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Electron theory of metals textbook for advanced undergraduate students of condensed-matter physics and related disciplines.
This 1939 text by Alan Herries Wilson proves a fluent and informative introduction to the electron theory of metals.
An Introduction to the Electron Theory of Solids introduces the reader to the electron theory of solids. Topics covered range from the breakdown of classical theory to atomic spectra and the old quantum theory, as well as the uncertainty principle of Heisenberg and the foundations of quantum mechanics. Some problems in wave mechanics and a wave-mechanical treatment of the simple harmonic oscillator and the hydrogen atom are also presented. Comprised of 12 chapters, this book begins with an introduction to Isaac Newton's theory of classical mechanics and how the scientists after him discounted his ideas. The discussion then turns to the spectrum of atomic hydrogen and the old quantum theory; Heisenberg's uncertainty principle and the consequences of wave-particle duality; the foundations of quantum mechanics; and assemblies of atoms. Atoms in motion and statistical mechanics are also considered, along with simple models of metals and the band theory of solids. The final chapter presents some results of band theory, with particular reference to thermal ionization of impurity atoms and conductivity of metals. This monograph is primarily intended for students of any discipline.
Solid-state physics has for many years been one of the largest and most active areas of research in physics, and the physics of metals and semiconductors has in turn been one of the largest and most active areas in solid-state physics. Despite this, it is an area in which new and quite unexpected phenomena - such as the quantum Hall effect - are still being discovered, and in which many things are not yet fully understood. It forms an essential part of any undergraduate physics course. A number of textbooks on solid-state physics have appeared over the years and, because the subject has now grown so large, the books too have usually been large. By aiming at a more limited range of topics, I have tried in this book to cover them within a reasonably small compass. But I have also tried to avoid the phrase 'It can be shown that. . . ', as far as possible, and instead to explain to the reader just why things are the way they are; and sometimes this takes a little longer. I hope that some readers at least will find this approach helpful. 1 The free-electron model 1. 1 THE CLASSICAL DRUDE THEORY The characteristic properties of metals and semiconductors are due to their conduction electrons: the electrons in the outermost atomic shells, which in the solid state are no longer bound to individual atoms, but are free to wander through the solid.
Modern electronic devices and novel materials often derive their extraordinary properties from the intriguing, complex behavior of large numbers of electrons forming what is known as an electron liquid. This book provides an in-depth introduction to the physics of the interacting electron liquid in a broad variety of systems, including metals, semiconductors, artificial nano-structures, atoms and molecules. One, two and three dimensional systems are treated separately and in parallel. Different phases of the electron liquid, from the Landau Fermi liquid to the Wigner crystal, from the Luttinger liquid to the quantum Hall liquid are extensively discussed. Both static and time-dependent density functional theory are presented in detail. Although the emphasis is on the development of the basic physical ideas and on a critical discussion of the most useful approximations, the formal derivation of the results is highly detailed and based on the simplest, most direct methods.