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God is continually speaking and revealing certain key truths and phrases of revelation, and whether we are new believers or ministry leaders, the language of revelation and truth can empower us to become part of Gods restoration. But first we must understand this language. The Apostolic & Prophetic Dictionary: Language of the End-Time Church is a necessary tool for all who desire to be part of Gods present-day apostolic and prophetic movement. With over five hundred well-researched, comprehensive entries, it offers an insightful way to learn about the revelations needed for the body of Christ to fully embrace the model of the church seen in the book of Acts. Learn phrases and words central to the language of revelation: Transfer of wealth, seven mountain kingdoms, anointing, impartation, activation, signs and wonders, prophets in the marketplace, Elijah company of prophets, apostolic covering, Joshua assignment, and much, much more. Also unlock vital words of the Bible in these fields: Eschatology: Armageddon, rapture, end times, millennial kingdom, Antichrist, and great tribulation. Apostolic terms: deliverance, healing, apostolic order, commissioning, and ordination. Prophetic terms: open doors, Gods timing, Gods release, prophetic warfare, and prophetic praise. Movements: apostolic and prophetic movement, kings and priests movement, saints movement, glory movement, new wine movement, and kingdom now movement. Gifts of the Holy Spirit: special faith, word of knowledge, word of wisdom, prophecy, and discerning of spirits. Works of the Holy Spirit: demonstration of power, power evangelism, holy laughter, and slain in the spirit. Key Hebrew and Greek terms: parakletos, sozo, kabod, hoius, tecknon, and apokulupsis. Common but misunderstood terms: grace, salvation, calling, and deliverance. The Apostolic & Prophetic Dictionary is needed for todays church, and it promises to be unique, relevant, and full of revelation.
"A questioning world longs to know for sure what the Bible teaches about the purpose, identity and function of apostles and prophets. In this thoughtful and well-documneted treatise, Dr. T.L Lowery performs a valuable service for the church. As the original Twelve laid the foundation for the development of the people of God and the establishment of the church, today's apostles and prophets perform foundational ministry for the continuing building of the church. Each chapter explores facets of apostolic and prophetic ministry and clarifies what the Bible says. The principles related to the impartation and reception of spiritual giftedness is especially valuable in a day when the subject has become obscure and poorly understood. Apostles and prophets: Reclaiming the Biblical Gifts will answer a myriad of questions and explain the vital ministry of these gifted leaders who are available to God's church. "--page 4 of cover."
Author of the "Prophets" series, Dr. Bill Hamon brings the same anointed instruction in this new series on apostles! Learn about the apostolic age and how apostles and prophets work together. Find out God's end-time plans for the Church!
"Finally, a sane Biblical examination of the role of the apostolic and prophetic written by Pentecostal authors. This book is a gift to the charismatic and Spirit-filled community, as well as providing others keen insight into the contemporary functioning of these ministries." Dr. George O. Wood, Chairman, World AG Fellowship " "A full and richly textured master class in these vital elements of Spirit-led Christianity for today's church." Joseph Castleberry, Ed.D., President, Northwest University - Are you unclear about what godly apostolic ministry should look like? - Do you wonder why the prophet's chair is empty? - Have you been troubled by false apostles and prophets who care more about their title than an authentic call? Scripture and practical application meet in this valuable guide on the apostolic and prophetic functions in today's church. At a time when aberrations and misunderstandings are rampant in these two ministry areas, the authors provide keys for discerning the genuine from the false. They chart a path forward for the full recovery of God's authentic gifts to the church. Discover and grow in the Holy Spirit's flow of the prophetic and apostolic anointings.
The Prophet's Dictionary by Dr. Paula Price is now a premium expanded edition. Over 500 new relevant definitions of terms and phrases for the prophetic realm of Christian ministry are packed into this reference tool. This edition is a must have for laymen, prophesiers, pastors, intercessors, and dreamers of dreams.
Jesus revealed Himself to be the cornerstone of the church. But He has built His church, and continues to build it, through apostles and prophets, people who are empowered by the Holy Spirit. Now a leader of the New Apostolic Reformation gives us new insights into how the people called to crucial roles in the church--apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastor and teachers--must work together to fulfill their divine purpose. For the first time since the Early Church, God is harnessing apostles and prophets to fulfill the promises of His divine plan. Prepare to play your part!
