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The Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT) commissioned the construction of six bridge decks utilizing a new class of internally cured high performance concrete (IC HPC). The first four bridge decks were constructed in the summer of 2013, while the fifth was built in November of 2014 and the sixth is planned for the summer of 2015. These decks implement research findings presented in the FHWA/IN/JTRP-2010/10 report (Schlitter, Henkensiefken, et al. 2010) where internal curing was proposed as one method to reduce the potential for shrinkage cracking, leading to improved durability. In addition, the use of higher performance concrete mixtures and a new specification composed of prescriptive and performance based measures was implemented with the intention of extending the service life of the bridge decks. The objectives of this thesis are to provide documentation of the construction and performance of the IC HPC bridge decks cast in Indiana and provide a viable, practice-ready method for the assessment of the potential durability of these concretes. In fulfillment of these objectives, samples of the IC HPC used in construction were compared to a reference high performance concrete (HPC) which did not utilize internal curing and was made by the same producer with the same constituent materials. The samples collected in the field were transported to the laboratory where the mechanical performance, resistance to chloride ingress, and potential for shrinkage and cracking was assessed. Using experimental results and mixture proportions, the diffusion based service life of the bridge decks was able to be estimated. The construction process was documented for first four bridge decks made using internal cured high performance concrete (IC HPC). These concretes were able to be designed, batched, and placed and are now in service. While avoidable issues were observed during batching construction related to corrections of batching water, batching tolerances and fluctuations in air content (which apply to any concrete), the IC HPC was able to be batched and placed using slight modifications to conventional methods. The production of the IC HPC mixtures was implemented using a mixed specification using prescriptive and performance based measures representing an improvement on previous specifications which did not specifically have provisions that consider durability. To aid in the implementation of internal curing in the field, a new quality control technique for lightweight aggregate utilizing a centrifuge has been implemented is now standardized in Indiana Testing Method 222 (Miller, Barrett, et al. 2014). The results of laboratory testing indicate that the compressive strength, modulus of elasticity, and tensile strength of the IC HPC mixtures was not substantially different than the HPC mixtures and as such current codified equations are able to be used to predict the modulus of elasticity and tensile strength if the compressive strength is known. The diffusion of chlorides in these concretes was assessed, where it was shown that each of the mixtures tested had a charge passed in the rapid chloride permeability test of less than 1500 C at 91 days (AASHTO T277-07 2007); additional testing provided equivalent results when performing the Nordtest (NT Build 492 1999), Stadium migration test , or electrical resistivity test. Using experimental results which determined the chloride diffusion and permeability, the diffusion based service life of the IC HPC bridge decks was estimated to be between approximately 60 to 90 years, compared to approximately 18 years for the conventional class C bridge deck concrete used in Indiana. The susceptibility to early age shrinkage and cracking was evaluated where it was shown that IC HPC concretes exhibited a reduction in early age shrinkage of 70 to 90%, resulting in a reduction in residual stresses of 80% or more while reducing thermally induced stress by up to 55% when compared to HPC mixtures. Collectively, these results indicate that the IC HPC mixtures that were produced as a part of this study exhibit the potential of for substantially increased service life while markedly reducing the potential for early age cracking. The second phase of this thesis investigated the role of initial sample conditioning and the effect of changes in degree of saturation on the measured electrical resistivity, where a new function was developed to describe this relationship in air entrained concretes. The consistency and variability in the determination of the chloride diffusion coefficient was investigated through standardized testing methods, where it was shown that the coefficient of variation associated with the accelerated tests was approximately 15% or less and are dependent on the test. Chloride profile measurements made on cores taken from samples which were exposed with a known deicing solution and the temperature fluctuations of West Lafayette, Indiana indicated that on average, the coefficient of variation for determining the apparent chloride diffusion coefficient under is 30% or less. In addition, the use of resistivity measurements on sealed samples was used to evaluate the variability of the concrete produced throughout the construction of the fifth IC HPC bridge deck while comparisons of the samples from the first four bridge decks produced in the laboratory and in the field were also