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IAI Series No. 2 The International Arbitration Institute (IAI) series on international arbitration is a new periodic series of publications that will focus on cutting edge issues and developments in international arbitration. About the IAI: The International Arbitration Institute (IAI), an organization created under the auspices of the Comité Français de ľ Arbitrage (CFA), was created to promote exchanges in international arbitration. The IAI is designed to promote exchanges on current issues in the field of international commercial arbitration. Its activities include the regular organization of international conferences, colloquiums, as well as conducting various research projects. About the Book: Anti-suit injunctions are a device, originally found in common law countries, whereby a court - which retains its jurisdiction or anticipates to do so and which seeks to protect that jurisdiction or, more generally, the jurisdiction of the forum it deems to be the most appropriate - orders a party to refrain from bringing a claim before the courts of another State or before an arbitral tribunal or, if the party has already brought such a claim, orders that party to withdraw from, or the arbitrators to suspend, the proceedings. In the past few years, the use of anti-suit injunctions in the context of international arbitration has been spreading at a disturbing pace. The courts of many common law countries but also those of civil law tradition frequently resort to this device at a party's request, in order to disrupt the arbitration process or resist the enforcement of the award. How best to resolve those conflicts arising as a result of national courts' differing perspectives on the validity and scope of certain arbitration agreements? Are anti-suit injunctions in conformity with the requirements of public international law? When the courts of certain States enjoin a party to refrain from proceeding with an arbitration, should other courts enjoin them not to enjoin, or should they, like the U.S. Court of Appeal for the 5th Circuit in the Pertamina case, exercise a commandable "self-restriction"? These are just a few of the issues addressed in Anti-Suit Injunctions in International Arbitration.
Anti-suit injunctions are orders restraining a party from commencing or continuing proceedings before a state court and can be issued by a court or arbitral tribunal. This book examines if and when anti-suit injunctions can be ordered, and it contemplates their legal conformity. It deals with jurisdictions familiar with anti-suit injunctions (e.g. England and the US) and compares these with the legal setting in Switzerland. The analysis not only relies on publicly available material, but also on confidential arbitral case law. Besides information on arbitral proceedings reported directly by arbitrators, the book takes into consideration unpublished material from proceedings conducted under the International Chamber of Commerce Rules and the International Arbitration Rules of Zurich Chamber of Commerce (now replaced by the Swiss Rules).
Since 1947, Stephen M. Schwebel has written some 200 articles and book reviews on topics of international law, international arbitration and international relations. This volume brings together thirty-two of the legal articles and commentaries written since the first volume of his essays was published in 1994. The essays analyze contentious issues of international arbitration and international law such as the place of preparatory work in interpreting treaties, the role of a judge of the nationality of a party to a case sitting in judgment in the International Court of Justice, and the meaning of the term 'investment' in ICSID jurisprudence. Together with his unofficial writings, his judicial opinions are catalogued in the list of publications with which this volume concludes.
This book explores from an English law and Institutional perspective the various types of injunctive relief that are available to a party before and during arbitral proceedings. In particular, this book examines the basis of the power of English Courts to grant such injunctions and explains when such injunctions will be granted. It considers any limitations attached to such injunctions and the relationship between section 44 of the Arbitration Act 1996 and section 37 of the Senior Courts Act 1981. It also provides an in-depth analysis of case law and the emerging trends in this area of arbitration, as well as the powers of arbitrators under the ICC and LCIA Rules to grant such relief and other remedies that might be available to a party seeking to uphold an arbitration agreement. This book will be a vital reference tool for practitioners, arbitrators and postgraduate students.
Questions relating to anti-suit injunctions arise frequently in commercial practice, as commercial litigation is often disputed in several jurisdictions simultaneously. In these, circumstances, a party preferring to conduct its litigation in England would need to determine whether it might be possible and effective to obtain an anti-suit injunction to restrain the other party from conducting its proceeding in another jurisdiction. This updating supplement complements the Main Work, The Anti-Suit Injunction, and brings it up to date in what is a fast-moving field. In particular it takes account of the volume of case law on the anti-suit injunction since the book was published, including most significantly the decision of the European Court of Justice in The Front Comor, the recent important House of Lords decision in Masri v Khoury, and other cases such as Wadi Sudr, CMA CGM v Hyundai, and Deutsche v Highland.
"This important book will be of great interest to arbitration lawyers, international lawyers and business people, as well as to academics, libraries, and students of dispute resolution."--Publisher's website.
Central to the book’s purpose is the procedural challenge facing arbitrators at each and every stage of the arbitral process when fairness arguments conflict with efficiency concerns and trade-offs must be determined. Some key themes include how can a tribunal be fair, and in particular be neutral, if parties are so diverse? How can arbitration be made efficient and cost-effective without undue inroads into fairness and accuracy? How does a tribunal do what is best if the parties are choosing a suboptimal process? When can or must an arbitrator ignore procedural choices made by the parties? The author thoroughly evaluates competing arguments and adds his own practical tips, expertly synthesizing and engaging with the conference literature and differing authors’ views. He identifies criteria that offer a harmonized approach to each stage of the arbitral process, with particular attention to such aspects of international arbitration as: appropriate trade-offs between flexibility and certainty; the rights, duties and powers of arbitrators; appointment and challenge of arbitrators; responses to ‘guerilla’ tactics; drafting of arbitration agreements, including specialty clauses; drafting of required commencement notices and response documents; set-off; fast track arbitration and other efficiency options; strategic use of preliminary conferences and timetabling; online arbitration; multi-party, multi-contract, class arbitration; amicus and third party funders; pre-arbitral referees and interim relief; witness evidence, both factual and expert; documentary evidence, production obligations, and challenges to production; identifying applicable law; and remedies and costs.
This third edition of International Arbitration Law and Practice has been largely enriched by covering international commercial arbitrations, investment treaty arbitrations, arbitrations between public bodies, between states and individuals, the UNCITRAL model law and Iran-US Tribunal proceedings as well as commodity arbitration, online arbitration and sports arbitral proceedings. International Arbitration Law and Practice, 3rd edition elaborates new concepts such as a definition of international arbitration based on procedural law (different from transnational law) and a doctrine (the tronc commun doctrine) to identify the applicable substantive law on disputes between parties belonging to different countries. It further suggests that a law of international arbitration has arisen from the various conventions and laws. Besides dealing with all the aspects of arbitration on a topic by topic basis, the writer presents a third generation arbitration which builds on analysis of major obstacles to a smooth running arbitration.International Arbitration Law and Practice, 3rd edition is a work that anyone involved in arbitral proceedings will find to be absolutely indispensable.