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If your teen has an eating disorder—such as anorexia, bulimia, or binge eating—you may feel helpless, worried, or uncertain about how you can best support them. That’s why you need real, proven-effective strategies you can use right away. Whether used in conjunction with treatment or on its own, this book offers an evidence-based approach you can use now to help your teen make healthy choices and stay well in body and mind. When Your Teen Has an Eating Disorder will empower you to help your teen using a unique, family-based treatment (FBT) approach. With this guide, you’ll learn to respectfully and lovingly oversee your teen’s nutritional rehabilitation, which includes helping to normalize eating behaviors, managing meals, expanding food flexibility, teaching independent and intuitive eating habits, and using coping strategies and recovery skills to prevent relapse. In addition to helping parents and caregivers, this book is a wonderful resource for mental health professionals, teachers, counselors, and coaches who work with parents of and teens with eating disorders. It clearly outlines the principles of FBT and the process of involving parents collaboratively in treatment. As a parent, feeding your child is a fundamental act of love—it has been from the start! However, when a child is affected by an eating disorder, parents often lose confidence in performing this basic task. This compassionate guide will help you gain the confidence needed to nurture your teen and help them heal.
This important book immediately draws the reader into the world of those struggling with anorexia/bulimia (a/b), whose stories, poems, and first-person accounts expose the 'voice' of these deadly problems. The authors' decade-and-a-half collaboration with 'insiders' has yielded fresh answers to these life and death questions: How does a/b seduce and terrorize girls and women? Why is a/b successful in encouraging girls and women to unwittingly embrace their would-be murderer? How can such a murderer be exposed and thwarted? Biting the Hand that Starves You details a unique way of thinking and speaking about anorexia/bulimia. By having conversations with insiders in which the problem is viewed as an external influence rather than a part of the person, these therapists show how to bring the tactics of a/b into the open, expose its deceptions, break its spell, and encourage defiance of its tyrannical rule. These innovations enable insiders, professionals, and loved ones to unite against anorexia/bulimia rather than allowing a/b to pit a professional or loved one against an insider, and the insider against herself. Coercion is sidestepped in favor of practices that are collaborative, accountable and spirit-nurturing. The groundbreaking discoveries outlined in this book will provide new options, inspiration and hope, not only for those who suffer at anorexia's hands, but also for their loved ones and healthcare professionals. The first section of the book illuminates the means by which anorexia/bulimia insinuates itself into the lives of women and confines them to its prison. The second section focuses on how therapists and other helpers assist them to break the spell of a/b, creating possibilities for resisting and defying it. The third section of the book details a two-pronged strategy for reclaiming one's life from a/b. One method involves unmasking a/b by directly engaging with it through critique. The other method involves disengaging from anorexia in order fashion an 'anti-a/b' lifestyle guided by their own values and passions, even while they fear forsaking the promises of anorexia. Finally, the last section of the book addresses ways in which parents and other loved ones can 'team up' with insiders to fight against these lethal problems. This section includes a first-person account of a mother and father's harrowing but ultimately triumphant effort to free their daughter from anorexia's prison. Biting the Hand that Starves You draws to an unprecedented degree on the anti-anorexic/bulimic knowledge of 'insider' clients/collaborators to provide fresh insights into the workings of a/b and the means to overcome it. The knowledge of these authors and their insider collaborators, who speak poignantly and passionately on their own behalf, is sure to benefit all those affected by a/b.
Praise for the first edition: "...this thoroughly researched and very detailed book provides the serious student of eating disorders with a great deal of useful and constructive provides a complete picture of the individual sufferer's dilemma and notes the wide-ranging behavioural patterns that can occur in these conditions...The authors have made extensive use of their own experiences {of helping people recover} which help to illustrate their findings in a most straightforward and enlightening manner." - British Review of Bulimia and Anorexia Nervosa "This brilliant book helped me and my family to see that the illness is so much more than an effort to control weight. Sharing the book could also provide you with an excellent channel of communication." - The Guardian "...many therapists would benefit from reading this book. If more helpers treated their patients with the authors' degree of empathy and integrity, treatment of anorexia nervosa would take a huge step forward." - Society for the Advancement of Research into Anorexia "...a detailed and comprehensive guide to theories of causation, intervention and therapy. It discusses methods of treatment, help, and self-motivation in this demanding field of psychology, medicine and counselling." - Nursing Textbook Review This new edition continues the outstanding tradition of excellence for which Duker and Slade's Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia: How to Help is internationally recognised. Updated to meet contemporary concerns, this book is a 'must' for anyone who wants to do something practical about anorexia nervosa/bulimia. Its unique contribution is the now widely acknowledged whirlpool theory which unifies the physiological and psychological aspects of the illness. This provides much needed alternatives for the helpers who are all too often drawn into coercing the sufferer to eat, which is psychologically destructive, or ignoring the physical aspects of the problem which can be dangerous. It also offers a basis for resolving continuing medical and legal dilemmas. To illustrate their approach, the authors draw extensively on their own research and many years of experience providing effective therapy. There is no other book that attends in such detail to the minute steps involved in leaving an anorexic/bulimic lifestyle behind. As incidence of all forms of the illness continues to increase, this new edition is more relevant than ever.
