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Significant segments of American business and professions are represented by trade and professional associations. Associations are setting product standards, certifying the expertise of professionals, and actively opposing or promoting new legislative and regulatory initiatives. But association activities raise potential antitrust risks and their exposure to antitrust challenge has increased proportionately. This Handbook helps association counsel and executives help to understand the antitrust issues associated with association activities and minimize their risk.
Provides practitioners with a quick reference source on evidentiary issues that arise principally, although not exclusively, in antitrust cases.
Contains representative antitrust compliance manuals used by U.S. companies.
This Handbook is particularly important because of the increasingly critical role standards play in our economy. Within the broad scope of this Handbook are quality standards, informational standards, uniformity standards, interoperability standards and non-products standards such as professional conduct standards. These standards promote innovation, productive efficiency, and market structure. The Handbook describes how the antitrust laws balance these procompetitive effects against the potential mususe of standards, and the sandard-setting process, to create barriers to entry, retard innovation, raise rivals' cists, facilitate collusion, and protect market position. The Handbook also recognizes the increasing role played by governments - federal, state and interantional - in the promulgation of standards, and how that impacts the application of the antitrust laws. Finally, the Handbook addresses the remedies available to redress the effects of standards-related activity found to be unlawful.
Compendium of representative antitrust compliance manuals in use by American corporations and trade associations.