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This story revolves around the town of Marshfield, Massachusetts. Captain Robert Lewis, a longtime fisherman, has his own tuna trawler fishing boat. He's been fishing for fifteen years now. His crew is top-notch in what they do, and they all have the heart and gusto of their job in providing a good catch each day in order to help feed the local community and others in the commercial fishing is a challenge. But this is more than a fishing story. It also revolves around the family of Captain Robert Lewis, and youd have to read to see what happens in the lives of his family. Things happen that pushes their faith to the limit. There is never a dull moment with everything that goes on in their lives. So when things begin to get crazy, an unexpected character shows up to help out.
The biographical story of Dale Evans' Down's Syndrome daughter-
Angels Unaware, is the story of how God used two childrenBrandon Avery an autistic child who intruded upon his fathers idyllic life, and Dorcas (no last name recorded) the child of a drug related rape, to break down the barriers of anger, bitterness and hatred, heal a marriage and bring wounded young people and adults to Christ.
The Lord showed Joanna a dream vision. He had higher plans for her than being a full-time substitute teacher at Tahlequah. He wanted her to write a book on angels. He showed her a ruby crown told me this also said would be a movie in there.
Entertainers Roy and Dale Evans Rogers were thrilled when their little daughter Robin was born. But their excitement turned to concern when they were informed that Robin was born with Down's Syndrome and advised to "put her away." The Rogers ignored such talk and instead kept Robin, and she graced their home for two and a half years. Though Robin's time on earth was short, she changed her parents' lives and even made life better for other children born with special needs in the years to come. Angel Unaware is Robin's account of her life as she looks down from heaven. As she speaks to God about the mission of love she just completed on earth, the reader sees how she brought her parents closer to God and encouraged them to help other children in need. This book, which changed the way America treated children with special needs, is now available to a new generation. It is the perfect gift for parents of special needs children, parents grieving the death of a child, or anyone whose life has been touched by a special child.
The United States and many western European nations have grown by immigration. What sort of reception have immigrants been given by Christians? Are Christians today aware of the need of people suffering from war or persecution to immigrate to safe places? In earlier times immigrants were generally "like us." Now many immigrants are often Muslims, who not only dress distinctively, but practice a different religious creed as well. Many fear that terrorists will enter our country under the guise of immigrants. Christians, however, belong to another kingdom, the kingdom of Jesus the Messiah. A Christian response to the needs of refugees and immigrants should reflect their commitment to Christ more than their fears or political allegiances. Through stories of immigrants in the past and present, this book aims to show that not only is it safe to accept them, but our commitment to Christ compels us to help those less fortunate than ourselves.
Amy Buggle has written more than a memoir, as this story includes spiritual guidance throughout in the form of scripture connected to the text. The book entitled Taking Care of Angels Unaware is the story of how God led Amy to start a ministry of thirty years, DLC Nurse & Learn, and how He continued to lead her through scripture in amazing ways. DLC is a childcare ministry for children with special needs. The inspiration of the book and ministry, being her own cousin, Tina, born in 1964 with Down syndrome. DLC was started in the Murray Hill United Methodist Church in Jacksonville, Florida, to support children with special needs and their families who often struggle with very little assistance from the community. As a special education teacher that started volunteering as a child, with this population, her heart broke for these families, and she felt something had to be done. This unique and inspirational program has grown and flourished beyond anything Amy could have imagined. The basis for the ministry ties back to Amy's aunt and uncle who were devastated by the birth and early loss of their four-year-old daughter. Amy's aunt even wrote her own story back in the sixties that is shared as an addendum. It shows how far we have come since then, yet how far we still have to go when it comes to attitudes toward individuals with developmental differences. The book is a shining example of how God can take tragedy and through life experiences of young people turn it into a force for good. Amy's book shows how we are "set up" by God to do his work if we open our eyes and our hearts to the needs around us. Her line "We are all His hands and feet. We are all His love on Earth" says it all!
Learn how to communicate with the angels and interpret their signs for healing, support and guidance.Kyle Gray is one of the world's youngest, most sought-after angel experts. He discovered his spiritual gifts at the tender age of four and now dedicates his life to helping others tune in to their own intuitive talents. In this book, Kyle teaches readers how to connect with the angels and bring their divine, loving presence into all areas of life for powerful transformations.You will learn:- How to see, hear and feel the presence of the angels- Ways to communicate with the angels and ask for their help- How to receive messages from the angels and trust their guidance- The different types of angels and their role in each area of your life- How to meet your guardian angel