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Transitioning Every Believer Into Apostolic Ministry. As you explore the Advanced Apostolic Studies equipping module you will gain a new perspective of the ministry of an apostle and how these gifts work together with prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers to equip you for victory. A new apostolic reformation is underway, and it is producing new apostolic ministries that are effective for the Kingdom of God. This book will show you how you, the born-again believer, fit into this new apostolic ministry revolution for 21st century Spirit-filled living. This New Testament apostolic church is not like your grandmother's church! If you are searching for greater significance in your life, then this material is for you. Inside this book you will find some important truths: Building apostolic foundations Learn the 4 types of apostles and their differences. Learn the important distinctions between apostles, prophets, evangelist, pastors, and teachers, and much more.
This course will revolutionize your ministry! It holds the keys for effective church growth and personal fulfillment in the ministry God has given you. These principles are apostolic. They are principles that Jesus taught His original disciples who became known as apostles. They in turn taught them to the ones who became disciples of the Lord as a result of their ministries. The need for Assessment Occasionally it is good to assess the results that we are having. What happens at half time when the teams come off the field and they meet in the locker room? I am sure that their coaches tell them how they are doing and what they need to do to improve their game! If we were to think about the state of the church today and the results that we are seeing, with as many Christians that are in the game, is our team working together efficiently? We as the church have three major tasks before us: #1. Is to EVANGELIZE. #2. Is to MAKE DISCIPLES of Jesus. #3. Is to REPRODUCE and raise up new LEADERS! Every believer in Jesus should seek to reach others who are not yet Christians, share the good news of Jesus and give them an opportunity to become a Christian. Having done this, our second goal should be to begin to disciple them, teaching them the basic principles and fundamentals of what it means to be a Christian. And thirdly, we should have a goal of seeing them become a leader. A leader is someone who can lead others. The goal of every leader should be to reproduce new leaders. We can multiply our effectiveness if we will extend our ministry to others through others. These are a few of the principles that are covered in this course.
The Apostolic Ministry, Rick Joyner explains how the restoration of the apostolic ministry will be one of important events at the end of the church age. The ministry that opened the church age will be the one that closes it. He covers questions such as: What is an apostle? Are there apostles today? What authority do they have? How do we recognize false apostles? What will the apostolic church look like?
Would You Like To Know God Personally? This phamplet outlines four principles which will help you discover how to know God personally and experience the abundnat life He promised.
God has given you unique gifts and talents - and He expects you to use them effectively. If you've been frustrated that the gift of God inside you ins't producing more, then Effective Ministries and Believers is your handbook to unlocking more of God's grace in your life and ministry. When Jesus ascended to heaven He gave gifts to men: apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers (Ephesians 4: 11). Those gifts come with graces that are available to every born again believer. In this actionable book, Jonas Clark reveals powerful truths from God's Word that will help you flow in an apostolic and prophetic grace to build your life andyour local church according to Jesus' pattern. You'll find greater effectiveness in the work of the Lord. Through practical teaching and thoughtful prompts, Jonas inspires you to discover God's design for effective ministry.
Apostolic ministry is grounded in the fact that the God of Scripture is a sending God who graciously reaches out to a fallen world. Jesus is both the supreme revelation of the God who sends and the perfect example of one who is sent as an apostle. The church is an apostolic people sent into the world. Jesus appointed the Twelve with unique authority as witnesses to the resurrection. Paul shared in that unique authority but also demonstrated that the ministry of apostle continues in a functional sense. The spiritual gift of apostle is given to individuals to equip the whole church in its apostolic calling. Apostles are called by God, but their calling is to be recognized by the body of Christ. The ministry of an apostle is trans-local and involves both church planting and strengthening existing churches. The authority of an apostle is determined by the apostle's willingness to be a servant of the gospel and of the body of Christ. An apostles are recognized by their pioneering and translocal ministry of church planting and church strengthening. Apostles function best as leaders of apostolic bands that are in partnership with local churches. Throughout history various individuals, at the forefront of the church's mission, have demonstrated an apostolic ministry. Today a number of models of ministry point the way to the contemporary functioning of apostolic ministry. Apostolic ministry functions best when it is conducted in both power and weakness. As such it reflects the dual reality of the cross and resurrection in the ministry of the apostle. The gift of apostle has been given for the church's strengthening and equipping in its mission. Individuals with an apostolic ministry should be recognized and released to that function if the church is to be true to its calling in the world. The church began its existence as a missionary movement. The church is apostolic, not only because its teachings are founded on the Apostles, but because it is commanded by Jesus to take the gospel to every people group and wherever the gospel is met with faith, to found churches that continue the process.
Journey along! Selecting forty invigorating excerpts from their popular books, Bill Johnson and his associates have created another cup of spiritual java—an excellent blend of inspiration, encouragement and humor. Take a deep whiff of what Bill, his wife Beni, and their friends Danny Silk, Kevin Dedmon, Banning Liebscher, Chris Overstreet, Judy Franklin, Eric Johnson and Paul Manwaring have brewed specially for you. The cappuccino-sized stories are guaranteed to lift your spirit and sooth your mind. Flavorful chapter titles include: Taking Captive Every Scary Thought Lifeguards Must Be Swimmers Too Stupid to be Loved Post-Katrina Miracles Faith Is Spelled R-I-S-K Are You a Chevette or a Lamborghini? As you sip through each chapter, relax in God’s presence, learn to listen to His voice, and follow His directions. God will take you into exciting new territory, and your explorations will not end with the final page of this enjoyable book.
This manual discusses the role of a modern day Apostle; how to recognize an Apostle;the function and duties of an Apostle;distinctive features of apostolic ministry;the Apostle & Prophet working together;the difference between apostolic teams and missions teams;the five-fold ministry working together. For all those called to the office of the Apostle or to serve on an Apostolic Team, this manual is a must!