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Are you aware that the current events shaping our world reflect apocalyptic biblical predictions? It's clear that the end of time is near. This book is a wake-up call for Christians and American patriots who can no longer afford to shrug and hope for the best. The strong foundation of Judeo-Christian values that built our great country has crumbled to the ground in the face of humanism and liberal progressivism. America's demise parallels the demise of mankind as a whole. How have we reached this state of crisis? We explore the death grip that humanism has on America, and the ultimate fate of all the world's citizens. We examine both the source of sin and the path toward holiness, including death to the old self and resurrection of the new. It is essential to heed the warnings found in God's Word""warnings which become increasingly relevant as the Great Tribulation draws near. With a detailed evaluation of the Scriptures, we identify the timeline of the Tribulation, Rapture, return of Jesus Christ, and the thousand-year Millennium. Realizing that the Rapture will not take place prior to the Tribulation, we must accept the Tribulation when it begins and recognize its ramifications""or risk being deceived by Satan and the Antichrist. As the Tribulation defines our end, so does it offer an opportunity for a new beginning, if we can achieve perfection through our Lord. While cataclysmic occurrences may be imminent, devoted Christians can also expect wondrous rewards, both here and now, and for all eternity.
The Eagle flies high Over Armageddon Everything you have heard about God abandoning America and letting it perish long before Christ's return in the End-Times is wrong! Instead, newly accurate translations of Revelations portray America as soaring like an Eagle over the end-times, an ally and deliverer of Israel, and leader of a "Holy Alliance" of Godly nations against the Antichrist. As interpreted by two seasoned scientists and experts in Intelligence, an astonishing new picture of America in the end-times has now emerged from modern translations of the scriptures. Instead of casting away America in the end-times because of its faults, God will instead hear the prayers and repentance of its people. He will remember America's great blessings and help to the Children of Israel and give blessings rather than condemnation. Clearly, as documented by scriptures in the Bible, America will fulfill its God-given destiny, through Armageddon and beyond, as God's superpower on Earth. America will therefore not perish but will be the deliverer of Israel's people. America, as the Eagle of Revelations, standing by God's Throne and helped by the Lion of Great Britain, is now understood to be the nation warning the world of God's wrath from the 'middle of heaven' in Revelations. America is the Eagle whose 'mighty wings' rescue Israel out of the flood from the Dragon's mouth moving from Asia and bears her away to a place of safety. America is the powerful "King of the North" of Daniel, who, at the time of the end, leads a Holy Alliance that wages war upon the Antichrist; America attacking the Antichrist by sea, land, and air "like a Whirlwind." This is America, now seen in the Bible, as we have always known her through history. As in the words of Abraham Lincoln: "The Last Great Hope on Earth" This is the America that Theodore Roosevelt spoke of when he said: "We stand at Armageddon and Battle for the Lord." So, as is shown clearly by the scriptures in this book, unlike works of previous writers on this subject, that America will enjoy the blessing and help of God even through Armageddon and beyond. However, the end-times will be a period of great trials and tribulations for Americans, as possibly seen in the vision of George Washington at Valley Forge, perhaps even a period of terrible civil war, involving large numbers of foreign mercenaries, who will make a failed attempt to conquer America and bring it under control of the Anti-Christ. But as seen clearly, at the 'time of the end' America will triumph as Christ makes His triumphal return. This book depicts the geopolitical struggle of Godly and ungodly forces entwined in the Middle East through the ages, ending with the prophecy of the massive Chinese Army of 200 million men, the 'flood from the Dragon's mouth, ' marching down the Silk Road to attempt to destroy Israel. Also discussed is the great persecution of Christians through its historic foreshadowing: the martyrdom of the horrendous Armenian Genocide, one of ten horrendous such genocides in modern times, mostly driven by religious differences. America needs to pray, be strong, steadfast, and trust the God of Israel who remains at your side always. J.E. Brandenburg Ph.D. is a theoretical physicist and author who has dedicated his career to the Defense of the United States. An Episcopalian who was saved in his youth, Dr. Brandenburg has written research on a wide variety of subjects, from space exploration, finding the Higgs-Boson or 'God' particle, finding residues on the Martian surface due to historical nuclear explosions, and field unification to impact gravity. P.A. Murad was an officer in the 82nd Airborne, served in the aerospace industry for 18 years and the Defense Intelligence Agency for 25 years as a sworn defender of America. He attends the Armenian Apostolic church and published research on space propulsion, nuclear power, alternative gravity laws, and relativity.
Prophecy expert Mark Hitchcock deals with often-raised questions about America's future in this thoroughly researched, reader-friendly resource. Examining three prophetic passages that are commonly thought to describe America, Hitchcock concludes that the Bible is actually silent about the role of the United States in the End Times. He then discusses the implications of America's absence in prophetic writings. Along with Hitchcock's compelling forecast for the future, he offers specific actions Americans can take to keep their nation strong and blessed by God, as well as an appendix of additional questions and answers.
