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Knjiga je nadaljevanje leta 2018 izdane knjige Labour Mobility in the EU, ki je skozi prizmo različnih poklicev mobilnih delavcev ponudila vpogled v obstoječe in prihodnje izzive na področju mobilnosti delovne sile v Evropski uniji (EU). Knjiga z zbirko esejev, ki pokrivajo različne teme, perspektive in geografske kontekste, konceptualno sledi svoji predhodnici. Vendarle pa drugi del po vsebini presega prvega, saj vključuje razmišljanja, perspektive in kritične analize priznanih tujih raziskovalcev, ki naslavljajo nekatera najbolj ključna vprašanja v preseku med dinamiko trga dela v EU in vzorci čezmejne delovne mobilnosti. Deset avtorjev, ki so prispevali sedem poglavij knjige, prihaja iz štirih držav EU. Čeprav izhajajo iz različnih akademskih disciplin, so del trdno povezanega in raziskovanju predanega omrežja raziskovalcev migracij, mobilnosti in (transnacionalne) socialne zaščite v EU. Knjiga ni namenjena samo akademski publiki, ampak si želi pritegniti pozornost širšega občinstva, predvsem pa spodbuditi k poglobljenim in navdihujočim razpravam o izzivih delovne mobilnosti v EU.
This book brings together the expertise of economists, legal scholars, political scientists, and sociologists in order to integrate diverse perspectives and a broad range of analytical tools in the conceptualisation of labour mobility. It examines how variably the question of labour mobility has translated into the policies, laws, and norms through which the EU as a whole is governed. The contributions focus on the actors – European and national officials, experts, trade union and employers’ organisations – and on instruments implemented by institutions and political organisations – European Agency, coordination systems, European Job Mobility Portal (EURES) – to increase and support mobility within the European Union. This book will be of key interest to scholars and students of European/EU studies, migration studies, labour studies, political sociology, and more broadly to comparative politics.
Knjiga zaobjema študije primerov petih držav članic Evropske unije (EU), ki problematizirajo dostop do informacij pri napotovanju delavcev v gradbenem sektorju. Avtorji so identificirali in analizirali prakse in izzive gradbenih podjetij, ki so vpeta v napotovanje delavcev, bodisi kot podjetja, ki napotujejo, torej opravljajo storitve z napotenimi delavci v drugih državah EU ali kot podjetja, ki so uporabniki tovrstnih storitev. Poglavja v knjigi zapolnjujejo vrzel v razumevanju, kako nadnacionalna podjetja, ki opravljajo storitve z napotenimi delavci, ter podjetja, ki jih uporabljajo, dostopajo do informacij in jih uporabljajo v svoji interakciji z nacionalnimi institucijami, in kako to vpliva na njihovo splošno uspešnost v smislu pravilne uporabe pravil o napotovanju ter varstvo delovnih in socialnih standardov. Študije se osredotočajo na poseben primer gradbenega sektorja kot enega glavnih sektorjev napotovanja, v katerem so dejavna večja podjetja in M-S podjetja ter samozaposleni. Posledično ta sektor pokriva veliko raznolikost "podjetij", kar omogoča stratificirano razumevanje izzivov podjetij, ki opravljajo storitve, in podjetij, ki jih naročijo.
The European recovery has been disrupted since the onset of Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine. Co-ordinated and timely policy action helped avoid a severe downturn, but the near-term outlook is clouded by uncertainty and downside risks. Monetary and fiscal policy need to become sufficiently restrictive to reduce underlying inflationary pressures durably.
This book provides insights into the complex labour and social security framework of EU employment and its enforcement. Starting from an analysis of the various EU instruments and case law, it outlines the complicated legal framework, the practical problems involved, and ways to overcome them. In turn, the book puts the evolution of the framework into perspective, reviews the numerous modifications made over the years, and describes interpretation-related difficulties. Since the formation of the European Community 65 years ago, migration and the European labour market have evolved considerably through special patterns of (temporary) mobility such as postings, simultaneous work in several Member States and high mobility, thus leading to major questions about the applicable legal framework. The interplay between the free movement of persons and services has produced a complex system of rules. Which law applies when a person crosses a border: that of the host State (and to what extent should this State take into account the legal rules from the home State?) or that of the home State? Does the person crossing the border have any choice in the matter? The book subsequently analyses the penetration of EU (market) law into national systems of labour and social security law. The divergent solutions and views within labour and social security law are considered and discussed from a critical point of view. As the positive elements of the European story are at risk of being overshadowed by the negative consequences of the European construction – social dumping being the prime example – special attention is paid to the cooperation between inspection services and other stakeholders in order to guarantee efficient enforcement. The latter is more than just sanctioning, but also includes prevention and monitoring issues. The unique strength of this book is that it brings together all legal-technical aspects of cross-border employment and its enforcement in both labour law and social security law in a single volume. Readers will find a wealth of detailed and specialised information, helping them to understand the topic in depth. Accordingly, the book will be of interest to academics, practitioners, enforcement bodies, judiciary policymakers, advanced law students, and researchers seeking to understand the law in context.
The year 2023 marked the tenth anniversary of Croatia’s membership of the European Union, the last acceding country to the EU, and thus represents a fitting opportunity to explore the political, economic and social dimensions of this tremendous transformation. This book examines how Croatia has changed over the last ten years and looks at the driving forces as well as the obstacles on its post-accession path of Europeanisation. The book argues that the Croatian case has special importance given that the last decade of European integration has arguably been the most challenging one yet. It started with the Eurozone-wide sovereign debt crisis and ended with the economic hardship caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and Russia’s aggression on Ukraine. Such demanding circumstances where agenda was often defined in an ad hoc way posed a huge test for Croatia’s governmental capacity. The book provides answers to the question of how successful Croatian policymakers were in dealing with the crises-related challanges and other needed adaptations. The book explores how EU membership has affected the design and implementation of selected national public policies, the functioning of governing institutions and patterns of cooperation between main social actors. Expert contributors analyse the impact of the EU membership in two principal areas: political and economic, with individual chapters addressing relevant topics. The book is intended for researchers, academics and students interested in these issues, as well as policymakers, entrepreneurs and lobbyists concerned with European integration.
From the erosion of state legitimacy in Lebanon to the use of smartphones in Kyrgyzstan, from a Polish suburb to the music scene in Azerbaijan, this volume attempts to explain why, in a variety of world regions, a substantial number of people tend to ignore or act against state rules. We propose to look at informality beyond simplistic associations of the phenomenon with a single category such as "informal labour" or "corruption". By doing this, we propose to look for a correlation between the emergence, and persistence, of some informal practices and the quality of governance in a given area. We also suggest that a better understanding of the variety of informal practices present in a region can help conceptualising more adequate interventions and eventually improve the socio-economic conditions of its inhabitants.