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The land and sea routes of the Phoenicians in their homeland and their trading Empire are examined in the present volume on the ground of Neo-Assyrian military itineraries (Chapters I and II), and of information provided by epigraphy, literary sources, and archaeological findings on Cyprus, in Anatolia, and in the Aegean (Chapters III, IV and V). Chapters VI and VII examine the problems of Ophir and Tarshish, developing fresh insights, while Chapters VIII and IX analyse the Periplus of Pseudo-Scylax 104 and 110-111. The voyage of Hanno the Carthaginian to the Sebou basin (Morocco) and the Canary Islands is re-examined in Chapter X. Finally, Chapters XI and XII are devoted to Byrsa (Carthage) and to Jerusalem, with special attention to traces of Phoenician presence and activity in this city. Detailed indices complete the volume.
This volume comprises three appendices to the same author's Old Nubian Dictionary (CSCO 556, Subs. 90; 1996). The first deals with the emphatic particles -lo/-lo, -sin and -so/-so and provides for each a catalogue of examples followed by a commentary describing the usage. The second appendix, intended to facilitate the editing of damaged texts, is a reverse index of all the words entered in the Dictionary. The third furnishes addenda et corrigenda to M.M. Khalil's published Worterbuch der nubischen Sprache (Fadidja/Mahas-Dialekt) and supplements the cognates cited in the Dictionary. Like the Dictionary, this volume of appendices should be of interest to all who work in the area of Christian Africa. The author is Professor of the Classics and Linguistics in the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (USA) and is recognized as the world's leading authority on Old Nubian.