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“Ancient Wisdom and the Measure of Our Days is a treasure. Brancato provides his readers with the opportunity to reflect on the universal process of aging while in the company of sages from around the world. It is a loving and gentle text that all will find comfort in.” –Melinda Plastas, Ph.D., Bates College “This gem is long overdue and we thank Dr. Brancato for his gift.” —Rabbi Harry Sky, author of My Journey and Give me 2 Minutes of Your Time “The further I ventured into Brancato’s book, the more convinced I became that I will read it over and over again, learning something new each time.” —Kali Lightfoot, Executive Director of the National Resource Center for Osher Lifelong Learning Institutes The longer we live, the more likely we are to experience great losses in life such as the death of a partner, family member or friend, and the inevitable diminishment of our physical and mental functions. Combining 50 years of ongoing study of world religions with his own experiences of aging, Dr. Brancato relates the world views of sages and saints to the realities of change as we age: our shifting personal identities, the quandaries of how to live in unanticipated circumstances, and the incomprehensible nature of the Infinite. This significant, thought-provoking book offers counsel, solace and advice to those facing retirement, aging and loss. It is to be read slowly, reflected upon and read again.
Prospectives from various religious traditions about such aspects of aging like the loss of mental capacity and physical ability.
Mystery and Manifestation affirms the inestimable role that luminous life experiences can provide for greater understanding of our deepest identity. These momentary experiences burst upon us unexpectedly in the course of our daily lives, and go far beyond the ideologies, theologies, and belief systems of the many cultures influencing us, be they familial, ethnic, political, or religious. Fred Brancato asserts that we all experience luminous moments like these, and should allow them to shape and inform our lives. He does this by drawing upon his own experiences, as well as those who participated in courses, workshops, and retreats he’s facilitated over the years. From his 60-plus years of ongoing study, he applies his extensive knowledge of the mystical traditions of Hinduism, Taoism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, Sufism, and North America’s Indigenous peoples. These insights are supported by the profound sayings of these traditions and by a sprinkling of poems that communicate what prose cannot. “This is a beautiful book drenched with wisdom and love. It was a rich and succulent reading experience for which I feel both awe and gratitude.” – Michael Brady, Professor Emeritus, University of Southern Maine
• Explores the lifestyle of indigenous peoples of the world who exist in complete harmony with the natural world and with each other. • Reveals a model of a society built on trust, patience, and joy rather than anxiety, hurry, and acquisition. • Shows how we can reconnect with the ancient intuitive awareness of the world's original people. Deep in the mountainous jungle of Malaysia the aboriginal Sng'oi exist on the edge of extinction, though their way of living may ultimately be the kind of existence that will allow us all to survive. The Sng'oi--pre-industrial, pre-agricultural, semi-nomadic--live without cars or cell phones, without clocks or schedules in a lush green place where worry and hurry, competition and suspicion are not known. Yet these indigenous people--as do many other aboriginal groups--possess an acute and uncanny sense of the energies, emotions, and intentions of their place and the living beings who populate it, and trustingly follow this intuition, using it to make decisions about their actions each day. Psychologist Robert Wolff lived with the Sng'oi, learned their language, shared their food, slept in their huts, and came to love and admire these people who respect silence, trust time to reveal and heal, and live entirely in the present with a sense of joy. Even more, he came to recognize the depth of our alienation from these basic qualities of life. Much more than a document of a disappearing people, Original Wisdom: Stories of an Ancient Way of Knowing holds a mirror to our own existence, allowing us to see how far we have wandered from the ways of the intuitive and trusting Sng'oi, and challenges us, in our fragmented world, to rediscover this humanity within ourselves.
Sounds of Freedom: Reflections about the Liberating Vibrations of Everyday Life describes the ways that music, sound, vibration, and energy give us life and also provide the power to heal. The reflections cover a wide range of human experience, from expanding consciousness to dementia. Its verses may help in times of personal crisis and support living in harmony with the music of the spheres. “Always and especially now, Fred Brancato’s words resonate with wisdom and love! Fragile and strong! Brave and encouraging.” – Patricia Reis, author of Unsettled, a novel of historical fiction “This exquisite poem, a long necklace of pearls, of jewels, each a portal into an indeterminate space of exquisite form and mystery. Delicate, potent, vibrant and quietly thrilling, this is a work of brilliancy to be sipped and savored.” – Leah Chyten, author of Light Radiance Splendor and Soul of the Mountain