incorporate the three information sources. GibbsModule out-performed the existing algorithms on several synthetic and real datasets. When applied to study the binding regions of KLF in embryonic stem cells, GibbsModule discovered a new functional motif. We also used ChIP followed by qPCR to demonstrate that the binding affinity of GibbsModule predicted binding sites are stronger than non-predicted motifs. Both genome sequence and gene expression carry information about gene regulation. Therefore, we can learn more about gene regulatory networks by jointly analysing sequence and expression data. In the third chapter of my thesis, we first introduced a comparative study of the pre-implantation process of embryos in three mammalian species: human, mouse, and cow. We measured time course expression profiles of the embryos during the early development, and analysed them together with genome sequence data and ChIP-seq data. We observed a large portion of changed homologous gene expression, suggesting a prevalent rewiring of gene regulation. We associated the changes of gene expression with different types of cis-changes on the genome sequences. Especially, we found about 10% of species specific transposons are carrying multiple functional binding sites, which are likely to explain the evolution of gene expression. The second part of this chapter presented a phylogenetic model that incorporated the change of motif use and gene expression to infer the rewiring of gene regulatory networks. Epi-genetic modifications, including histone modifications and DNA methylation, are known to be associated with gene regulation. In chapter four, we studied the evolution of epi-genomes in pluripotent stem cells of human, mice, and pigs. We observed the conservation of epi-genomes in different categories of genomic regions. We found the evidence of positive and negative selections on the evolution of epi-genomes. Using linear regression models, the evolution of epi-genomes can largely explain the evolution of gene expression. In the second part of this chapter, we introduced a statistical model to describe the evolution of genomes considering both the DNA sequences and epi-genetic modifications. Based on the evolutionary model, we improved the current alignment algorithm with the information of epi-genetic modification distributions.
This book serves as an introduction to the myriad computational approaches to gene regulatory modeling and analysis, and is written specifically with experimental biologists in mind. Mathematical jargon is avoided and explanations are given in intuitive terms. In cases where equations are unavoidable, they are derived from first principles or, at the very least, an intuitive description is provided. Extensive examples and a large number of model descriptions are provided for use in both classroom exercises as well as self-guided exploration and learning. As such, the book is ideal for self-learning and also as the basis of a semester-long course for undergraduate and graduate students in molecular biology, bioengineering, genome sciences, or systems biology./a
Introducing a handbook for gene regulatory network research using evolutionary computation, with applications for computer scientists, computational and system biologists This book is a step-by-step guideline for research in gene regulatory networks (GRN) using evolutionary computation (EC). The book is organized into four parts that deliver materials in a way equally attractive for a reader with training in computation or biology. Each of these sections, authored by well-known researchers and experienced practitioners, provides the relevant materials for the interested readers. The first part of this book contains an introductory background to the field. The second part presents the EC approaches for analysis and reconstruction of GRN from gene expression data. The third part of this book covers the contemporary advancements in the automatic construction of gene regulatory and reaction networks and gives direction and guidelines for future research. Finally, the last part of this book focuses on applications of GRNs with EC in other fields, such as design, engineering and robotics. • Provides a reference for current and future research in gene regulatory networks (GRN) using evolutionary computation (EC) • Covers sub-domains of GRN research using EC, such as expression profile analysis, reverse engineering, GRN evolution, applications • Contains useful contents for courses in gene regulatory networks, systems biology, computational biology, and synthetic biology • Delivers state-of-the-art research in genetic algorithms, genetic programming, and swarm intelligence Evolutionary Computation in Gene Regulatory Network Research is a reference for researchers and professionals in computer science, systems biology, and bioinformatics, as well as upper undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate students. Hitoshi Iba is a Professor in the Department of Information and Communication Engineering, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, at the University of Tokyo, Toyko, Japan. He is an Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation and the journal of Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines. Nasimul Noman is a lecturer in the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the University of Newcastle, NSW, Australia. From 2002 to 2012 he was a faculty member at the University of Dhaka, Bangladesh. Noman is an Editor of the BioMed Research International journal. His research interests include computational biology, synthetic biology, and bioinformatics.
Abstract: Elucidating the structure and function of biological interaction networks is a major challenge of the post-genomic era; the development of methods to infer these networks has thus been an active area of research. In this work, I describe an integrated experimental/computational strategy for reverse-engineering gene regulatory networks called NIR (Network Inference by multiple Regression), derived from a branch of engineering known as system identification. This method uses mRNA expression changes in response to network gene perturbations to formulate a first-order model of functional interactions between genes in the chosen network, providing a quantitative, directed and unsupervised description of transcriptional regulatory interactions. This approach was first applied to nine genes from the SOS pathway in the model prokaryote Escherichia coli, where it correctly identified RecA and LexA as key transcriptional regulators responding to DNA damage. Further, the quantitative network model was used to distinguish the transcriptional targets of pharmacological compounds, an important consideration in drug development and discovery. In the model eukaryote Saccharomyces cerevisiae, I applied the NIR method to ten genes from the glucose-responsive Snf 1 pathway. The network model inferred from this analysis correctly identified the major transcriptional regulators, and revealed a greater degree of complexity for this pathway than previously known. The majority of putative novel interactions were subsequently verified using gene deletions and chromatin immunoprecipitation experiments. This new, validated network architecture was then used to identify and experimentally confirm combinatorial transcriptional regulation of yeast aging, a mechanism not likely to be identified in the absence of knowledge of the network structure. Overall, these results demonstrate the utility of our inference approach to characterize smaller gene regulatory networks at a higher level of detail, and to successfully use the network model to gain new insights into complex biological processes.
