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The Eighty Years’ War and the establishment of two states in the Low Countries inaugurated the publication of numerous texts to support a distinct Northern and Southern identity. This study analyses urban and regional chorographies written both in the North and in the South in the seventeenth century. It examines different strategies that chorographers developed to make sense of the recent and more remote past. It also looks at the development of different historiographical traditions in the Protestant North and the Catholic South and thus contributes to the current research interest in the history of historiography, cultures of memory and identity formation.
Mediaevalia Lovaniensia 37In the context of late medieval state centralization, the political autonomy of the towns of the Low Countries, Northern France, and the Swiss confederation was threatened by central governments. Within this conflict both rulers and towns employed symbolic means of communication to legitimate their power. The authors of Symbolic Communication in Late Medieval Towns explore how new layers of meaning were attached to well-known traditions and how these new rituals were perceived. They study the public encounters between rulers and towns, as well as among various social groups within the towns.
This book discusses how secular authorities made use of churches and monasteries in the Low Countries, the German regions and the British Isles during the late medieval period.
Due to their coastal location, the old Low Countries were a land of networked cities. These cities had a specific social history, marked by the power of a middle class with a strong corporative identity, which tried to impose its interests, ideology, and values on them.
Medieval towns were vibrant and complex social environments where diverse groups and lifestyles encountered and influenced each other. Surprisingly, in the study of urban archaeology, the aristocracy, one of the leading and most influential groups in medieval society, has so far been neglected. This book puts "aristocracy in towns" on the archaeological research agenda. The interdisciplinary and comparative study explores the significance and representation of aristocrats and their interaction with civic elites in sea-trading towns of the southwestern Baltic from the 12th to the 14th centuries. Essentially, however, the analysis of urban elite culture leads to discussion of a much more fundamental issue: the informative value of material culture for the investigation of social conditions. The book provides new archaeological approaches to the study of social differentiation in towns, and contributes to a deeper understanding of the complexity of urban social structures.
English In Eine wahrhaft königliche Stadt, Daniela Kah describes how contemporary residents and visitors were able to experience and perceive the presence of the Holy Roman Empire (or its representatives, e.g., the king) in three late medieval cities -- Augsburg, Nürnberg and Lübeck. After receiving privileges from the king, these cities initiated large construction projects designed to assert their imperial status. These projects had a major impact on everyday life and made the Empire visible and graspable within the city. However, in the 13th century the cities increasingly deployed symbols and signs to represent their self-understanding as 'imperial'. ‘Being immediate to the Empire’ or ‘being privileged’ provided important political, economic, and social benefits. Therefore it became very important to the cities to represent their status in visible form. For this reason, the Empire achieved a permanent and lasting presence in free imperial cities. Deutsch In Eine wahrhaft königliche Stadt beschreibt Daniela Kah, wie das mittelalterliche Reich oder seine Repräsentanten, wie zum Beispiel der König, in den Reichsstädten Augsburg, Nürnberg und Lübeck für die zeitgenössischen Bewohner und Besucher erfahrbar war und wahrgenommen wurde. Zunächst führte die Vergabe von königlichen Privilegien zu großangelegten repräsentativen Bauprojekten in den Städten, die das Reich so im städtischen Alltag erkennbar werden ließen. Ab dem 13. Jahrhundert kam es dazu, dass die Stäte vermehrt Symbole und Zeichen im Stadtraum anbrachten, die ihr Selbstverständnis visualieren. Der Status ‚unmittelbar dem Reich zugehörig“ beziehungsweise ‚vom Reich privilegiert’ zu sein, wurde aufgrund seiner politischen, wirtschaftlichen und prestigesteigernden Bedeutung ein wichtiger Bezugspunkt, der zur dauerhaften Präsenz des Reichs in den Reichsstädten führte.
This volume is an introduction to the fifteenth century through chronicles and personal recollections of a diverse group of its French- and English-speaking writers. It revisits some of the principal events and personalities of that era through anecdotes illustrating interpersonal behavior. It examines how writers evaluated the conduct of their contemporaries and how some of their pessimistic conclusions may have contributed to the reputation for decadence of their century.
Superior Women examines the claims of abbesses of the abbey of Sainte-Croix in medieval Poitiers to authority from the abbey's foundation to its 1520 reform. These women claimed to hold authority over their own community, over dependent chapters of male canons, and over extensive properties in Poitou; male officials such as the king of France and the pope repeatedly supported these claims. To secure this support, the abbesses relied on two strategies that the abbey's founder, the sixth-century Saint Radegund, established: they documented support from a network of allies made up of powerful secular and ecclesiastical officials, and they used artefacts left from Radegund's life to shape her cult and win new patrons and allies. Abbesses across the 900 years of this study routinely turned to these strategies successfully when faced with conflict from dependents, or more local officials such as the bishop of Poitiers. Sainte-Croix's nuns proved adept at tailoring these strategies to shifting historical contexts, turning from Frankish bishops to the kings of Frankia, then to the Pope and finally to the King of France as former allies became unavailable to them. The book demonstrates respectful cooperation between men and monastic women, and more extensive respect for female monastic authority than scholars typically recognize. Chapters focus on the cult's manuscripts, church decoration, procession, jurisdictions between cult institutions, reform, and rebellion.