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The book provides an introduction to stratification theory leading the reader up to modern research topics in the field. The first part presents the basics of stratification theory, in particular the Whitney conditions and Mather's control theory, and introduces the notion of a smooth structure. Moreover, it explains how one can use smooth structures to transfer differential geometric and analytic methods from the arena of manifolds to stratified spaces. In the second part the methods established in the first part are applied to particular classes of stratified spaces like for example orbit spaces. Then a new de Rham theory for stratified spaces is established and finally the Hochschild (co)homology theory of smooth functions on certain classes of stratified spaces is studied. The book should be accessible to readers acquainted with the basics of topology, analysis and differential geometry.
This volume provides a detailed account of the theory of symplectic reduction by stages, along with numerous illustrations of the theory. It gives special emphasis to group extensions, including a detailed discussion of the Euclidean group, the oscillator group, the Bott-Virasoro group and other groups of matrices. The volume also provides ample background theory on symplectic reduction and cotangent bundle reduction.
A classical problem in the calculus of variations is the investigation of critical points of functionals {\cal L} on normed spaces V. The present work addresses the question: Under what conditions on the functional {\cal L} and the underlying space V does {\cal L} have at most one critical point? A sufficient condition for uniqueness is given: the presence of a "variational sub-symmetry", i.e., a one-parameter group G of transformations of V, which strictly reduces the values of {\cal L}. The "method of transformation groups" is applied to second-order elliptic boundary value problems on Riemannian manifolds. Further applications include problems of geometric analysis and elasticity.
The authors prove an analogue of the Kotschick–Morgan Conjecture in the context of monopoles, obtaining a formula relating the Donaldson and Seiberg–Witten invariants of smooth four-manifolds using the -monopole cobordism. The main technical difficulty in the -monopole program relating the Seiberg–Witten and Donaldson invariants has been to compute intersection pairings on links of strata of reducible monopoles, namely the moduli spaces of Seiberg–Witten monopoles lying in lower-level strata of the Uhlenbeck compactification of the moduli space of monopoles. In this monograph, the authors prove—modulo a gluing theorem which is an extension of their earlier work—that these intersection pairings can be expressed in terms of topological data and Seiberg–Witten invariants of the four-manifold. Their proofs that the -monopole cobordism yields both the Superconformal Simple Type Conjecture of Moore, Mariño, and Peradze and Witten's Conjecture in full generality for all closed, oriented, smooth four-manifolds with and odd appear in earlier works.
Pseudo-differential operators were initiated by Kohn, Nirenberg and Hörmander in the sixties of the last century. Beside applications in the general theory of partial differential equations, they have their roots also in the study of quantization first envisaged by Hermann Weyl thirty years earlier. Thanks to the understanding of the connections of wavelets with other branches of mathematical analysis, quantum physics and engineering, such operators have been used under different names as mathematical models in signal analysis since the last decade of the last century. The volume investigates the mathematics of quantization and signals in the context of pseudo-differential operators, Weyl transforms, Daubechies operators, Wick quantization and time-frequency localization operators. Applications to quantization, signal analysis and the modern theory of PDE are highlighted.
The problem of solving nonlinear equations and systems of equations ranks among the most signi?cant in the theory and practice, not only of applied mathematicsbutalsoofmanybranchesofengineeringsciences,physics,c- puter science, astronomy, ?nance, and so on. A glance at the bibliography and the list of great mathematicians who have worked on this topic points to a high level of contemporary interest. Although the rapid development of digital computers led to the e?ective implementation of many numerical methods, in practical realization, it is necessary to solve various problems such as computational e?ciency based on the total central processor unit time, the construction of iterative methods which possess a fast convergence in the presence of multiplicity (or clusters) of a desired solution, the control of rounding errors, information about error bounds of obtained approximate solution, stating computationally veri?able initial conditions that ensure a safe convergence, etc. It is the solution of these challenging problems that was the principal motivation for the present study. In this book, we are mainly concerned with the statement and study of initial conditions that provide the guaranteed convergence of an iterative method for solving equations of the form f(z) = 0. The traditional approach to this problem is mainly based on asymptotic convergence analysis using some strong hypotheses on di?erentiability and derivative bounds in a rather wide domain.
Spectral theory of bounded linear operators teams up with von Neumann’s theory of unbounded operators in this monograph to provide a general framework for the study of stable methods for the evaluation of unbounded operators. An introductory chapter provides numerous illustrations of unbounded linear operators that arise in various inverse problems of mathematical physics. Before the general theory of stabilization methods is developed, an extensive exposition of the necessary background material from the theory of operators on Hilbert space is provided. Several specific stabilization methods are studied in detail, with particular attention to the Tikhonov-Morozov method and its iterated version.
This book demonstrates that while elliptic and hyperbolic tori determine the distribution of maximal invariant tori, they themselves form n-parameter families. Therefore, torus bifurcations of high co-dimension may be found in a single given Hamiltonian system, absent untypical conditions or external parameters. The text moves logically from the integrable case, in which symmetries allow for reduction to bifurcating equilibria, to non-integrability, where smooth parametrisations must be replaced by Cantor sets.