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This monograph examines the question of an evolving Joint space campaign concept and the Army's role in it over the next 20 years. Analysis progresses logically through a series of topics in order to arrive at a complete picture of this evolutionary space campaign concept, as well as the Army's place in it. Space plays an increasingly important role in US military operations, particularly when tied together with advances in information management. The synergistic impact due to the combination of these two areas suggests a revolution in the nature of modern warfare which saw its emergence during the 1991 Gulf War. With this theme in mind, I review the Army's roles, missions, and historical involvement in space, then present technological opportunities and a perspective on investment strategies for military space. A detailed discussion of a near-term military space theory and current space doctrines supports the need for an accepted military space theory as a foundation for Joint and Service space doctrines, space campaign design and conduct, and space force generation. The basis for such a theory is established using Julian Corbett's maritime warfare theory as a point of departure, while recognizing that space as a unique military operating medium requires its own theory and a regime to govern the application of space forces.
Emerging joint and Army concepts highlight the fact that the future Modular Force battlefield now extends vertically into space. Additionally, the complexity of joint and combined arms operations described in our joint and Army concepts place high demands on future Modular Force commanders and organizations. The global explosion in military and commercial space-based information technologies present an opportunity to integrate space throughout the force enabling the type of warfare envisioned in our future Force concepts. Within this context the Army has a responsibility to influence and shape the design and development of the space related requirements of the future Modular Force. The U.S. Army Space Operations Concept Capability Plan (CCP) identifies the space-enabled capabilities required to execute Army operations in the 2015 - 2024 timeframe. The CCP describes how Army forces leverage the power of national, civil and commercial space-based assets on the future battlefield. The capabilities identified in this CCP provide a coherent way ahead for the further examination of potential doctrine, organization, training, materiel, leadership and education, personnel and facilities (DOTMLPF) solutions. As such, this CCP will serve as a start point for a comprehensive capabilities based assessment involving many different proponents. In examining Army's future space-enabled capabilities, the CCP describes the environment of space, the emerging threat from our adversaries use of space for hostile purposes, and the joint interdependence of all space operations. The CCP describes how the Army will evolve from a position of simply exploiting strategic space-based capabilities to a position where the Army is fully integrated into the planning, execution, and use of theater focused operational and tactical space applications. The realization of these capabilities is essential to achieving the Army's Capstone Concept objective of becoming a strategically responsive, campaign quality force. As with all concepts, concept capability plans are in continuous evolution. This CCP will be refined and updated as new learning emerges from research, joint and Army wargaming, experimentation and combat development. Many of the space-enabled capability requirements introduced in this CCP will be further developed in other proponent capability documents. Because this CCP crosses so many joint and Army functional areas, I strongly encourage its use in our interaction with other proponents, Services and joint organizations.
The year 2007 saw the fiftieth anniversary of the Space Age, which began with the launching of Sputnik by the Soviet Union in October 1957. Space is crucial to the politics of the postmodern world. It has seen competition and cooperation in the past fifty years, and is in danger of becoming a battlefield in the next fifty. The International Politics of Space is the first book to bring these crucial themes together and provide a clear and vital picture of how politically important space has become, and what its exploitation might mean for all our futures. Michael Sheehan analyzes the space programmes of the United States, Russia, China, India and the European Space Agency, and explains how central space has become to issues of war and peace, international law, justice and international development, and cooperation between the worlds leading states. It highlights the significance of China and India’s commitment to space, and explains how the theories and concepts we use to describe and explain space are fundamental to the possibility of avoiding conflict in space in the future.
"The Army has been involved with space-based military operations for well over a half-century. During this time, space operations have changed from a realm exclusive to scientists and engineers, to highly classified activities largely unknown to the general population, to the unveiling of space-based communication, imagery, surveillance, and environment capabilities that have become a foundation for all modern warfare. Today, such support is so ingrained into daily operations that most soldiers, sailors, airmen, and marines assume it has been, and always will be, available for their use. But with such reliance comes vulnerability that potential adversaries may try to exploit. The evolution of Army space operations is well documented in many sources, thus this monograph serves not as a comprehensive history or detailed critique of the myriad accomplishments. Rather, it serves as a primer for current and future space-based operations to provide senior policymakers, decisionmakers, military leaders, and their respective staffs an overall appreciation for existing Army space capabilities and the challenges, opportunities, and risks associated with their use in joint operations"--Publisher's web site.