Modern genetics has been transformed by a dramatic explosion of data. As sample sizes and the number of measured data types grow, the need for computational methods tailored to deal with these noisy and complex datasets increases. In this thesis, we develop and apply integrated computational and biological approaches for two genetic problems. First, we build a statistical model for genetic mapping using pooled sequencing, a powerful and efficient technique for rapidly unraveling the genetic basis of complex traits. Our approach explicitly models the pooling process and genetic parameters underlying the noisy observed data, and we use it to calculate accurate intervals that contain the targeted regions of interest. We show that our model outperforms simpler alternatives that do not use all available marker data in a principled way. We apply this model to study several phenotypes in yeast, including the genetic basis of the surprising phenomenon of strain-specific essential genes. We demonstrate the complex genetic basis of many of these strain-specific viability phenotypes and uncover the influence of an inherited virus in modifying their effects. Second, we design a statistical model that uses additional functional information describing large sets of genetic variants in order to predict which variants are likely to cause phenotypic changes. Our technique is able to learn complicated relationships between candidate features and can accommodate the additional noise introduced by training on groups of candidate variants, instead of single labeled variants. We apply this model to a large genetic mapping study in yeast by collecting multiple genome-wide functional measurements. By using our model, we demonstrate the importance of several molecular phenotypes in predicting genetic impact. The common themes in this thesis are the development of computational models that accurately reflect the underlying biological processes and the integration of carefully controlled biological experiments to test and utilize our new models.
Technologies collectively called omics enable simultaneous measurement of an enormous number of biomolecules; for example, genomics investigates thousands of DNA sequences, and proteomics examines large numbers of proteins. Scientists are using these technologies to develop innovative tests to detect disease and to predict a patient's likelihood of responding to specific drugs. Following a recent case involving premature use of omics-based tests in cancer clinical trials at Duke University, the NCI requested that the IOM establish a committee to recommend ways to strengthen omics-based test development and evaluation. This report identifies best practices to enhance development, evaluation, and translation of omics-based tests while simultaneously reinforcing steps to ensure that these tests are appropriately assessed for scientific validity before they are used to guide patient treatment in clinical trials.
Genetic Regulatory Networks (GRNs) in biological organisms are primary engines for cells to enact their engagements with environments, via incessant, continually active coupling. In differentiated multicellular organisms, tremendous complexity has arisen in the course of evolution of life on earth. Engineering and science have so far achieved no working system that can compare with this complexity, depth and scope of organization. Abstracting the dynamics of genetic regulatory control to a computational framework in which artificial GRNs in artificial simulated cells differentiate while connected in a changing topology, it is possible to apply Darwinian evolution in silico to study the capacity of such developmental/differentiated GRNs to evolve. In this volume an evolutionary GRN paradigm is investigated for its evolvability and robustness in models of biological clocks, in simple differentiated multicellularity, and in evolving artificial developing 'organisms' which grow and express an ontogeny starting from a single cell interacting with its environment, eventually including a changing local neighbourhood of other cells. These methods may help us understand the genesis, organization, adaptive plasticity, and evolvability of differentiated biological systems, and may also provide a paradigm for transferring these principles of biology's success to computational and engineering challenges at a scale not previously conceivable.
Abstract: "Gene regulation is a central biological process whose disruption can lead to many diseases. This process is largely controlled by a dynamic network of transcription factors interacting with specific genes to control their expression. Time series microarray gene expression experiments have become a widely used technique to study the dynamics of this process. This thesis introduces new computational methods designed to better utilize data from these experiments and to integrate this data with static transcription factor-gene interaction data to analyze and model the dynamics of gene regulation. The first method, STEM (Short Time-series Expression Miner), is a clustering algorithm and software specifically designed for short time series expression experiments, which represent the substantial majority of experiments in this domain. The second method, DREM (Dynamic Regulatory Events Miner), integrates transcription factor-gene interactions with time series expression data to model regulatory networks while taking into account their dynamic nature. The method uses an Input-Output Hidden Markov Model to identify bifurcation points in the time series expression data. While the method can be readily applied to some species, the coverage of experimentally determined transcription factor-gene interactions in most species is limited. To address this we introduce two methods to improve the computational predictions of these interactions. The first of these methods, SEREND (SEmi-supervised REgulatory Network Discoverer), motivated by the species E. coli is a semi-supervised learning method that uses verified transcription factor-gene interactions, DNA sequence binding motifs, and gene expression data to predict new interactions. We also present a method motivated by human genomic data, that combines motif information with a probabilistic prior on transcription factor binding at each location in the organism's genome, which it infers based on a diverse set of genomic properties. We applied these methods to yeast, E. coli, and human cells. Our methods successfully predicted interactions and pathways, many of which have been experimentally validated. Our results indicate that by explicitly addressing the temporal nature of regulatory networks we can obtain accurate models of dynamic interaction networks in the cell."
This comprehensively revised second edition of Computational Systems Biology discusses the experimental and theoretical foundations of the function of biological systems at the molecular, cellular or organismal level over temporal and spatial scales, as systems biology advances to provide clinical solutions to complex medical problems. In particular the work focuses on the engineering of biological systems and network modeling. Logical information flow aids understanding of basic building blocks of life through disease phenotypes Evolved principles gives insight into underlying organizational principles of biological organizations, and systems processes, governing functions such as adaptation or response patterns Coverage of technical tools and systems helps researchers to understand and resolve specific systems biology problems using advanced computation Multi-scale modeling on disparate scales aids researchers understanding of dependencies and constraints of spatio-temporal relationships fundamental to biological organization and function.