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Fairacres Publications 148 John Cassian is considered by the Church in the East and West to be one of the greatest of the early monastic writers. The breadth of his experience of eremitical life in the Egyptian desert, his distinction as a theologian and churchman, and his veneration for the Desert Fathers are conveyed in the ‘Institutes’ and ‘Conferences’. Augustine Casiday provides a new translation of the two classic conferences on ‘Prayer’, together with a critical introduction.
The beliefs and teachings of John Cassian are revealed in Making Life a Prayer. The book has 14 accessible segments that encourage reading and reflection.
Though Saint John Cassian lived and wrote centuries ago (c. 360-435), his spiritual writings continue to be important to contemporary church life and personal spirituality. The rich religious traditions of Eastern Christianity influenced the course and development of monasticism in the West. Today, all Christians can, through Saint Cassian's focus on prayer, reach a higher state.
THE obligation, which was promised to the blessed Pope Castor in the preface to those volumes which with God's help I composed in twelve books on the Institutes of the Coenobia, and the remedies for the eight principal faults, has now been, as far as my feeble ability permitted, satisfied. I should certainly like to see what was the opinion fairly arrived at on this work both by his judgment and yours, whether, on a matter so profound and so lofty, and one which has never yet been made the subject of a treatise, we have produced anything worthy of your notice, and of the eager desire of all the holy brethren. But now as the aforesaid Bishop has left us and departed to Christ, meanwhile these ten Conferences of the grandest of the Fathers, viz., the Anchorites who dwelt in the desert of Scete, which he, fired with an incomparable desire for saintliness, had bidden me write for him in the same style (not considering in the greatness of his affection, what a burden he placed on shoulders too weak to bear it)--these Conferences I have thought good to dedicate to you in particular, O blessed Pope, Leontius, and holy brother Helladius. Aeterna Press
With: Historical commentary Biographical info Appendix with further readings For nearly 2,000 years, Christian mystics, martyrs, and sages have documented their search for the divine. Their writings have bestowed boundless wisdom upon subsequent generations. But they have also burdened many spiritual seekers. The sheer volume of available material creates a seemingly insurmountable obstacle. Enter the Upper Room Spiritual Classics series, a collection of authoritative texts on Christian spirituality curated for the everyday reader. Designed to introduce 15 spiritual giants and the range of their works, these volumes are a first-rate resource for beginner and expert alike. Writings of John Cassian includes a significant sampling of writings by this monk and contemporary of Augustine. Excerpts of Cassian's writings on prayer and commitment continue to speak practically and potently to readers 15 centuries later.
Drawing on his early experience as a monk in Bethlehem and Egypt, John Cassian (c. 365-c. 435) journeyed to the West to found monasteries in Marseilles and the region of Provence. Conferences is his masterpiece, a study of the Egyptian ideal of the monk.