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La performance à tout prix, la productivité accrue sans égard aux conséquences que cela peut provoquer sur soi, les autres et son environnement et celle de la compétition forcent parfois les individus à restreindre leurs rapports avec autrui. Cette poursuite n’est pas sans entraîner un certain raccourci de notre capacité à penser et à mieux décider. Certains décideurs n’acceptent plus ces pressions et cherchent à construire de nouveaux rapports plus justes avec les autres. Ils s’intéressent avec acuité à l’éthique. Le XXIe siècle sera-t-il marqué du sceau de la conscientisation des conduites et des effets que celles-ci peuvent avoir sur notre capacité à mieux vivre ensemble ? Comprendre le processus décisionnel en situation de dilemme éthique est un premier pas vers cette démarche de conscientisation, surtout lorsqu’on est en situation d’autorité et que nous détenons la capacité de préserver ce qu’il est juste de faire, le tout dans un environnement de plus en plus complexe. Cet ouvrage s’adresse particulièrement aux gestionnaires et aux étudiants en gestion des ressources humaines préoccupés par l’instauration d’une pratique éthique au travail. « Ce livre mérite d’être lu par toutes les personnes qui s’interrogent sur la portée de ses propres décisions et jugements et, aussi, sur ceux des autres. » - FERNAND MORIN, professeur émérite en droit du travail « Ces travaux novateurs offrent non pas uniquement aux leaders en éducation mais aussi à ceux d’autres organisations l’occasion de réexaminer sous un angle nouveau leur propre processus de prise de décision éthique. » - JERRY STARRATT, Boston College L’ouvrage de la professeure Lyse Langlois arrive à point nommé pour les gestionnaires du monde de l’éducation. Avec les grandes transformations culturelles, sociales et économiques que nous vivons, il est souvent difficile de trouver la bonne boussole quand vient le temps de porter un jugement et de prendre une décision. La démarche proposée par Lyse Langlois répond à un besoin pressant et permet de développer des conduites plus éthiques dans nos organisations scolaires. - CLAIRE LAPOINTE, directrice du Centre de recherche et d’intervention sur la réussite scolaire La formation TERA offerte à une douzaine de décideurs de mon organisation influence déjà le développement de celle-ci. Au cæur des décisions de l’organisation, leurs préoccupations éthiques bénéficient à tous et, en premier lieu, à l’élève... notre raison d’être ! - JACKY TREMBLAY, directeur des ressources humaines, commission scolaire des Découvreurs
La performance à tout prix, la productivité accrue sans égard aux conséquences que cela peut provoquer sur soi, les autres et son environnement et celle de la compétition forcent parfois les individus à restreindre leurs rapports avec autrui. Cette poursuite n'est pas sans entraîner un certain raccourci de notre capacité à penser et à mieux décider. Certains décideurs n'acceptent plus ces pressions et cherchent à construire de nouveaux rapports plus justes avec les autres. Ils s'intéressent avec acuité à l'éthique. Le XXIe siècle sera-t-il marqué du sceau de la conscientisation des conduites et des effets que celles-ci peuvent avoir sur notre capacité à mieux vivre ensemble ? Comprendre le processus décisionnel en situation de dilemme éthique est un premier pas vers cette démarche de conscientisation, surtout lorsqu'on est en situation d'autorité et que nous détenons la capacité de préserver ce qu'il est juste de faire, le tout dans un environnement de plus en plus complexe. Cet ouvrage s'adresse particulièrement aux gestionnaires et aux étudiants en gestion des ressources humaines préoccupés par l'instauration d'une pratique éthique au travail.
Maximizing productivity without regard for human consequences, the quest for profit above all else, the stifling of individual personality and creative expression, a competitive atmosphere-these are the reigning features of the modern workplace. Although many writers have called attention to the debilitating effects of this dehumanization of the working environment, solutions have been less in evidence. In The Anatomy of Ethical Leadership, Lyse Langlois frames the problem in terms of ethics, pointing to the fact that managers are often uncertain how to integrate ethical considerations into their process of decision making. She explores the instrumental, often highly legalistic patterns of thought that pervade modern organizations and proposes instead a new emphasis on dialogue and on modes of reasoning that make room for the complexity of ordinary reality. To that end, she outlines a trajectory for ethical, responsible, and authentic decision making--the TERA model-that managers --
This long awaited Third Edition fully illuminates the patient-centered model of medicine, continuing to provide the foundation for the Patient-Centered Care series. It redefines the principles underpinning the patient-centered method using four major components - clarifying its evolution and consequent development - to bring the reader fully up-to-
This is the only analysis of indigenous discourse about an African belief system undertaken within the framework of Anglo-American analytical philosophy.