Durante los últimos 30 años, los factores sociales, culturales, familiares y los propios de cada individuo, han influido y marcado los estereotipos de éxito y han sido asociados a la silueta, tanto femenina como masculina. Estos factores, que se analizan con mayor detalle en este libro, han ocasionado los denominados trastornos de la conducta alimentaria cada vez más frecuentes en los adolescentes y en los jóvenes. Dichos trastornos tienen graves consecuencias en el estado físico, mental y social.
Eating - Pathology and Causes reflects on current problems related to eating disorders and obesity. It includes six chapters that address such topics as the impact of media and social networks on the prevalence of eating disorders among youth, epidemiological issues and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the development and aggravation of eating disorders, nutritional therapy and obesity, and lifestyle, genetic, and psychological factors of obesity.
Este libro dirigido de manera particular a los jóvenes pretende consultar algunas dudas sobre lo que son los trastornos de la conducta alimentaria como la anorexia y la bulimia nerviosa así como crear conciencia en la población sobre ese problema.
Everyone has heard of eating disorders. Readers and viewers of television, magazines, tabloids, and the Internet are kept up to date on which celebrities are too thin and which are too fat, but how much do people really understand about these psychological illnesses. This book demystifies the complex causes of eating disorders, discusses a myriad of treatment options, addresses helpful preventative measures, and highlights real people living with eating disorders.
Los Trastornos de la Conducta Alimentaria (TCA) son un grupo de enfermedades que incorporan unas creencias particulares respecto a la comida y la imagen corporal. Se trata de un problema de salud general cada vez mayor que ya afecta a un 5 por ciento de las adolescentes y jóvenes españolas y que está influido en gran parte por el modelo estético de la delgadez que prima en una parte importante de nuestra sociedad. Es muy necesario que la población general conozca la importancia de unos hábitos alimentarios saludables y reciba la información que le ofrece este libro para prevenir la aparición de un TCA y enfocar adecuadamente el tratamiento de la persona de su entorno que pueda padecerlo. • Podrá identificar y diferenciar con facilidad los posibles y distintos casos de TCA que se produzcan en su entorno y tomar las decisiones adecuadas • Conocerá el eficaz abordaje multidisciplinar al tratamiento de este problema: psicoterapéutico, nutricional, farmacológico y médico. • Tendrá a su disposición una serie de recomendaciones prácticas sobre la actitud y conducta a seguir con este tipo de pacientes. • Contará con la dilatada experiencia de dos profesionales médicos de primer nivel, familiarizados con el trato diario a pacientes afectados de estos trastornos
This book presents a Lacanian perspective on the understanding and treatment of anorexia, supported by case material, research and theoretical insight from the author’s 25 years of clinical practice. Domenico Cosenza explains how anorexia constitutes a challenge for contemporary psychoanalytic clinicians, assesses previous theoretical understandings and examines clinical contributions from other schools of psychoanalysis. Cosenza argues that anorexia cannot be treated by following a classical psychoanalytic path, and here draws on numerous clinical cases to articulate a Lacanian approach which addresses core concerns not resolved elsewhere. Elaborating on Lacanian concepts including refusal and the object nothing, Cosenza offers a new approach for all psychoanalytically-informed clinicians working with anorexia. A Lacanian Reading of Anorexia will be of great interest to psychoanalysts, psychiatrists, clinical psychologists and psychotherapists interested in Lacanian perspectives and the dynamic-analytical approach in the treatment of anorexia.