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Yahweh's injustice, cruelty and crimes against little girls, women, and wives. Published by Times Square Press New York. There is no book, no law, no scroll, and no inscription in the history of humanity, civilizations and religions, which degrades and disgraces women more than the words, the decrees, the laws and the commands of Yahweh (The God of the Hebrews/Israelites) as clearly written ad infinitum in verses of the Bible (The Old Testament). The author's arguments, findings, and conclusions are solely and exclusively based upon the Old Testament (Jewish Bible) and what God (Yahweh) himself said word-for-word about wives, women and girls, and what he ordered or allowed his "Chosen" People to do to wives, women and girls, as written in the Bible (Old Testament). Thus, he presents irrefutable facts and findings without personal interpretation, and free from biased and subjective analyses. He is neither analyzing the Old Testament nor interpreting the Old Testament, the Torah, or the Talmud.
There is much violence in the Old Testament, both human and divine. Christians and non-Christians react differently to what they read about the God of the Old Testament. Some people are so affected by the violence found in the Old Testament that they give up on God, stop going to church and reading the Bible, and eventually lose their faith. Others are offended by divine violence and seek to find an alternative explanation for the violent acts of God in the Old Testament. A popular alternative in the twenty-first century is to return to the second century and adopt some form of Marcionism and make the God of the Old Testament to be a different God from the God revealed by Christ in the New Testament. The purpose of this book is not a defense of God and his use of violence. The author seeks to understand why God acted the way he did and to understand the reason for divine violence in the Old Testament. Yahweh did use violence in his work of reconciliation. However, the use of violence was necessary when everything else failed. Israel provoked God to anger. When God brought judgment upon his people, he did so with tears in his eyes.
Vol.1. ETYMOLOGY, PHILOLOGY AND COMPARATIVE DICTIONARY OF SYNONYMS IN 22 DEAD AND ANCIENT LANGUAGES. Akkadian, Arabic, Aramaic, Assyrian, Azerbaijani/Azeri, Babylonian, Neo Babylonian, Canaanite, Chaldean, Essenic, Farsi (Persian), Hebrew, Mandaic, Nazorean, Phoenician, Sumerian, Swadaya, Syriac, Turkish, Turoyo, Ugaritic, Urdu. Volume I A (Aabaad - Azu). From A Set Of 7 Volumes. (Origin And History Of Words And Dialects) Published by Times Square Press,
Vol.2. ETYMOLOGY, PHILOLOGY AND COMPARATIVE DICTIONARY OF SYNONYMS IN 22 DEAD AND ANCIENT LANGUAGES. B (B - Byblos). From A Set Of 7 Volumes. Akkadian, Arabic, Aramaic, Assyrian, Azerbaijani/Azeri, Babylonian, Neo Babylonian, Canaanite, Chaldean, Essenic, Farsi (Persian), Hebrew, Mandaic, Nazorean, Phoenician, Sumerian, Swadaya, Syriac, Turkish, Turoyo, Ugaritic, Urdu. (Origin And History Of Words And Dialects). Published by Times Square Press,
Vol.3. ETYMOLOGY, PHILOLOGY AND COMPARATIVE DICTIONARY OF SYNONYMS IN 22 DEAD AND ANCIENT LANGUAGES. "C-D". From A Set Of 7 Volumes. Akkadian, Arabic, Aramaic, Assyrian, Azerbaijani/Azeri, Babylonian, Neo Babylonian, Canaanite, Chaldean, Essenic, Farsi (Persian), Hebrew, Mandaic, Nazorean, Phoenician, Sumerian, Swadaya, Syriac, Turkish, Turoyo, Ugaritic, Urdu. (Origin And History Of Words And Dialects). Published by Times Square Press, New York
Secular feminists claim that Christianity is a misogynistic religion and that the Bible is bad for women. Are these claims true? Would women be better off if we all became atheists? Is the God of the Bible portrayed as a sexist who prescribes female inferiority by divine decree? What does the Bible actually teach about the value and personhood of women? David Wilber's book, Is God a Misogynist: Understanding the Bible's Difficult Passages Concerning Women, explores these questions and uncovers God's true heart toward women as revealed in the Scriptures. This book addresses common objections to the Bible from modern feminism—does the Bible really endorse polygamy, sanction rape, regard women as property, etc.?—in addition to bringing correction to unbiblical doctrines that are pushed by some segments of the Church. Wilber's thoughtful and balanced approach to the Scriptures helps the reader understand how to reconcile difficult passages with the goodness of God, who has revealed Himself to be a lover and protector of women.
Kevin Giles has been writing on women in the Bible for over forty years. In this book, What the Bible Actually Teaches on Women, he gives the most comprehensive account to date of the competing conclusions to this question and the issues surrounding it. To understand the bitter and divisive debate among evangelicals over the status and ministry of women, it needs to be understood that those who since 1990 have called themselves "complementarians" argue that in creation before the fall God set the man over the woman. Thus, the leadership of the man and the subordination of the woman in the home, the church, and wherever possible in the world (the whole creation) is the God-given ideal that is pleasing to God. It is this "theology" that Kevin Giles deconstructs and shows to be without a biblical foundation. Giles shows that he is fully conversant with the complementarian position and yet is unpersuaded by it. He sees it as an appeal to the Bible to preserve male privilege, similar to the appeals to the Bible to validate slavery and Apartheid; appeals to the Bible made by some of the best Reformed and evangelical biblical scholars, and now seen to be special pleading. Carefully studying the limited number of texts on which complementarians predicate their theology of the sexes, Giles finds not one of them actually teaches what complementarians claim. Furthermore, complementarians too often ignore the texts that are very difficult for them. In this book the ordination of women gets only passing mention. The constant focus is on whether or not the Bible subordinates women to men as an abiding theological principle.
For too long the women of the Bible have been depicted in one-dimensional terms. On one side are saints, such as Mary, while on the other are "bad girls," such as Eve and Jezebel. Just as often, the female characters of the Bible are simply ignored. However, the women of the Bible are complex, multidimensional individuals whose lives are inspiring, funny, and tragic in ways too many of us never hear. In this first of two volumes, Lynn Japinga acquaints us with the women of the Old Testament. From flawed heroes like Ruth and Rahab to fierce fighters like Deborah and Jael to tragic characters like Jephthah's daughter and the unnamed concubine of the book of Judges, readers will encounter a wealth of foremothers in the faith in all their messy, yet redeemable, humanity. This Bible study introduces and retells every female character who contributes to one or more Old Testament stories, diving deeply into what each woman's story means for us today with questions for reflection and discussion.
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Presented here are two volumes of apocryphal writings reflecting the life and time of the Old and New Testaments. Stories told by contemporary fiction writers of historical Bible times in fascinating and beautiful style.