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You may ask yourself "Why should I study the anointing?" Well, if you have any desire to be used effectively by God, it becomes so much easier if someone helps you. Now if God is your Helper, just imagine how much you can achieve. Without the anointing, nothing of spiritual value will happen in your life. When I was called into ministry many years ago, I really had a burning desire to be successful in ministry. As my wife and I took that step of faith, we realized how many obstacles we would have to overcome even before we started out. When you make a decision to fulfill God's plan for your life, the devil summonses all the power of hell against you. The anointing attracts the enemy and we are no match for this formidable enemy. He is wily, cunning, and very powerful. Do not underestimate him - you cannot succeed in your own strength and power. That is why there are Christian leaders who face a continuous struggle and uphill battle throughout their ministry which causes them to give up. The anointing of the Holy Spirit is a prerequisite for all those who want to do great works for the Lord today. We are not able to really succeed in life and ministry without the presence and power of the Holy Spirit. This cannot be over-emphasized. Jesus had to instruct His disciples to wait for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit before they could launch their ministries. I learned very early on in my ministry that I needed God's power to enable me to fulfill my calling. I did not possess any natural talent and ability to do this. We cannot advance God's Kingdom without Kingdom power! But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth. - Acts 1:8 However, we must never forget that this treasure is in an earthen vessel. But we have this treasure in earthen vessels that the excellency of the power may be of God and not of us. - 2 Corinthians 4:7 The treasure imparted into a human vessel makes ministry easy. It helps you to serve others and bring them to Him. It helps you to use your gifts and callings to glorify Him and show Him to others. Effective ministry can only be performed in the supernatural arena and this is only possible if we are anointed with the Holy Spirit. The true anointing refers to the hand of God upon your life releasing extraordinary gifts and supernatural endowments. It is the power and presence of God that will enable you to accomplish mighty things in your life and ministry. The true purpose of the anointing is service. It is to glorify the Lord and benefit humanity. The anointing will strengthen, energize and equip you to beat down the enemies of God, glorify God in your life, bring people to you, and draw crowds to your meetings. It brings God's authority into your life so that you will be able to destroy the yokes that the devil has placed in people's lives. I made a decision to study everything I could about the anointing and to teach others what I have learned. I have compiled the teachings in this book so that you can learn how powerful and effective you can become when you are filled with God's Spirit and when you function in the anointing which has set you apart for supernatural ministry. Remember - if you feel you are able to do it, you will probably fail. If you know you do not have what it takes to do what God has called you to do, you will probably succeed! Never forget - it is not your power, but God's power working in and through you and with the anointing you can do the impossible. Always stay humble and always give God the glory. God bless you as you study the anointing and step out in faith and succeed in what God had called you to do. Dr. Jeff van Wyk Team Impact Christian University
The manifest Presence and Power of God seems to be lacking in the Church today. People are longing to sense the anointing of the Spirit of God. Good preaching, powerful programs and excellent fellowship are wonderful, but they are no substitute for the anointing of the Holy Spirit. My prayer is that THE FIVE-FOLD ANOINTING will help you develop a personal, intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit, enabling you to live your life with power and to minister with a greater level of supernatural ability. May this book open your eyes to supernatural blessings and release the power of God in your life. It is the anointing that will enable you to share in the purposes of God. The supernatural results of a life and ministry anointed by the Holy Spirit will astonish you. This can and should be your experience right now. But, be aware, there is a price to pay for all who want to live and minister in the fullness of the Holy Spirit's anointing. The anointing often brings division. The Parable of the Ten Virgins demonstrates this so vividly. There is a clear difference between the two groups of five virgins whom Jesus referred to in the New Testament. Their story is told in Matthew 25. The essential difference was that one group of five had the oil of the anointing, and the other group did not. In numerology, the number five represents division. We see that so clearly today in the context of present-day ministry. Lines of division today are not being drawn along denominational or doctrinal boundaries, but rather along lines of present-day anointing and power. The end-time Church will certainly be distinguished in this way. I believe one group of virgins in this parable represents the true Church of the Anointed One, Jesus Christ. The other represents the counterfeit Church, supporting a false Christ or the antichrist. A thorough study and understanding of the anointing is vital if the 21st century Church is to carry out its commission and effectively take the Gospel of the Kingdom to all the nations.
