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My primary reason for writing this book is to produce a book that explores and defines the relationship of the financial strength of the manufacturing companies in Turkey with the type of audit opinion letters. The book includes an extensive literature review about the topic.
This book analyzes the relationship between integrated reporting and audit quality within the European context, presenting empirical evidence and drawing on a broad review of the available literature in order to evaluate the ability of integrated reporting to enhance audit risk assessment. Dedicated sections first elucidate the concepts of integrated reporting and audit quality. The main integrated reporting frameworks are compared, the role of integrated reporting within a firm’s disclosure is examined, and all aspects of audit risk are discussed. The key question of the impacts of integrated reporting on the components of audit risk is then addressed in detail, with reference to empirical findings, their practical implications, and their limitations. The concluding section explores the future of corporate reporting and the development of the next integrated reporting framework and summarizes the insights that the analysis in the book offers into the relationship between integrated reporting and audit quality in the European setting.
Researching accounting’s participation in financial regulation, banking practices, managerial incentives and environmental disclosures this volume presents scholarly work adopting interdisciplinary approaches in auditing and accountability realms.
The purpose in this study is to constitute and test a framework of factors that might impact auditors' perceptions on tasks towards internet reporting. The study employs a questionnaire to practicing auditors from audit firms in Egypt in the year 2007 to examine auditors' perceptions on tasks towards internet reporting and factors that might affect their perceptions. The study portrays total auditors' perceptions as a function of four dimensions; auditor' personal-specific characteristics; consisting of three variables, audit fieldwork-specific characteristics; containing one variable, audit firm-specific characteristics; consisting of five variables and environmental-specific characteristics; consisting of four variables. Analysis of empirical study provides evidence of a significant association between auditors' perceptions on tasks towards internet financial reporting and the following factors; auditors' knowledge in risk of internet reporting, quality systems, audit tenure, legal form of client, client industry group, user needs of financial information and legislation environment. This paper adds to the literature on internet reporting and audit tasks by exploring factors that might affect auditors' perceptions on tasks towards internet reporting.
According to IASB a key prerequisite for quality in financial reporting is the adherence to the objective and the qualitative characteristics of financial reporting information. Qualitative characteristics are the attributes that make financial information useful and consist of relevance, faithful representation, comparability, verifiability, timeliness and understandability. This paper aims to investigate auditor's perceptions of the quality of financial reports based on the qualitative characteristics of financial reporting information defined by IASB in its conceptual framework. In addition, it aims to identify the key factors that influence and improve the quality of financial reports, as well as the factors that lead to poor quality. Finally, an effort is made to assess the quality of financial reporting of Greek companies according to each qualitative characteristic of financial reporting information. Results indicate that auditors perceive the qualitative characteristics of financial reporting information as important quality elements of financial reports. As far as the quality of financial reports of Greek companies is concerned auditors perceive it to be of moderate quality attributed mainly to earnings management, poor corporate governance, family ownership and deviation from accounting principles.
This study examines the impact of adopting International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and the prior and superseded International Accounting Standards (IAS) on investor returns, the level of earnings management and the value relevance of accounting information in African capital markets. This study is motivated by the growing momentum of African countries adopting International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) for listed, cross listed or even unlisted companies. Prior to the adoption of IFRS, a high level of diversity existed in accounting standards between African countries. These differences consisted of the number of promulgated standards, conservatism of these standards, their completeness for potential accounting transactions, depth and guidelines on allowable measurement methods and disclosure requirements. First, this study empirically examines whether IFRS adoption has impacted investor returns through the informativeness of reported earnings and secondly, whether the level of discretionary earnings management as determined by several models and proxies has declined from the IFRS adoption. Thirdly, this study examines the changes in value relevance of accounting information from the migration to IFRS. This study finds significantly higher informativeness of reported earnings under IFRS for investor returns compared to earnings per share (EPS) reporting under local GAAP after controlling for confounding factors. This provides evidence for the valuation impact of IFRS adoption. Furthermore, this study finds evidence of significantly lower earnings management by firms using IFRS compared to firms utilizing local GAAP's. This lower earnings management by IFRS reporting firms is observed for both the use of discretionary accruals to manage earnings upwards and earnings smoothing. On the value relevance of financial statements, this study first, finds that accounting reports are value relevant in all African markets examined. In addition, IFRS adopted countries and those harmonizing closely with IFRS are found to have the highest value relevance. Furthermore, test of difference in value relevance in South Africa between IFRS and South African GAAP reporting firms shows significantly higher value relevance for IFRS accounting information. -- Abstract.