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¿Estás cansado de buscar respuestas en libros modernos sobre cómo encontrar éxito y satisfacción en tu carrera? En esta fascinante obra, exploraremos una sorprendente fuente de sabiduría laboral en dos epístolas desconocidas del Nuevo Testamento. Sumérgete en la antigua Colosas y adéntrate en los consejos prácticos sobre cómo destacar en tu trabajo mientras mantienes una ética ejemplar. A través de estas antiguas palabras, descubrirás emeplos que te ayudarán a enfrentar los retos profesionales de hoy en día. Este libro ofrece una interpretación única y reveladora de las enseñanzas contenidas en las cartas a los colosenses y Filemón. Aprenderás cómo desarrollar habilidades de liderazgo, trabajar en equipo de manera eficiente y manejar los conflictos laborales de una manera justa y valiosa. No te pierdas la oportunidad de descubrir los tesoros escondidos en estas epístolas poco exploradas.
A través de cartas inspiradoras y reveladoras, descubrirás cómo utilizar los consejos prácticos de la educación laboral para mejorar tus habilidades de liderazgo, comunicación, resolución de conflictos y más con lecciones de las Cartas Generales y el Apocalipsis que te ayudarán a comprender el propósito divino en tu trabajo y cómo convertirlo en un ministerio. Ejemplos concretos de cómo aplicar los principios bíblicos en el entorno laboral, este libro te guiará paso a paso en el camino hacia el éxito y la realización. Descubrirás cómo encontrar significado y propósito en tu trabajo diario, cómo mantenerte firme en tus valores cristianos en medio de desafíos y adversidades, y cómo hacer una diferencia duradera en el mundo laboral al llevar el mensaje de esperanza y amor de Cristo.
Providing solid guidelines and using clear illustrations, Jack Kuhatschek explains how to uncover the timeless principles of Scripture. And he shows how to apply those principles to everyday experience. 163 pages, paper
A Christian Handbook For Emotional Transformation Emotions are a very important part of the Christian life. Emotional intelligence (EQ) is especially important when it comes to leadership and ministry skills. Biblical EQ uses the Bible and the character of Jesus to show how we can grow both spiritually and emotionally into mature human beings. Biblical EQ uses the life and character of Jesus as the model to emulate. Jesus Christ shows us what it is like to be a perfect person, whose emotions are both well-expressed and well-managed in love. The Holy Spirit is God resident in human personality, with the power to change us into the image of Jesus Christ. We are not left alone to change ourselves! God the Holy Spirit will help us! So Biblical EQ will take you on a bible-based journey through the world of emotional growth and emotional intelligence. You will learn how to change your perspectives, your beliefs, thoughts and intents of the heart, manage your physical reactions to emotions, control stress, have faith and mastery in life and how to grow in love, social skills and Christian leadership.
Ken Boa hits the mark. You don't have to look very far today to come across "popular" ideas of leadership that try hard to mimic biblical principles. The problem is that's all they do... mimic. Boa propels leadership a giant step forward with the revelation of the ultimate Christian leadership model. Boa rejects the compromises found in much of today's teaching that force-fit secular standards into a biblical mold—ideas that hover around humanistic ideas of fairness, kindness, and basic morality. Instead, Boa challenges leaders to do a serious evaluation of their approach and to follow the leadership qualities exhibited by God in his Word.
Proposes a method of biblical interpretation consisting of contexual, syntactical, verbal, theological, and homiletical analysis.
Why are scholars so prone to fabricate a new Jesus? Why is the public so eager to accept such claims without question? What methods and assumptions predispose scholars to distort the record? Is there a more sober approach to finding the real Jesus? Craig Evans offers a sane approach to examining the sources for understanding the historical Jesus.
The four canonical gospels are long set in established sequence as Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. This book is about four other gospels, the Gospel of Thomas, the Secret Gospel of Mark; the Gospel of Peter, and Egerton Papyrus 2. These four other gospels have generally been regarded as mere digests or collages of the canonical gospels, whereas in fact, as Professor Crossan persuasively shows, the four others hold within their mutilated fragments independent or earlier traditions than those tradition has canonized. Four Other Gospels proposes a spectrum of relations between the canonical gospels and these others. This spectrum ranges from the Gospel of Thomas, which is a parallel and independent tradition, to Egerton Papyrus 2, on which both John and Mark are dependent, to the Secret Gospel of Mark, on which Mark directly and John indirectly are dependent, and on to the Gospel of Peter, which contains an original Passion-Resurrection source used by all four of the canonical gospels, but which submitted to their eventual ascendancy by attempting a harmonization between it and them, and placed the new complex under the authority and authorship of Simon Peter. Four Other Gospels does not propose a new or alternative canon. The canon is a fact both of history and of theology. But the thesis of this book is that anyone who takes the four other gospels seriously and thoughtfully will never again be able to read the four canonical gospels in quite the same way. A new light has been shed.