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The Defense Science Board (DSB) Task Force on Tactics and Technology for 21st Century Military Superiority was formed by the Office of the Secretary of Defense to explore new concepts for making a relatively small and rapidly deployable force capable for accomplishing missions that would otherwise require a large, massed force. As part of the concept development phase of the study, the DSB identified two different means of achieving a capable small dispersed force. The first concept represents an evolutionary change from current small forces, such as the division ready brigade (DRB) of the 82nd Airborne. Here the force is envisioned to remain a small, mostly self-contained unit such as a DRB, but it is given the mission and capability of a larger unit such as a division. This may be accomplished by augmenting many of a DRB's current components with advanced RSTA, C2, and weapon systems, much as envisioned in the Rapid Force Projection Initiative (RFPI) and the U.S. Army's Force XXI concept. The DSB builds on these concepts by emphasizing joint nonorganic or 'external' RSTA and fire support system technologies. The second DSB concept is more revolutionary, removing the notion of an area control by ground forces almost entirely. Here, long-range fires are called by small, virtually independent dismounted teams moving around the region. This concept is close to that espoused in the USMC Sea Dragon proposal. The DSB concept builds on Sea Dragon by extending it to include a larger range of external RSTA and weapons and possibly giving it a more substantial level of team mobility. While our simulation effort focuses on the first concept, the two have many aspects in common, and some merging of ideas is expected. Both concepts emphasize joint operations and coordination among many geographically remote systems. The common question between both concepts is how much of a.
This documented briefing summarizes a fast-response research effort that directly supported the Defense Science Board Summer Study Task Force on Tactics and Technology for 21st Century Military Superiority.
The Defense Science Board (DSB) Advisory Group was asked to examine the use of operations research (OR) methods to support Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) decision making within the DoD. The DSB was asked to survey the departments and agencies to determine how much OR is being performed; assess how the results of OR are being used in decision making; recommend a test cases(s) for using OR methodologies; and recommend steps DoD can take to institutionalize the use of OR in future DoD decision making. Illustrations.
Although the defense community has come to endorse "jointness" in military operations, views differ greatly on what operations should look like in the future. Joint Vision (JV) 2010 provides basic ideas on how people and technologies might best be used to shape Joint warfare in the future, but it is a vision document that is intended to serve as a conceptual template, not a blueprint. The Defense Science Board (DSB) was asked to help move things forward by focusing "on how new capabilities, operational concepts, and different force characteristics can be developed and integrated to underwrite Joint Vision 2010." This report describes part of RAND's analytical support of the DSB summer study, notably simulation experiments to help explore and assess Joint operational concepts. It builds on related work done by the authors for a previous DSB effort, Tactics and Technology for 21st Century Military Superiority In this year's effort, we not only drew on outcomes of such previous DSB studies, but also included new discussions with warfighters and planners in the Joint warfare community, and interactions with DSB members, to define a range of operational concepts for the future. The strengths and weaknesses of these concepts were explored using man-in-the-loop, high-resolution, stochastic constructive simulation in the context of a single basic scenario with a number of variations. Our intention in this detailed work was to; (1) provide insights and inputs for a broader, exploratory RAND analysis for the DSB, (2) increase dialogue among conceptualizers, users, and developers, and (3) suggest ideas that would indeed help the DSB take IV 2010 to the next step. An additional objective made clear by the summer study's leadership from the outset was to illustrate the kinds of analysis needed to assess new concepts.
This documented briefing describes RAND research that supported the 1998 Defense Science Board (DSB) Summer Study on Joint Operations Superiority in the 21st Century: Integrating Capabilities Underwriting Joint Vision 2010. RAND supported the DSB through both exploratory analysis and high-resolution simulation-based analysis; this document only covers the high-resolution work, notably simulation experiments to help explore and assess Joint operational concepts. It builds on related work done by the authors for the DSB effort, Tactics and Technology for 21st Century Military Superiority (DB-198-A). The current effort draws on outcomes of other DSB studies, discussions with warfighters, and interactions with DSB members, to define a range of different Joint operational concepts that could be applied to a future (2010-2015) notional, high-intensity, quick-reaction scenario. The strengths and weaknesses of
This report stems from a congressional request for an independent report about the U.S. Department of Defense s capabilities for joint analysis and ways to improve them. Congressional concerns largely involved the activity called support for strategic analysis (SSA) and whether to revise it. The report recommends making fundamental revisions to the overall planning construct to which SSA contributes."
An analytical framework and methodology for capability-area reviews is described, along with new tools to support capabilities analysis and strategic-level defense planning in the Defense Department and the Services. BCOT generates and screens preliminary options, and the Portfolio-Analysis Tool (PAT) is used to evaluate options that pass screening. The concepts are illustrated with applications to Global Strike and Ballistic Missile Defense. Recommendations are made for further defense-planning research.