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The main report is available separately (HC 780, ISBN 9780102981063).
The Leveson Inquiry was set up to examine the culture, practices and ethics of the press. This four volume report is divided into 12 parts, which cover the following areas: Part A: The Inquiry; Part B: The Press and the Public Interest; Part C: The Press; Part D: Standards; Part E: Crossing Legal Boundaries: the Criminal and Civil Law; Part F: The Culture, Practices and Ethics of the Press: the Press and the Public; Part G: The Press and the Police: the Relationship; Part H: The Press and Data Protection; Part I: The Press and Politicians; Part J: Aspects of Regulation; the Law and the Press Complaints Commission; Part K: Regulatory Models for the Future; Part L: Summary of Recommendations. The report sets out 92 recommendations, including: that an independent self-regulatory regime should be established governed by an Independent Board; that the Board should adopt a standards code advised by a Code Committee and that the code should take into account the importance of freedom of speech, the interests of the public, especially in relation to other people and appropriate respect for privacy and accuracy; that the Board should publish an annual report identifying the body's subscribers, the number of complaints and a summary of any investigations carried out; also the body should require newspapers to publish compliance reports in their own pages and display transparency in relation to their sources used in stories. The body should also establish a whistle-blowing hotline. Lord Justice Leveson considers that an independent and effective system of self-regulation is needed. There are recommendations regarding regulation by Law, criminal and civil. There should be a review of damages generally available for breach of data protection, privacy, breach of confidence, ensuring proportionate compensation. The term "off-record briefing" should be discontinued and the term "non-reportable briefing" should be used to cover background briefing. The Police Service should re-examine the rigour of the auditing process and the frequency of the conduct of audits in relation to access of the Police National Computer. Party leaders, ministers and opposition spokesmen should consider publishing any long term relationships with media proprietors, newspaper editors and provide details of all meetings with media proprietors etc. on a quarterly basis.
Ethics and Media Culture straddles the practical and ethical issues of contention encountered by journalists. The book's various contributors cover a diversity of issues and viewpoints, attempting to broaden out the debates particularly in relation to Journalism Studies, Cultural Studies, Sociology of Culture and Communications, Philosophy and History.The debate concerning media ethics has intensified in recent years, fuelled mainly by the standards of journalist and media practices. The role of practitioners has taken centre-stage as concerns over what constitutes ethical, and therefore socially acceptable practice and behaviour, by the public, practitioners and intellectuals alike. The discursive relationship between the production and consumption of information is central to the debate regarding moral conduct, particularly in light of the commercialisation of the media. Considering that media institutions operate in a climate of intense competition, the value of information and its corresponding quality have begun to be critically assessed in terms of ethical understanding. A degree of open-endedness is maintained in discussions throughout this book, which is intended to engage the reader with the issues raised and determine their own conclusions.
Technological innovation and conglomeration in communication industries has been accelerating the commodification of the news into just another product. The emphasis on the bottom line has resulted in newsroom budget cuts and other business strategies that seriously endanger good journalism. Meanwhile, the growing influence of the Internet and partisan commentary has led even journalists themselves to question their role. In Journalism as Practice, Sandra L. Borden shows that applying philosopher Alasdair MacIntyre's ideas of a 'practice' to journalism can help us to understand what is at stake for society and for those in the newsrooms who have made journalism their vocation. She argues that developing and promoting the kind of robust group identity implied by the idea of a practice can help journalism better withstand the moral challenges posed by commodification. Throughout, the book examines key U.S. journalism ethics cases since 2000. Some of these cases, such as Dan Rather’s "Memogate" scandal, are explored in detail in Practically Speaking sections that discuss relevant cases at length. This book is essential reading for students and practicing journalists interested in preserving the ethical role of journalism in promoting the public good.
Our new media landscape of social networking, blogging, and interactivity has forever changed how media content is produced and distributed. Choices about how to gather, evaluate and publish information are ever more complex. This blurring of boundaries between general public values and the values of media professionals has made media ethics an essential issue for media professionals, but also demonstrates how it must be intrinsically part of the wider public conversation. This book teaches students to navigate ethical questions in a digital society and apply ethical concepts and guidelines to their own practice. Using case studies, judgement call boxes and further reading, Understanding Media Ethics clarifies the moral concepts in media contexts, and enables students to apply them to practical decision making through real-life worked examples. Covering key topics such as media freedoms, censorship, privacy, standards, taste, regulation, codes of practice and the ethics of representation, this is an essential guide for students in journalism, media, communication and public relations.
Many teens today who use the Internet are actively involved in participatory cultures—joining online communities (Facebook, message boards, game clans), producing creative work in new forms (digital sampling, modding, fan videomaking, fan fiction), working in teams to complete tasks and develop new knowledge (as in Wikipedia), and shaping the flow of media (as in blogging or podcasting). A growing body of scholarship suggests potential benefits of these activities, including opportunities for peer-to-peer learning, development of skills useful in the modern workplace, and a more empowered conception of citizenship. Some argue that young people pick up these key skills and competencies on their own by interacting with popular culture; but the problems of unequal access, lack of media transparency, and the breakdown of traditional forms of socialization and professional training suggest a role for policy and pedagogical intervention. This report aims to shift the conversation about the "digital divide" from questions about access to technology to questions about access to opportunities for involvement in participatory culture and how to provide all young people with the chance to develop the cultural competencies and social skills needed. Fostering these skills, the authors argue, requires a systemic approach to media education; schools, afterschool programs, and parents all have distinctive roles to play. The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation Reports on Digital Media and Learning
The aim of this book is to a launch a polemic for the freedom of the press against all of the attempts to police, defile and sanitise journalism today. Once the media reported the news. Now it makes it. The phone-hacking scandal and the Leveson Inquiry into the "culture, practice and ethics" of the media has put the UK press under scrutiny and on trial as never before. There Is No Such Thing as a Free Press questions many of today's distorted but widely-held views of the media, and turns the assumptions underlying the current discussion on their head. The problem is not that the UK press has too much freedom to run wild, but too little liberty. The trouble is not that the UK press is too far out-of-control, but that it is far too conformist. The danger is not that press freedom is too open to abuse, but that the British media is not nearly open enough. Mick Hume draws on the lessons of history and cross-examines the evidence from the Leveson Inquiry to take on the army of conformists and regulators who would further tame press freedom.