In the 21st century, the battlefield will extend vertically into the region of space. This operational concept is intended to focus the Army's effort to exploit the high ground of space, and seamlessly integrate it into land force operations. Achieving space dominance will be critical to gaining and maintaining the information superiority required for the advanced full-spectrum operations described in the Army's Objective Force Concept. This publication describes the contribution space provides to land forces and what the Army will do to contribute to joint dominance of the dimension of space. Army space operations will focus on five essential tasks to ensure that the Objective Force will successfully achieve decisive victory. These five essential space operations tasks are: * Support increased deployability and reduced theater footprint. * Achieve situational understanding (SU) "Off the Ramp" during entry operations. * Support precision maneuver, fires, sustainment, and information. * Enable continuous information and decision superiority. * Protect the force during all phases of the operation. Seamlessness will be the signature characteristic of well-integrated space and land force operations. From the user perspective, space support must be reliable and timely, and operational friction must be minimized. During operations at the tactical or operational level, undue delays or discontinuities will quickly make space support irrelevant. For this reason, the central thrust of Army space operations is to reduce technical and procedural seams in the system of systems. In effect, many of the actions outlined here will bridge, bypass, or remove seams that would otherwise lessen or nullify the effectiveness of space support to land force operations. The Army has been, is, and will continue to be, a prominent player on the joint space team. Preparations are now underway to develop new Army contributions to the functions of space surveillance, and negation of space control operations. Army forces will also provide support to space forces, such as those conducting space satellite control operations. Some of this support will be tied to the Army's role in homeland security, with an emphasis on Army national missile defense operations. This concept also touches on several advanced space operations for the near to mid terms. Space control capabilities to enhance information operations (IO) will continue to be a high priority. Procedures to enable direct tasking of satellites by tactical commanders, and expanded employment of direct downlinks from satellites to tactical users, will remain an ongoing initiative. In the far-term, this capability will be achieved through the Global Information Grid (GIG). The infusion of functional area (FA) 40 space operations officers, into existing headquarters, will ensure current and future space force enhancement tools and products are integrated into the Objective Force operations. Space awareness and analysis provide a combat multiplier required for achieving information superiority. Whether at home or abroad, near or far term, Army space operations will be consistent with the Army's responsibility to conduct prompt and sustained land combat, and win the nation's wars. As the Army moves forward in its transformation, and achieves Objective Force qualities, we must, in all our mission areas, ensure that we are truly "transformational" and not just "reforming." The words of J.F.C. Fuller, expressed in the early 1930's, should serve as a constant reminder: "Rather than refighting the last war, we should instead ask, 'Given an emerging technology, how can we fight war more rationally?'"
Growth in the technical capabilities of commercial and foreign space systems, potential exploitation of space by adversaries, increasing use of commercial space capabilities by U.S. forces, and continuing budget constraints are all changing the role of the U.S. military in space. The growth of commercial space markets, and the rapid privatization and increasing foreign ownership of commercial space assets, suggest that the Department of Defense must develop a long-term strategy to ensure adequate and secure access to commercial communications satellites and other commercial space resources. Space control will assume increasing importance in military operations, and space itself may become a theater of military operations. The United States should develop a long-term strategy to enable the U.S. military to deny space capabilities to potential adversaries. Such a strategy should rely on system or operational concepts that minimize collateral damage to commercial, civil, and third-party space assets and that do not violate existing arms control agreements or treaties. Space surveillance--the ability to precisely identify, track, and predict the position of objects in space --is an essential aspect of space control. Space control and changing space surveillance needs have implications for the Air Force as an institution.
The relative roles of U.S. ground and air power have shifted since the end of the Cold War. At the level of major operations and campaigns, the Air Force has proved capable of and committed to performing deep strike operations, which the Army long had believed the Air Force could not reliably accomplish. If air power can largely supplant Army systems in deep operations, the implications for both joint doctrine and service capabilities would be significant. To assess the shift of these roles, the author of this report analyzed post1Cold War conflicts in Iraq (1991), Bosnia (1995), Kosovo (1999), Afghanistan (2001), and Iraq (2003). Because joint doctrine frequently reflects a consensus view rather than a truly integrated joint perspective, the author recommends that joint doctrine 2 and the processes by which it is derived and promulgated 2 be overhauled. The author also recommends reform for the services beyond major operations and campaigns to ensure that the United States attains its strategic objectives. This revised edition includes updates and an index.