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Winner of the Summerfield Book Award! This best-selling, comprehensive text documents the fundamental theoretical developments in astrodynamics and space navigation that led to man's ventures into space. It includes the essential elements of celestial mechanics, spacecraft trajectories, and space navigation, as well as the history of the underlying mathematical developments. The material presented in the text represents a 25-year evolution in course material developed by Dr. Battin. Former students who benefitted from this material include three of the astronauts who walked on the moon. The text format offers flexibility for the user. Chapters are largely independent of each other and may be read or taught in any order, offering the opportunity to organize an undergraduate or graduate course that meets the needs of students having various levels of background and preparation. Further, the book covers more subject matter than is covered in a single course of instruction, thereby motivating students to stray from the beaten path of the classroom.
Teaching text developed by U.S. Air Force Academy and designed as a first course emphasizes the universal variable formulation. Develops the basic two-body and n-body equations of motion; orbit determination; classical orbital elements, coordinate transformations; differential correction; more. Includes specialized applications to lunar and interplanetary flight, example problems, exercises. 1971 edition.
The extensive application of modern mathematical teehniques to theoretical and mathematical physics requires a fresh approach to the course of equations of mathematical physics. This is especially true with regards to such a fundamental concept as the 80lution of a boundary value problem. The concept of a generalized solution considerably broadens the field of problems and enables solving from a unified position the most interesting problems that cannot be solved by applying elassical methods. To this end two new courses have been written at the Department of Higher Mathematics at the Moscow Physics anrl Technology Institute, namely, "Equations of Mathematical Physics" by V. S. Vladimirov and "Partial Differential Equations" by V. P. Mikhailov (both books have been translated into English by Mir Publishers, the first in 1984 and the second in 1978). The present collection of problems is based on these courses and amplifies them considerably. Besides the classical boundary value problems, we have ineluded a large number of boundary value problems that have only generalized solutions. Solution of these requires using the methods and results of various branches of modern analysis. For this reason we have ineluded problems in Lebesgue in tegration, problems involving function spaces (especially spaces of generalized differentiable functions) and generalized functions (with Fourier and Laplace transforms), and integral equations.
These problems and solutions are offered to students of mathematics who have learned real analysis, measure theory, elementary topology and some theory of topological vector spaces. The current widely used texts in these subjects provide the background for the understanding of the problems and the finding of their solutions. In the bibliography the reader will find listed a number of books from which the necessary working vocabulary and techniques can be acquired. Thus it is assumed that terms such as topological space, u-ring, metric, measurable, homeomorphism, etc., and groups of symbols such as AnB, x EX, f: IR 3 X 1-+ X 2 - 1, etc., are familiar to the reader. They are used without introductory definition or explanation. Nevertheless, the index provides definitions of some terms and symbols that might prove puzzling. Most terms and symbols peculiar to the book are explained in the various introductory paragraphs titled Conventions. Occasionally definitions and symbols are introduced and explained within statements of problems or solutions. Although some solutions are complete, others are designed to be sketchy and thereby to give their readers an opportunity to exercise their skill and imagination. Numbers written in boldface inside square brackets refer to the bib liography. I should like to thank Professor P. R. Halmos for the opportunity to discuss with him a variety of technical, stylistic, and mathematical questions that arose in the writing of this book. Buffalo, NY B.R.G.
Mathematicians have skills that, if deepened in the right ways, would enable them to use data to answer questions important to them and others, and report those answers in compelling ways. Data science combines parts of mathematics, statistics, computer science. Gaining such power and the ability to teach has reinvigorated the careers of mathematicians. This handbook will assist mathematicians to better understand the opportunities presented by data science. As it applies to the curriculum, research, and career opportunities, data science is a fast-growing field. Contributors from both academics and industry present their views on these opportunities and how to advantage them.
Widely known and used throughout the astrodynamics and aerospace engineering communities, this teaching text was developed at the U.S. Air Force Academy. Completely revised and updated 2013 edition.
This book develops a theory of formal power series in noncommuting variables, the main emphasis being on results applicable to automata and formal language theory. This theory was initiated around 196O-apart from some scattered work done earlier in connection with free groups-by M. P. Schutzenberger to whom also belong some of the main results. So far there is no book in existence concerning this theory. This lack has had the unfortunate effect that formal power series have not been known and used by theoretical computer scientists to the extent they in our estimation should have been. As with most mathematical formalisms, the formalism of power series is capable of unifying and generalizing known results. However, it is also capable of establishing specific results which are difficult if not impossible to establish by other means. This is a point we hope to be able to make in this book. That formal power series constitute a powerful tool in automata and language theory depends on the fact that they in a sense lead to the arithmetization of automata and language theory. We invite the reader to prove, for instance, Theorem IV. 5. 3 or Corollaries III. 7. 8 and III. 7.- all specific results in language theory-by some other means. Although this book is mostly self-contained, the reader is assumed to have some background in algebra and analysis, as well as in automata and formal language theory.