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This book aims to up-date our present understanding of the origin of cultivated rice and in doing so involves different disciplines of biology and the archaeological-historical sciences. Various recent discoveries are reviewed and questions posed for further consideration by the reader.The book covers a wide range of studies on problems relative to the origin of cultivated rice, placing emphasis on ecological and genetical aspects. Comparisons are made between two cultivated rice species, independently evolved in Asia and Africa from respective wild progenitors. Phenomena are observed during mixed planting and hybrids discussed. Detailed information is presented about Asian common wild rice, thought to be the ancestor of common rice. The dynamics of domestication are considered with regard to hybridization, selection, formation of weedy types and the accumulation of genetic diversity. Also included are recent archaeological findings in relation to the beginnings of rice culture, leading to the hypothesis of diffused origins. Cultivars of common rice fall into one of two types called Indica and Japonica. The dynamics of differentiation are discussed, giving evidence and different hypotheses. Information on the genetic bases and functions of various reproductive barriers found between the cultivated and wild taxa is presented and discussed. The practical aspects of crop-evolutionary studies concerned with the breeding phylosophy and germplasm conservation are briefly commented on and arguments for rediversification of crop germplasm and conservation of the environment given.Senior scientists and post-graduate students interested in rice genetics, crop evolution, and related sciences will find this book invaluable.
"The lack of discussion of the life histories of modular organisms is the weakness of this book that I most regret. . . . Modular organisms are different. " S. C. Steams: The Evolution of Life Histories (1992) Life-history theory endeavours to increase our understanding of the processe,s whereby the broad features of the life cycles of organisms, such as the timing and magnitude of reproduction, have evolved. Although reproductive traits have dominated as study objects due to their immediate importance for evolutionary success, much work has also been conducted on patterns of development, growth and senescence, as well as on the shifts in resource allocation related to these processes. The basic axiom of life-history theory is that patterns of life histories, such as reproductive traits, are subject to evolutionary explanation. This idea can be traced back at least as far as Darwin's Origin of Species (1859). In his discussion of plant domestication, Darwin wrote: "I cannot doubt that the continued selection of slight variations, either in the leaves, the flowers, or the fruit, will produce races differing from each other chiefly in these characters". Darwin was impressed by the success of plant breeders in moulding the growth and reproductive parameters of cultivated plants, and believed that natural selection could have a similar impact in natural populations.
This book focuses on the topic of ecotoxicology of aquatic macrophytes and is wide ranging, including the use of macrophytes for remediation of contaminated sites. Many human activities are threats to the equilibrium of natural ecosystems. Pollution from point and non-point sources can be assessed using a variety of techniques, such as biomonitoring, biomarkers and biosensors. In aquatic ecosystems, biomonitoring of pollutants is mostly conducted by analysis of the tissues of invertebrates and fishes, and biomarker studies are also more widely applied to animals rather than in plants. Aquatic macrophytes occupy a key niche in aquatic ecosystems and provide a range of ecosystem services. In addition to their role in primary production, vegetation plays a key role in the cycling and retention of nutrients and generally acts as a sink for pollutants. Therefore, because of their importance to aquatic ecosystems, more attention should be paid to understanding the fate of pollutants and to developing methods to evaluate the health status of macrophytic plants in freshwater, marine and estuarine environments.