made. The results indicated that the coefficient of variation associated with the resistivity measurements made on the fifth bridge deck was less than 5%, while experimental results indicated that industrial production consistently results in lower performance as measured by the resistivity test when compared to laboratory production. In this study it was also shown that measurements of mechanical properties are not indicative of the potential durability of the concrete. The conclusions of this thesis and the findings presented in the FHWA/IN/JTRP-2010/10 report (Schlitter, Henkensiefken, et al. 2010) and the CDOT-2014-3 report (Jones et al. 2014) indicate that internal curing is a practice-ready, engineered solution that may lead to the production of higher performance concretes which have a reduced potential for cracking. To aid in the implementation of internal curing in practice, spreadsheets which automate calculations necessary for quality control for lightweight aggregates, mixture proportioning, and moisture adjustments have been developed by Miller (2014) and have been made available with the report documenting the construction of the first four bridge decks (Barrett et al. 2015). This thesis also provided the framework for a durability based design approach using sealed electrical resistivity measurements which may be implemented in practice. This method has been shown to be a viable way to rapidly evaluate the chloride diffusion coefficient of concrete and is appropriate for testing large numbers of samples during construction. It is recommended that the approach outlined in this work be implemented in performance based specifications in lieu of other accelerated testing methods which define the performance of the concrete based on the result of that test. Finally, it should be emphasized that the implementation of technologies such as those that are presented in this thesis alone does not guarantee higher performance, as the production of such concrete requires a degree of technical competence in design, production, and construction of concrete materials. As is the case with the production of any concrete, internally cured or not, performance will be directly tied to the careful accounting of water, be it on the surface of aggregates, in the mixing drum after washing, or elsewhere. Special attention should be paid to the proper operation of batching systems, while placement techniques should be reviewed to minimize unwanted effects, and proper finishing and curing techniques must always be practiced. Only after performing the basics of concrete production properly will the full benefits of internal curing be actualized.
The project presented in this report aimed to develop an effective methodology to use saturated lightweight sand (LWS) for internal curing to enhance concrete performance and prolong service life of concrete structures. High-performance concrete (HPC) mixtures approved by MoDOT for pavement and bridge deck structures were used for the baseline mixtures. Five different types of saturated LWS employed at various contents were investigated to evaluate the optimum dosage of LWS and maximize its effectiveness on enhancing concrete performance. The content of LWS was varied to ensure the introduction of internal curing water that can secure up to 150% of the water consumed by chemical shrinkage during cement hydration (As per ASTM C1761). Performance improvement from the LWS focused mainly on reducing autogenous and drying shrinkage and the resulting cracking potential without sacrificing durability and cost competence. Proper combinations of internal and external curing were found to enhance shrinkage mitigation. Under 7 days of initial moisture curing, HPC made with the LWS3 resulted in the lowest overall shrinkage. The Bridge-LWS2-150% exhibited the best performance in mitigating autogenous shrinkage where the concrete maintained 160 micro-strain of expansion even after 175 days of age. The lowest drying shrinkage was obtained with the Bridge-LWS3-50% mixture (340 micro-strain) at 175 days subjected to 28 days of moist curing. For the paving HPC, the lowest drying shrinkage at 155 days was obtained with the Paving-LWS3-150% mixture (265 micro-strain) subjected to 28 days of moist curing. Concrete proportioned with the LWS2 expanded shale LWS exhibited the best compressive strength, regardless of the curing regime. In terms of initial moisture curing duration, the application of 7 days of moisture curing resulted in the highest compressive strength compared with other curing conditions. The 56-day compressive strength of HPC designated for bridge deck construction that was made with the LWS1 was up to 10 MPa (1,450 psi) greater than the Bridge-Reference concrete made without any LWS. The Bridge-LWS2-100% and Bridge-LWS1-50% mixtures exhibited the highest 56-day MOE of 42.5 GPa (6,615 ksi) under Standard curing. The Bridge-LWS3-100% mixture cured under Standard conditions had the highest 56-day flexural strength of 5.5 MPa (800 psi). The mixtures made with LWS2 presented the lowest sorptivity, regardless of the curing condition and LWS content. The findings from this comprehensive project provided a basis for: (1) new mixture design methodology and guidelines for using LWS for internal curing for bridge deck and pavement applications; and (2) validation of performance improvement when using internal curing and cost competitiveness in the State of Missouri.
