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The U.S. Army currently fields two variants of night vision devices (NVDs), the Aviator Night Vision Imaging System (ANVIS) and the Pilot Night Vision System/Target Acquisition and Designation System (PNVS/TADS). The effectiveness of these sensors in the AH-64D during urban missions in Iraq from November 2005 thru October 2006 was assessed with a questionnaire administered to 38 Apache AH-64D aviators. The survey compared sensors with regard to reconnaissance, situational awareness, and human factors issues. Results showed that the 12 ANVIS was preferable to the FLIR for reconnaissance missions. ANVIS was also preferred for wire and aircraft avoidance. The primary benefit of the PNVS/TADS system, as reported by aviators, was the flight symbology cues provided through the helmet-mounted display (HMD).
Currently one of the most arduous and dangerous aviation missions for the military attack helicopter pilot is the night combat mission. The mission entails flight at close proximity to the ground and obstacles such as wires, trees, and buildings in an effort to avoid detection by enemy air defense and insurgent small arms fire. Night flight requires the use of augmented vision systems and enhanced aircraft stability and control systems to allow pilots to effectively see and negotiate those hazards that would otherwise be visible during daylight. The U.S. Army currently fields two variants of augmented visionics, the Aviator Night Vision Imaging System (ANVIS) and the Pilot Night Vision System/Target Acquisition and Designation System (PNVS/TADS). ANVIS is a portable Image Intensification (I2) system usable by all Army airframes whereas PNVS and TADS are both forward looking infrared (FLIR) subcomponents attached to the nose of the AH-64 attack helicopter. Since aviators began using augmented vision systems complaints have been registered regarding loss of static and dynamic cues, presence of visual illusions and other visual symptoms. Currently the mission has grown to encompass urban and suburban reconnaissance and security operations using systems designed in the late 1970's for transitioning to a "battle position" and near stationary engagement of heavy armor forces. This study evaluated both systems in use by AH-64D aviators serving in and around Baghdad, Iraq from November 2005 thru October 2006. Whereas previous studies concentrated solely on visual symptoms and complaints associated with IHADSS use, this was the first study of both the FLIR and I2 used in combination by AH-64 cockpit crews. In the constant-moving environment of aerial reconnaissance and security, I2 is preferable to the IHADSS by a majority of AH-64D pilots. Additionally, results showed a predominant favoring of the ANVIS over the PNVS/TADS for wire and aircraft avoidance due in large part to the enhanced visual acuity (20/25) of the ANVIS as compared to the 20/60 visual acuity of the IHADSS. The visual acuity disparity led to consistent reporting of insufficient visual cues by IHADSS users. The primary benefit, as seen by pilots, of the PNVS/TADS system was the flight symbology cues provided through the helmet mounted display. Through training and education the data is received as stimuli and converted into usable 3-D cues for improved situational awareness. As with all previous studies, visual symptoms associated with IHADSS use were present.
The US Army's AH-64 Apache attack helicopter has been fielded since the early 1980's (Figure 1). There are currently two models (A & D) of the Apache. The latter D-model differs primarily from the A-model in cockpit design and the addition of a mast-mounted millimeter radar system. The AH-64 is a tandem-seated aircraft with the pilot occupying the rear seat and the copilot/gunner occupying the front seat. Both pilots fly and perform fire-control procedures using a monocular helmet-mounted display (HMD) known as the li%tegrated Helmet and Display Sighting System (IHADSS) (Figure 2). The IHADSS provides pilotage and fire-control imagery from separate forward-looking infrared (FLIR) sensors mounted on the nose of the aircraft. Flight symbology is integrated (embedded) into the HMD imagery. The FLIR sensor that provides the pilotage imagery is known as the Pilot's Night Vision System (PNVS); the FLIR sensor that provides the fire-control imagery is known as the Target Acquisition and Designation System (TAD S).
The US Army's AH-64 Apache attack helicopter has been fielded since the early 1980's (Figure 1). There are currently two models (A & D) of the Apache. The latter D-model differs primarily from the A-model in cockpit design and the addition of a mast-mounted millimeter radar system. The AH-64 is a tandem-seated aircraft with the pilot occupying the rear seat and the copilot/ gunner occupying the front seat. Both pilots fly and perform fire-control procedures using a monocular helmet-mounted display (HMD) known as the li%tegrated Helmet and Display Sighting System (IHADSS) (Figure 2). The IHADSS provides pilotage and fire-control imagery from separate forward-looking infrared (FLIR) sensors mounted on the nose of the aircraft. Flight symbology is integrated (embedded) into the HMD imagery. The FLIR sensor that provides the pilotage imagery is known as the Pilot's Night Vision System (PNVS); the FLIR sensor that provides the fire-control imagery is known as the Target Acquisition and Designation System (TAD S).
Volume 5, Deep Maneuver: Historical Case Studies of Maneuver in Large-Scale Combat Operations, presents eleven case studies from World War II through Operation Iraqi Freedom focusing on deep maneuver in terms of time, space and purpose. Deep operations require boldness and audacity, and yet carry an element of risk of overextension - especially in light of the independent factors of geography and weather that are ever-present. As a result, the case studies address not only successes, but also failure and shortfalls that result when conducting deep operations. The final two chapters address these considerations for future Deep Maneuver.
This collection of 104 papers is divided into two parts. Part One, Image Intensification, focuses on developments with image intensified tubes. Part Two, Thermal Imaging, concentrates on the practical applications of night vision technology for its main users: the armed forces.
Helmet-mounted displays (HMDs), while not new, are a unique method of providing pilotage and targeting imagery to aviators. Although there are a number of HMDs in various phases of design, the AH-64s Integrated Helmet and Display Sighting System (IHADSS) is currently the Army's only fielded integrated HMD. A number of studies have investigated the visual and perceptual issues associated with the monocular optical design of the IHADSS in combination with the AH-64s forward looking infrared (FLIP) thermal sensor (Pilots Night Vision System - PNVS). While these systems have greatly enhanced the operational effectiveness of the AH-64, they have resulted in reports of physiological complaints, degraded visual cues and both static and dynamic illusions. This study investigated the possible role the IHADSS MMD and PNVS may have played in AH-64 Apache accidents. A total of 217 AH-64 accidents (FY85-02) were analyzed and assigned causal factors associated with the use of the IHADSS and PNVS. The resulting analysis failed to identify any significant role between these systems and flight-related accidents.