The Esther Anointing gives you the keys to Esther's success, including the qualities that make women great, the power of influence, and the key to finding God's favor for your assignment.
"This is not a how-to book on teaching, but one with the daring vision that Christian teaching is a vocation, a high calling, which is empowered by God's Spirit, embodies the gifts of the Spirit, and generates the transformative life-giving fruits of the Spirit. Teaching requires a prophetic and participatory pneumatology whose mission is to touch every dimension of individual, community, and social existence. Teaching is a profound privilege and a responsibility! This volume explains why. "Dr. M. Daniel Carroll R. (Rodas)Blanchard Professor of Old Testament Wheaton College and Graduate School
To serve God in the ministry, you need to know Dynamic Ministry. Before God can put you in the ministry first he empowers you. In order to serve God in ministry you need the presence and power of the Holy Spirit. If Jesus needed the Holy Spirit and power of God, you too need the same mighty Gods touch. In dynamic ministry you will learn prayer and the ministry of the word. And know the call to the ministry. And you will discover spiritual keys to the ministry and to serve God and minister in power. You will learn that dynamic ministry is ministry of power. Dynamic Ministry imparts you to worship and serve God in powerful way. In Dynamic Ministry you will discover how to serve God successfully in ministry. You will know Dynamic ministry is wrought by God. And the Holy Spirit is the source of ministry and impact. And you will realize that Dynamic ministry is not new. Many ministers and servants of God were dynamic: Moses, Samson, Samuel, Elijah, Peter, Paul and Apollos. You will agree you too can be dynamic and serve God in his presence and power now. The purpose of Dynamic Ministry is to show you that God can empower any person for service. Dynamic ministry shows relationship with God is the golden key to serve in the ministry and obtain work success.
Rediscover the powerful anointing of the Holy Spirit upon women in ministry in The Christian and Missionary Alliance! Anointed Women reveals the remarkable stories of women used by God in amazing ways and documents hundreds of women who served as Alliance pastors, evangelists, and teachers, planted hundreds of churches, and led thousands of people to salvation in Christ, healing, and a deeper Christian life. -- "A deeply researched history and carefully nuanced analysis. . . . Such a moderate voice should be given careful attention by every reader."-Dr. Franklin Pyles, President, The Christian and Missionary Alliance, Canada / / "An invaluable record of rich treasures. . . . a call to the C&MA to reclaim its heritage of 'unity in essentials, freedom in non-essentials, and charity in all things.'" -Leslie Andrews, Ph.D., VP of Academic Affairs/Provost, Asbury Theological Seminary
You are not limited to your own human abilities. This book will answer all of your questions about the anointing. It will prepare you to experience the precious touch of God on everything you do. How can some ministers whose personal and spiritual lives are dried up and in shambles still operate in the anointing and continue to minister with power? Pastor Benny Hinn asked this question during a season of personal trial, and his quest led him to an in-depth understanding of the three “rivers,” or types, of anointing in Scripture: 1 John 2:27 (the anointing within you); Acts 1:8 (the anointing upon you); and Isaiah 10 (a global anointing related to building up and destroying nations). In Mysteries of the Anointing, Hinn explores these three types of anointing, sharing personal stories of things he learned firsthand from Kathryn Kuhlman and Oral Roberts, as well as providing biblical and historical examples that illustrate his teachings. Readers will discover: How to detect if the anointing within you is weakening or gone The blessings—and dangers—that can happen when God begins to use you When you’re most vulnerable to demonic attack and what to do about it What hinders the anointing in your life and ministry and what increases it The impact of the anointing around the world and how the church will experience it in greater measure
God has gifted the body of Christ with so many gifts, and He wants you to use every one of them to advance the kingdom of God and to see lives changed through the power of the gospe. So whatever gift you have, in whatever capacity, and wherever you feel God has called you, you need to know that you are anointed for it.
Principles of leadership and training based upon the calling, training and rule of David. Special emphasis upon David's life and the classrooms of preparation he had to pass through. Also David's call, his anointing, his character, and faithfulness to God.