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The last 6 years have witnessed a period of considerable unrest in Cameroun. In 2016, protests within the minority Anglophone regions, against the obligatory use of French in court rooms and schools, were violently suppressed. This, combined with decades of marginalisation by successive Francophone governments, led to calls for secession – the creation of an independent nation of Ambazonia.This book offers a theological reflection on this escalating crisis, examining whether nationalism might be considered a tool of liberation in this particular African context.
The intended audience is all the people of the world who are concerned about the oppressed and suffering people deprived of justice and struggling under colonial oppression. The context of the book is the aggression and tyranny the British Southern Cameroonians are undergoing as a result of an artificial union that has subjugated the British Southern Cameroonians to the oppression of the successive La Republique du Cameroun governments (prompted by some Western imperialists) for fifty-seven years now. The book underscores the fact that the principle of self-determination in non-violent ways can solve the legitimate problems many world constituted regions are facing today. Moreover, it is a book that demonstrates in Christian theological ways how the oppressed and marginalized in society can rise up against tyranny and subjugation. The book is about the theology of self-determination. The author of the book (a theologian), inspired by his profound knowledge of Christian theology, believes that, through this theological vision of self-determination, the church must be engaged in the political and economic liberation of Africa and anywhere in the world where people are tyrannized.
'African Cry' is liberation theology with African content and original method--in short, a model of African liberation theology. Its translation into the English language is a big contribution to the corpus of literature on African liberation theology available to the English-speaking public. For those who are not already familiar with its French version, it provides a new dimension in African theology. The book is a must for all students of African theology."" --Justin S. Ukpong, Catholic Institute of West Africa, Nigeria 'African Cry' is fundamentally a challenge to all who claim adherence to the Christian faith. It explores the Scriptures, particularly the Gospels, in the light of what passes for Christianity and Mission on the part of European and Caucasian thinking, attitudes, and behavior on the continent of Africa. The book is a magnificent presentation of the problems that the African and African-American have with the behavior and attitudes of Church people from the highest to the lowest levels. This book should be read by as many Christians as possible, and, above all, bishops, particularly European and American."" --Lawrence E. Lucas, author of 'Black Priest/White Church' 'African Cry' shatters the self-censorship of sub-Saharan African theologians on political-economic issues while retaining their deep concern for cultural liberation. It is now impossible to discuss African theology without reference to Ela."" --Marie Giblin, Associate Professor of Theology, Xavier University A vigorous, frank, and uncompromising series of essays by a young, rural-based Cameroonian priest. The stress is on the interrelatedness of inculturation, liberation, and authenticity. The cry is for the right to be different. A superb example of the strongly-felt anguish of committed African priests for a church at once credible and rooted in reality."" --Simon E. Smith, SJ, former Coordinator of the Jesuit Refugee Service in Africa Jean-Marc Ela is a Cameroonian theologian. He is also the author of 'My Faith as an African.'
In recent decades there has been a seismic shift in world Christianity. Whereas formerly Christianity existed as a Caucasian Euro-American phenomenon, the majority of Christians today reside in the Southern Hemisphere, or the Global South. And what is true for the demographics of Christianity has followed lockstep for its theological developments. The era of German theologians setting the tone for global church are gone. Today, some of the loudest and most creative voices in theology speak from the emerging contingencies of the Global South, for example, promoting Latinx, Black, Caribbean, and Asian theologies and their influence often influences the conversation in the United States and Europe. In addition, just as the center of Christianity has moved geographically from north to south, so with theological seminaries in the west, which have declined as training centers for clergy. These events coincide with new theological centers are opening in Asia, Africa, Oceania, and Latin America. The bottom line is—contemporary Christianity today looks significantly different than it did a century ago, and publications have been slow to acknowledge, let alone describe and elaborate upon, this major shift to the largest religion in the world. These shifts guide our intentions in this book. Such a reference book, which could also be used as a textbook, therefore is very much needed. In fact, there is nothing like the contents of this single-volume book in the publishing market which allows for high-quality, interdisciplinary, and international dialogue.