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This book provides a very elementary introduction to K-theory for C*-algebras, and is ideal for beginning graduate students.
Informally, $K$-theory is a tool for probing the structure of a mathematical object such as a ring or a topological space in terms of suitably parameterized vector spaces and producing important intrinsic invariants which are useful in the study of algebr
K -Theory has revolutionized the study of operator algebras in the last few years. As the primary component of the subject of "noncommutative topol ogy," K -theory has opened vast new vistas within the structure theory of C* algebras, as well as leading to profound and unexpected applications of opera tor algebras to problems in geometry and topology. As a result, many topolo gists and operator algebraists have feverishly begun trying to learn each others' subjects, and it appears certain that these two branches of mathematics have become deeply and permanently intertwined. Despite the fact that the whole subject is only about a decade old, operator K -theory has now reached a state of relative stability. While there will undoubtedly be many more revolutionary developments and applications in the future, it appears the basic theory has more or less reached a "final form." But because of the newness of the theory, there has so far been no comprehensive treatment of the subject. It is the ambitious goal of these notes to fill this gap. We will develop the K -theory of Banach algebras, the theory of extensions of C*-algebras, and the operator K -theory of Kasparov from scratch to its most advanced aspects. We will not treat applications in detail; however, we will outline the most striking of the applications to date in a section at the end, as well as mentioning others at suitable points in the text.
This book is directed towards graduate students that wish to start from the basic theory of C*-algebras and advance to an overview of some of the most spectacular results concerning the structure of nuclear C*-algebras. The text is divided into three parts. First, elementary notions, classical theorems and constructions are developed. Then, essential examples in the theory, such as crossed products and the class of quasidiagonal C*-algebras, are examined, and finally, the Elliott invariant, the Cuntz semigroup, and the Jiang-Su algebra are defined. It is shown how these objects have played a fundamental role in understanding the fine structure of nuclear C*-algebras. To help understanding the theory, plenty of examples, treated in detail, are included. This volume will also be valuable to researchers in the area as a reference guide. It contains an extensive reference list to guide readers that wish to travel further.
K-theory is often considered a complicated mathematical theory for specialists only. This book is an accessible introduction to the basics and provides detailed explanations of the various concepts required for a deeper understanding of the subject. Some familiarity with basic C*algebra theory is assumed. The book then follows a careful construction and analysis of the operator K-theory groups and proof of the results of K-theory, including Bott periodicity. Of specific interest to algebraists and geometrists, the book aims to give full instruction. No details are left out in the presentation and many instructive and generously hinted exercises are provided. Apart from K-theory, this book offers complete and self contained expositions of important advanced C*-algebraic constructions like tensor products, multiplier algebras and Hilbert modules.
This book constitutes a first- or second-year graduate course in operator theory. It is a field that has great importance for other areas of mathematics and physics, such as algebraic topology, differential geometry, and quantum mechanics. It assumes a basic knowledge in functional analysis but no prior acquaintance with operator theory is required.
This book provides a very elementary introduction to K-theory for C*-algebras, and is ideal for beginning graduate students.
The subject of C*-algebras received a dramatic revitalization in the 1970s by the introduction of topological methods through the work of Brown, Douglas, and Fillmore on extensions of C*-algebras and Elliott's use of $K$-theory to provide a useful classification of AF algebras. These results were the beginning of a marvelous new set of tools for analyzing concrete C*-algebras. This book is an introductory graduate level text which presents the basics of the subject through a detailed analysis of several important classes of C*-algebras. The development of operator algebras in the last twenty years has been based on a careful study of these special classes. While there are many books on C*-algebras and operator algebras available, this is the first one to attempt to explain the real examples that researchers use to test their hypotheses. Topics include AF algebras, Bunce–Deddens and Cuntz algebras, the Toeplitz algebra, irrational rotation algebras, group C*-algebras, discrete crossed products, abelian C*-algebras (spectral theory and approximate unitary equivalence) and extensions. It also introduces many modern concepts and results in the subject such as real rank zero algebras, topological stable rank, quasidiagonality, and various new constructions. These notes were compiled during the author's participation in the special year on C*-algebras at The Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences during the 1994–1995 academic year. The field of C*-algebras touches upon many other areas of mathematics such as group representations, dynamical systems, physics, $K$-theory, and topology. The variety of examples offered in this text expose the student to many of these connections. Graduate students with a solid course in functional analysis should be able to read this book. This should prepare them to read much of the current literature. This book is reasonably self-contained, and the author has provided results from other areas when necessary.
This book offers a comprehensive introduction to the general theory of C*-algebras and von Neumann algebras. Beginning with the basics, the theory is developed through such topics as tensor products, nuclearity and exactness, crossed products, K-theory, and quasidiagonality. The presentation carefully and precisely explains the main features of each part of the theory of operator algebras; most important arguments are at least outlined and many are presented in full detail.
An introduction to algebraic K-theory with no prerequisite beyond a first semester of algebra.