Early age cracking of bridge decks is a national problem, and may substantially reduce service lives and increase maintenance costs. Cracking occurs when the tensile stress exceeds the tensile strength of the concrete. This is a time-dependent phenomenon, since both the stress and strength change at early ages. Moisture loss increases stress (with increasing shrinkage) and impairs strength gain. Internal curing is one method that has been suggested to reduce early age bridge deck cracking, particularly of concretes with low water to cementitious materials (w/cm) ratios. Many state highway agencies have implemented high performance concrete (HPC) for bridge decks. The low permeability of HPC is used to protect reinforcing steel and prevent corrosion. However, if the concrete cracks, then the protection may be greatly diminished. Transverse cracks due to concrete shrinkage allow water and corrosive chemicals to quickly reach the reinforcing steel causing corrosion and shortening the lifespan of the bridge deck. Reducing shrinkage cracking has been the focus of recent research into mitigation strategies. One unintended consequence of the use of high performance concrete may be early-age cracking. Field studies have shown that, in some cases, high performance concrete bridge decks have cracked less than a year after placement. The use of internal curing to reduce autogenous shrinkage was investigated in this study. One method of internal curing was through the use of coarse aggregates with high absorption capacities. Another method discussed is the use of a partial replacement of the fine aggregate with a structural lightweight aggregate with a very high absorption capacity. Bridge deck cracking is also affected by the nominal maximum size coarse aggregate. The effect on shrinkage with increasing size is discussed. ODOT's District 12, located in Northeastern Ohio, found in an investigation of 116 HPC bridge decks placed between 1994 and 2001 that bridges with little or no cracking used coarse aggregate with an absorption> 1 %, while 75 % of bridges with unacceptable cracking used coarse aggregate with absorption 1 %. This report discusses the laboratory investigation of the field results to determine the better ways to prevent bridge deck cracking-- internal curing or paste reduction by using an aggregate blend. The laboratory investigation found that the strongest effect on cracking was due to the replacement of a small maximum size coarse aggregate with an optimized coarse aggregate gradation. Increasing the coarse aggregate absorption level from
The Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT) constructed four bridge decks utilizing internally cured, high performance concrete (IC HPC) during the summer of 2013. These decks implement research findings from the research presented in the FHWA/IN/JTRP-2010/10 report where internal curing was proposed as one method to reduce the potential for shrinkage cracking, leading to improved durability. The objective of this research was to document the construction of the four IC HPC bridge decks that were constructed in Indiana during 2013 and quantify the properties and performance of these decks. This report contains documentation of the production and construction of IC HPC concrete for the four bridge decks in this study. In addition, samples of the IC HPC used in construction were compared with a reference high performance concrete (HPC) which did not utilize internal curing. These samples were transported to the laboratory where the mechanical properties, resistance to chloride migration, and potential for shrinkage and cracking was assessed. Using experimental results and mixture proportions, the diffusion based service life of the bridge decks was able to be estimated. Collectively, the results indicate that the IC HPC mixtures that were produced as a part of this study exhibit the potential to more than triple the service life of the typical bridge deck in Indiana while reducing the early age autogenous shrinkage by more than 80% compared to non-internally cured concretes.
Due to the relatively high cement content and low water-to-cement ratio (w/c) used, bridge deck concrete is prone to premature cracking. Internal curing has been found to greatly reduce the chance of premature cracking as well as concrete deterioration. This research developed internally cured bridge deck concrete based on a local mix design in Nebraska. Four different lightweight fine aggregate (LWFA) as internal curing agents were evaluated and their effects on fresh, mechanical, durability, and shrinkage properties of concrete were studied. The study focused on resolving two issues associated with fine aggregate replacement based on Bentz equation. To identify the most effective LWFA dosage for shrinkage reduction, different replacement rates of fine aggregates (50%, 100%, 125%, 150% and 175%) were adopted to account for the moisture loss during construction and drying period. Aggregate blends of internally cured mixes were also optimized to account for the disturbed aggregate gradations due to the introduced LWFA. Overall performance of internally cured concrete mixes with both non-optimized and optimized gradations were evaluated. The research demonstrated that effective internal curing concrete can be achieved with the optimized aggregate gradation.
With the ongoing concern about premature cracking of concrete bridge decks that reduces the service life of bridges and results in increased maintenance and replacement costs, this work aimed at assessing the benefits of using lightweight fine aggregate (LWFA) in concrete mixtures to assist the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) in preparing a specification to increase the probability of achieving crack-free, long-lasting bridge decks. A laboratory testing program led to a recommended mix design for implementation on a bridge construction project in Ohio. The design included the use of 50% slag cement and LWFA for internal curing. Construction of two bridge decks involved a control using a conventional mix design and the other containing the recommended mixture. The decks were instrumented and load tested shortly after construction and inspected one year after placement. No differences in structural performance were noted, but there were far fewer cracks in the test deck compared to the control. A life-cycle cost analysis was also conducted and shown that the premium for the recommended mixture would be recovered in reduced maintenance over the life of the bridge.
