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En el evangelio de San Mateo, Jesús predijo que en los últimos días los creyentes le darían la espalda a la Ley de Dios, y que las ramificaciones de dicha decisión serían catastróficas. Hoy día vivimos en una época en la que algunos ministros demuestran su abierto desdén por la Ley de Dios y demandan ser “liberados” de las Escrituras del Antiguo Testamento. Lamentablemente, muchos cristianos han aceptado este mensaje. Nos encontramos ante un punto de inflexión, donde debemos decidir si aceptar este mensaje o rechazarlo categóricamente.Apologia de la Ley y el Sabbat defiende la Ley de Dios sin pelos en la lengua y demuestra que tanto el evangelio como la fe y la gracia encuentran sus raizes en las Escrituras del Antiguo Testamento, y que todo esfuerzo por deshacerse de estas culmina en socavar nuestras creencias mas preciadas. Apologia de la Ley y el Sabbat desafía al cristiano a renunciar a esta hostilidad hacia el Antiguo Testamento y su ley, y demuestra que no es necesario ser ni legalista ni judaizante para caminar esta antigua senda.Descubra el código que se extiende de principio a fin en las Escrituras, su unidad inalterable y cómo Dios desea que los creyentes observen su ley. Descubra asimismo la conexión que existe entre el Nuevo Pacto y la ley del Antiguo Testamento, la diferencia entre el pensamiento legalista y el justo, y cómo la única forma de amar a Dios es guardar sus mandamientos.
Mark Edwards's pioneering work on the Reformation as a"print event" traces how Martin Luther, the first Protestant,became the central figure in the West's first media campaign.He shows how Luther and his allies spread their messageusing a medium that was itself subversive: pamphlets writtenin the vernacular and directed to the broadest readingpublic. Closely examining Protestant and Catholic pamphletspublished in Strasbourg in the early years of theReformation, Edwards demonstrates Luther's dominance ofthe medium, the challenges posed by Catholic counterattacks,the remarkable success of Luther's New Testament, and theunforeseen effects of the new medium. This volume hasopened an exciting new vista on the European Reformation.
A standard work in nineteen chapters from leading international scholars on bishop Isidore of Seville (d. 636), addressing the contexts in which the seventh-century bishop lived and worked, exploring his key works and activities, and finally considering his later reception.
The mid-twentieth century saw the birth of popular occultism in Europe and the New World, including an interest in witchcraft. Chief among these was Wicca, a recension of ceremonial magic and nature worship advanced by Gerald Gardner and Alex Sanders, now widely regarded as a religion. However, lesser-known streams of the witch-current thrived the shadows, having older historical roots, and linked to a body of practice - witch-bottles, knotted cord spells, curses, exorcisms, sexual magic, and charms ranging from the conjuration of angels to protection for livestock and hearth. This is Traditional Witchcraft, whose origin in part lies with the sorcery of the cunning-folk of Britain and Colonial America. Eschewing the popular occult limelight, its perpetuation as a mystery-cult continues as a largely closed group of initiates. Now revised and expanded, the second edition of CHILDREN OF CAIN is the definitive history of Traditional Witchcraft and its key operatives in Britain and the United States, and is based on over forty years of research and private collaboration with practitioners of this mysterious form of folk magic.
The Classic Study of the Occult Reintroduced in a 50th Anniversary Edition The Black Arts is a fascinating and wonderfully readable exploration of the practice, theory, and underlying rationale of magick and occultism in all its branches, including witchcraft, spells, numerology, astrology, alchemy, kabbalah, tarot, charms, and summoning and control of spirits. This edition features a 50th anniversary introduction by historian of alternative spirituality Mitch Horowitz, who frames the book for a new generation of readers.
The Symbolic Forms has long been considered the greatest of Cassirer's works. Into it he poured all the resources of his vast learning about language and myth, religion, art, and science--the various creative symbolizing activities and constructions through which man has expressed himself and given intelligible objective form to this experience. "These three volumes alone (apart from Cassirer's other papers and books) make an outstanding contribution to epistemology and to the human power of abstraction. It is rather as if 'The Golden Bough' had been written in philosophical rather than in historical terms."--F.I.G. Rawlins, Nature