Do you believe you are a Prophet? If so this book will help you answer that question with accuracy. It is a complete manual and guide on the difference between one who has the gift of prophecy and one who actually is called to the Office of the Prophet. This book gives in depth insight on the following How do I know if I am truly called to be a Prophet? In depth training on how to operate in the gift of the Prophecy Should one prophesy anytime and anywhere? Are there different types of Prophets? Who were the sons of the Prophets? And much more information on the acts of the Prophets Apostle Randy Brown is a living example of the Word of God. The scripture, John 10:14 "I am the good shepherd; and I know My sheep, and am known by My own.;" Is a testimony for the Apostle.
This Is What Apostles and Prophets Look Like Now Just before the end of the last century, the ministry and office of the Prophet were restored to the Church. Apostle Les was involved in helping pave the way for this, and he presented the first clear teachings on the Prophetic Office.A while later, as the new century dawned, the first signs of a new Apostolic Movement began to appear. And once again, he was there to present some of the first clear teachings on the Apostolic Office. But a lot has happened since then, and these two vital ministries have come into clearer focus in recent years. Now Apostles and Prophets are appearing everywhere. And it has become necessary for us to consolidate what exactly these ministries should look like, and how they should function. That is the main purpose for this new book on these ministries. Here you will find updated teachings on both of these ministries, and a clearer understanding of how they are meant to be in the end times in which we live. God is once again building His end times church on the foundation of these two essential ministry offices: Ephesians 2:19 Now therefore you are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints, and of the household of God; 20 And are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner [stone]; (GBMV) If this is where God is taking you, then this book is for you.
It is my sincere prayer that this book on “Apostolic Guidelines to Prophecy will change your life and ministry. I am Dr. Kluane Spake, and this book is how apostolic influence on the prophetic can bring great order, accuracy, and impact.Prophecy is as old as the Bible. Yet many don't understand--or even recognize--when and how it happens today. Taking an apostolic look at the prophetic gives a vastly different view than normally heard.As you go through this book you will discover that God is speaking to you in the NOW, the Present and wanting you to put words and action to your faith. Today, the Church is positioned on the periphery of what will go down in church history as a most powerful move of God. It is all about the apostolic government of the Church arising and taking it's place. This book is about obtaining a greater force of RESULTS from the prophetic. The prophetic gift should be cherished, encouraged, and enhanced. All who are filled with the Spirit can and should participate in the “spirit of prophecy.” Prophecy has been a part of Pentecostal and Charismatic Christian Church since early revivals in the Body of Christ. There have been many mis-uses and extremes. It is my hope to correct these errors and cause the prophets and prophetic ministry to have greater impact. We need to change nations and governments. Let's move past individual prophecy into greater engagement. Apostles and an apostolic mindset need to come alongside to help build guidelines and protocol in order to protect the Church and to help train ministries to have greater accuracy when they prophesy.Fulfilled prophecy is one of the strongest evidences for the truthfulness of the Bible and the authenticity of Jesus Christ. That is why we must be more cautious of the prophecy we give and receive. Prophecy fulfillment is imperative in order to build credibility. The Holy Spirit still enables believers to prophecy. God is still actively involved in our lives. True prophecy and the true prophetic will be accurate and trustable. It will be revelation. Learn how to make fewer mistakes! Learn how to build your ministry with ethics and accountability. True Biblical prophecy is not the same as what psychics demonstrate. Even the Bible recognizes the possibility that uninspired non-Christian people can sometimes accurately predict the future:"If there arises among you a prophet or a dreamer of dreams, and he gives you a sign or a wonder, and the sign or wonder comes to pass, of which he spoke to you, saying, `Let us go after other gods'--which you have not known--`and let us serve them,' you shall not listen to the words of that prophet or that dreamer of dreams, for your LORD is testing you to know whether you love Him with all your heart and with all your soul" (Deut. 13:1-3).Numerous Old Testament predictions were fulfilled perfectly in Christ. The apostle Peter said about Jesus, “To Him all the prophets bear witness, that everyone who believes in Him receives forgiveness of sins through His name” (Acts 10:43). "EVERY SINGLE BELIEVER Needs to read this book, "Apostolic Guidelines to Release the Prophetic." If you prophecy or learn how -- If you are in ministry -- Apostolic, Prophetic or in any level of leadership you NEED to read it. If you are Pastoring, this is a MUST read. Invest in yourself and get this book. It is so important that continue to learn, and our understanding and operation in our gifts be expanded as we lead others." Pastor L.V. Brown