The long-term performance of a bridge deck depends on its resistance to bridge cracking. Most of these cracks are initiated at the early age. Early age cracking of bridge decks is a typical issue in the U.S. that reduces bridge service life. Therefore, internally cured concrete (ICC) has been used in some states to reduce or eliminate the development of cracks in reinforced concrete decks. In this study, the early age behavior of ICC deck and the effect of the internal curing on the long-term behavior of the bridge was measured and evaluated in the laboratory and field for newly adjacent constructed bridge, which were located on Route 271 in Mayfield, Ohio. Two different types of concrete mixtures were utilized for the decks: conventional concrete (CC) and internally cured concrete (ICC). Firstly, the ICC and CC mixtures were examined in the laboratory in terms of a mechanical properties test, a plastic shrinkage test, a free shrinkage test, and a restrained shrinkage test. Second, the field behavior of an ICC deck and an adjacent CC deck during their early age and long-term performance were evaluated. Also, the shrinkage development for both decks was examined during the very early age. Instrumentation was used to measure the concrete and reinforcement strains and the temperature in both bridges. The instrumentation and results for both bridges are discussed. Laboratory results indicated that using pre-wetted lightweight concrete in the concrete mixture led to decreased density, coefficient of thermal expansion, and free shrinkage strain, and increased tensile strength and cracking time of concrete compared to conventional concrete. In the field, from the early age test, it was observed that the time to develop concrete shrinkage was approximately 5-6 hours after casting the deck of the ICC and the CC.
This thesis is the consequence of a research effort undertaken by the School of Civil and Construction Engineering at Oregon State University and funded by the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). The principal objective of the effort was to reduce the life cycle cost of bridges by developing one or more materials systems for precast and pre-stressed bridge deck components that improve the studded tire wear (abrasion) resistance and durability of bridge decks. Degradation of the concrete bridge decks due to abrasion caused by the studded tires and accelerated corrosion of the reinforcing steel in the concrete often triggers costly, premature rehabilitation or replacement of these bridges. High performance concrete (HPC) can provide improved abrasion resistance, but is more costly than ordinary concrete and can exhibit early age cracking when used for cast-in-place concrete members, which can accelerate corrosion of embedded reinforcing steel. However, several studies have suggested that HPC developed for precast members offers a viable alternative to cast-in-place concrete deck slabs due in part to improved control of the curing process. The scope of this research was to develop one or more mixture designs for HPC that improve the durability and abrasion resistance of the bridge decks through careful selection and proper proportioning of the constituent materials and improved control of the curing process. The materials investigated in this research included silica fume, slag, and fly ash as partial replacement of Type I and Type III portland cement mixed with crushed aggregate and river gravel. Phase I of the study included development of 15 mixture designs incorporating various combinations of the materials. Mixtures were cast under controlled laboratory conditions and cured using a variety of methods. The results of tests conducted on the cured samples indicated that the mixture with silica fume and slag had greater strength than the mixture with silica fume and fly ash mixture, and that mixtures with crushed rock provided better abrasion resistance than those with river gravel. Results from the chloride ion penetration test for permeability indicated that mixtures cured in saturated lime water for 28 days exhibited reduced permeability in comparison to mixtures which were steam cured followed by ambient curing. Following phase I, a pilot study was undertaken to identify the best curing method to apply during production at precast yards to assist high early strength gain so that the concrete member can be removed from the casting bed in a matter of several hours as well as to facilitate high ultimate strength, improved abrasion resistance, and low permeability. The pilot study indicated the best curing method to be steam curing followed by application of a curing compound. Phase II of the research study included seven mix designs and focused on various levels of supplementary cementitious materials. It adopted the curing method suggested by the pilot study. Results from phase II indicated that slag was better in enhancing durability of the concrete than fly ash. Increasing the proportion of silica fume did not improve the properties of high performance concrete significantly. Some other interesting results indicated that compressive strength was inversely proportional to wear rate and chloride ion penetration. Wear rate was directly proportional to chloride ion penetration. There was no relationship between durability factor (freeze-thaw test) and compressive strength or chloride ion penetration. Two mixtures were identified as having significantly improved abrasion and permeability characteristics over the control mixture (ODOT bridge deck mixture). Both included slag and silica fume as supplementary cementitious materials as a partial replacement of portland cement and one did not contain an air entraining admixture.