Explores self-consciousness and metafictional awareness in modern fairy tale and its expression across literary fairy tale, popular fairy tale, and fairy-tale film. In Marvelous Geometry Jessica Tiffin argues that within twentieth- and twenty-first-century Western literature there exists a diverse body of fairy-tale texts that display a common thread of metafictional self-awareness. The narrative pattern of these texts is self-conscious, overtly structured, variously fantastical, and, Tiffin argues, easily recognized and interpreted by modern audiences. In this broadly comparative study she explores contemporary fairy-tale fictions found in modern literature and live-action and animated film and television to explore fairy tale's ability to endlessly reinvent itself and the cultural implications of its continued relevance. Tiffin's skilled analysis draws on the critical fields of postmodernism, narratological analysis, stucturalism, feminism, and performativity, without relying solely on any one perspective. She considers important fairy-tale retellings such as the feminist revisions of Angela Carter, the postmodern narratives of A. S. Byatt, as well as fairy tales written for children by James Thurber. She also investigates both popular and high-art films, contrasting Cocteau and Neil Jordan to Hollywood romances and Disney, and analyzes the differences between animated features and live-action productions. Finally, Tiffin uses a case study of the recent successful Shrek films to situate the fairy tale in the twenty-first century as an endlessly adaptable folk narrative that self-consciously and affectionately reflects generic structures and significant cultural assumptions. Marvelous Geometry covers a wide range of familiar and unfamiliar primary texts from a novel and fruitful perspective. Tiffin's focus on the metafictional nature of the fairy tale turns readers' attention to the genre's narrative structure and aesthetic qualities without ever losing sight of the fairy tale's sociocultural impact as powerful marvelous narrative. Scholars of literary and fairy-tale studies will enjoy Tiffin's expansive analysis.
Leadership Case Studies in Education 3rd Edition by Peter G. Northouse and Marie Lee applies leadership theories in educational settings. Designed to be used alongside Leadership: Theory and Practice 9th Edition, this casebook provides relevant, substantive, and contemporary case studies on leadership issues in Higher Education and K-12 Education. Each of the 32 case studies include critical thinking questions that encourage students to apply leadership theory and concepts to real-life situations. Engaging, practical, and relevant, Leadership Case Studies in Education is the perfect companion for educational leadership courses.
Most women who die from cervical cancer, particularly in developing countries, are in the prime of their life. They may be raising children, caring for their family, and contributing to the social and economic life of their town or village. Their death is both a personal tragedy, and a sad and unnecessary loss to their family and their community. Unnecessary, because there is compelling evidence, as this Guide makes clear, that cervical cancer is one of the most preventable and treatable forms of cancer, as long as it is detected early and managed effectively. Unfortunately, the majority of women in developing countries still do not have access to cervical cancer prevention programmes. The consequence is that, often, cervical cancer is not detected until it is too late to be cured. An urgent effort is required if this situation is to be corrected. This Guide is intended to help those responsible for providing services aimed at reducing the burden posed by cervical cancer for women, communities and health systems. It focuses on the knowledge and skills needed by health care providers, at different levels of care.
The author argues for much greater attention to ethical education and responds to sceptics who say that it can't be done in the face of a pluralistic secular society badly fragmented over values. Seeking always for themes and issues that unite rather than divide, the author provides a conceptual foundation for ethical education broad enough for building consensus among teachers and parents, yet focused enough to provide guidance for highly specific learning activities. The second half of the book takes the reader through a carefully devised series of steps by which a school community might proceed in building their ethical school. The final chapter reminds of the many difficulties to be met along the way, but offers encouragement to strengthen the resolve of the school community. The book concludes with two helpful appendices: the first provides detailed information on exiting initiatives already underway in ethical education, the second offers an annotated bibliography of books and essays which are available for those educators who need or want to read more on the topic of ethical education.
As each week beings more stories of doctors, lawyers and other professionals abusing their powers, while clients demand extra services as at a time of shrinking resources; it is imperative that all practising professionals have an understanding of professional ethics. In The Ground of Profesional Ethics, Daryl Koehn discusses the practical issues in depth, such as the level of service clients can justifiably expect from professionals, when service to a client may be legitimately terminated and circumstances in which client confidences can be broken. She argues that, while clients may legitimately expect professionals to promote their interests, professionals are not morally bound to do whatever a client wants. The Ground of Professional Ethics is important reading for all practising professionals, as well as those who study or have an interest in the subject of professional ethics.