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Accounting for Income Taxes is the most comprehensive review of AFIT research. It is designed both to introduce new scholars to this field and to encourage active researchers to expand frontiers related to accounting for income taxes. Accounting for Income Taxes includes both a primer about the rules governing AFIT (Sections 3-4) and a review of the scholarly studies in the field (Sections 5-8). The primer uses accessible examples and clear language to express essential AFIT rules and institutional features. Section 3 reviews the basic rules and institutional details governing AFIT. Section 4 discusses ways that researchers, policymakers, and other interested parties can use the tax information in financial statements to better approximate information in the tax return. The second half of the monograph reviews the extant scholarly studies by splitting the research literature into four topics: earnings management, the association between book-tax differences and earnings characteristics, the equity market pricing of information in the tax accounts, and book-tax conformity. Section 5 focuses on the use of the tax accounts to manage earnings through the valuation allowance, the income tax contingency, and permanently reinvested foreign earnings. Section 6 discusses the association between book-tax differences and earnings characteristics, namely earnings growth and earnings persistence. Section 7 explores how tax information is reflected in share prices. Section 8 reviews the increased alignment of accounting for book purposes and tax purposes. The remainder of the paper focuses on topics of general interest in the economics and econometric literatures. Section 9 highlights some issues of general importance including a theoretical framework to interpret and guide empirical AFIT studies, the disaggregated components of book-tax differences and research opportunities as the U.S. moves toward International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). Section 10 discusses econometric weaknesses that are common in AFIT research and proposes ways to mitigate their deleterious effects.
Książka powstała przy współudziale naukowców z Polski oraz Czech, w tym także młodych naukowców ze Szkoły Doktorskiej UEW. Omówione w monografii zagadnienia dotyczą teoretycznych aspektów unikania opodatkowania i roli rachunkowości w wykrywaniu oszustw finansowych. Szczególnym jej walorem są rozdziały o charakterze aplikacyjnym, opisujące wykrywanie manipulacji w sektorze najmu oraz ukazujące wpływ zmian systemu prawa podatkowego na występowanie anomalii w kształtowaniu podatku od zysków kapitałowych.
This monograph comprehensively reviews the Accounting for Income Taxes (AFIT) literature. We begin by identifying four distinctive aspects of AFIT. We cover the rules surrounding AFIT and provide a discussion of the descriptive studies related to AFIT. We then review the existing research studies in detail and offer suggestions for future research. We focus on the two research questions that have been most widely studied (the extent to which managers use the tax accounts to manipulate earnings and whether equity market participants price the tax accounts). We discuss econometric issues that apply to AFIT and more broadly apply to much accounting and economics research. We also highlight areas that have not received much research attention and that warrant future analysis. This review includes material that was originally published in Graham, J., Raedy, J., Shackelford, D., 2012, "Research in the Accounting for Income Taxes," Journal of Accounting and Economics. That publication and this one have benefited from outstanding research assistance by Justin Hopkins, Margot Howard, Hyunseob Kim, Kevin Markle, Jenna Meints, Jake Thornock, and Kelly Wentland and helpful comments from Jeff Abarbanell, Scott Dyreng, Jonathan Forman, Mary Margaret Frank, Ed Maydew, Lillian Mills, Richard Sansing, Casey Schwab, Jeri Seidman, Stephanie Sikes, Dan Taylor, Ross Watts, the Texas Tax Readings Group, and participants at the UNC Tax Symposium and the National Tax Association annual conference.
This perennially popular book offers the most intellectual depth of any tax casebook. Regarded as the most insightful, policy-oriented, and coherent treatment of the field, Basic Federal Income Taxation includes more of the classic, foundational cases than most other tax casebooks and provides the best available coverage of capital gains. This eighth edition, the first since the death of original author William D. Andrews in 2017, aims to update a classic while preserving its distinctive attributes. The style of the book has been retained, with its focus on cases and tax policy. New to the 8th Edition: A comprehensively revised Chapter 1, designed to equip students with the conceptual framework and policy themes they can deploy to structure thinking and assist understanding throughout the course. A reworked organization, with return of capital timing issues now addressed immediately before capital appreciation (realization and recognition); gifts, taxation of the family, and assignment of income issues have been grouped together to highlight common themes; losses and tax shelter limitations have been folded into one chapter, and the leverage and leasing materials trimmed. Numerous changes to reflect new developments—legislative, administrative, and judicial—since the publication of the last edition. The pervasive influence of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 is reflected throughout the book. Starting with Chapter 1, this edition emphasizes the distribution of individual income tax burdens across the income spectrum, from the earned income tax credit and child tax credits to the impact of capital gain rates on high-end progressivity. Benefits for professors and students: The book was developed and refined by Professor William D. Andrews, whose work initiated serious policy analysis of progressive consumption taxes and brought to light the hybrid nature of the existing federal income tax system, which is replete with compromises between accessions and consumption tax features. When law students come to appreciate that tax is concerned with fundamental issues of distributive justice—addressing who should be required to contribute to the support of our society, and in what proportions—many become engaged by the subject in a way that would have shocked their former selves. Detailed knowledge of current tax law rules is frequently rendered obsolete (sometimes before law students can graduate) by Congress’s penchant for regular extensive amendment of the Internal Revenue Code. The book gives students a conceptual foundation that is durable rather than evanescent. Understanding tensions between the tax policy criteria and partisan differences in their evaluation makes each new round of tax Code re-jiggering, if not predictable, at least readily comprehensible. Teasing meaning out of an inordinately complex statute demands more than careful reading assisted by application of default norms of construction—it requires an appreciation of objectives. The book’s exploration of history and purposes gives students the tools necessary to inform statutory interpretation, equipping them to supply valuable practical guidance to clients and courts.
CCH Accounting for Income Taxes provides guidance on the application of Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) Accounting Standards Codification Topic 740, Income Taxes. It also addresses income tax-related paragraphs in certain other Codification topics, including Topic 805, Business Combinations, and Topic 980, Regulated Operations. This publication presents the author's interpretation on areas that have not been specifically addressed by the Codification or that require further explanation. The analysis in this publication is based on discussions with the staffs of the FASB and the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), combined with lessons learned from leading accounting practitioners. Appendix I includes a series of interpretations of income tax-related paragraphs that are located in other topics in the Codification. Appendix II, "Index of Accounting Literature Cited," includes cross-references to the interpretations that either refer to or incorporate the pre-Codification authoritative pronouncement or interpretive literature, in whole or in part, that was not codified by the FASB into its Codification. The FASB decided to exclude "nonessential material,such as redundant summaries of existing standards, historical content, discussions of previous practice, summaries of constituent feedback, and similar content." However, the author believes such information may be useful to readers of this publication. Appendix III contains recent examples reflecting how various U.S. public entities have disclosed the information required by Topic 740.