The India-Pakistan-America relationship has never been a settled one. In Avoiding Armageddon, Bruce Riedel explains the challenge and the importance of successfully managing America's affairs with these two emerging powers and their toxic relationship. The fact that India and Pakistan will be among the most important countries in the twenty-first century makes this a pressing concern. Born from the British Raj, the two nations share a common heritage, but they are different in many important ways. India is already the world's largest democracy and will soon become the planet's most populous nation. Pakistan, soon to be the fifth most populous country, has a troubled history of military coups, dictators, and harboring terrorists such as Osama bin Laden. The long-time rivals are nuclear powers, with tested weapons. They have fought four wars with each other and have gone to the brink of war several times. Meanwhile, U.S. presidents since Franklin Roosevelt have been increasingly involved in the region's affairs. In the past two decades alone, the White House has intervened several times to prevent nuclear confrontation in the subcontinent. South Asia clearly is critical to American national security, and the volatile relationship between India and Pakistan is the crucial factor determining whether the region can ever be safe and stable. Full of riveting details of what went on behind the scenes, and based on extensive research and Riedel's role in advising four U.S. presidents on the region, Avoiding Armageddon reviews the history of American diplomacy in South Asia, the crises that have flared in recent years, and the prospects for future crisis. Riedel provides an in-depth look at the Mumbai terrorist attack in 2008, the worst terrorist outrage since 9/11, and he concludes with authoritative analysis on what the future is likely to hold for America and the South Asia puzzle as well as recommendations on how Washington should proceed.
Argues that President Barack Obama is a dangerous radical who wants not only big government, but the Europeanization of the United States, and explains how citizens can roll back the liberal establishment and return to fundamental American values.
From the Pulitzer Prize-winning author of American Prometheus comes the first effort to set the Cuban Missile Crisis, with its potential for nuclear holocaust, in a wider historical narrative of the Cold War—how such a crisis arose, and why at the very last possible moment it didn't happen. In this groundbreaking look at the Cuban Missile Crisis, Martin Sherwin not only gives us a riveting sometimes hour-by-hour explanation of the crisis itself, but also explores the origins, scope, and consequences of the evolving place of nuclear weapons in the post-World War II world. Mining new sources and materials, and going far beyond the scope of earlier works on this critical face-off between the United States and the Soviet Union—triggered when Khrushchev began installing missiles in Cuba at Castro's behest—Sherwin shows how this volatile event was an integral part of the wider Cold War and was a consequence of nuclear arms. Gambling with Armageddon looks in particular at the original debate in the Truman Administration about using the Atomic Bomb; the way in which President Eisenhower relied on the threat of massive retaliation to project U.S. power in the early Cold War era; and how President Kennedy, though unprepared to deal with the Bay of Pigs debacle, came of age during the Cuban Missile Crisis. Here too is a clarifying picture of what was going on in Khrushchev's Soviet Union. Martin Sherwin has spent his career in the study of nuclear weapons and how they have shaped our world. Gambling with Armegeddon is an outstanding capstone to his work thus far.
I have been asking God for insight in America’s part in Revelation for several years now without getting any definite answer. After I completed a four and one-half month fast, I received insight from God about the question of America’s role in the upcoming days as well as information about what God wants from us in this end time peroid. What I will be sharing with you in this book will hopefully change your thinking about what is written in Revelation. The Bible states in: Daniel 12, 9: And he said, Go thy way, Dan’iel: for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end.” (KJV) Our Father states here that many things about this prophecy will not be revealed until the time of the end. God does have a role for America to play in this end-time scenario.
Imagines a post-apocalyptic war launched by America in retaliation against Islamic extremists who have used nuclear weapons to destroy Los Angeles, Israel, and parts of Europe, a battle that is complicated by anti-Muslim Christian zealots.
The presidency of George W. Bush has led to the worst foreign policy decision in the history of the United States -- the bloody, unwinnable war in Iraq. How did this happen? Bush's fateful decision was rooted in events that began decades ago, and until now this story has never been fully told. From Craig Unger, the author of the bestseller House of Bush, House of Saud, comes a comprehensive, deeply sourced, and chilling account of the secret relationship between neoconservative policy makers and the Christian Right, and how they assaulted the most vital safeguards of America's constitutional democracy while pushing the country into the catastrophic quagmire in the Middle East that is getting worse day by day. Among the powerful revelations in this book: Why George W. Bush ignored the sage advice of his father, George H.W. Bush, and took America into war. How Bush was convinced he was doing God's will. How Vice President Dick Cheney manipulated George W. Bush, disabled his enemies within the administration, and relentlessly pressed for an attack on Iraq. Which veteran government official, with the assent of the president's father, protested passionately that the Bush administration was making a catastrophic mistake -- and was ignored. How information from forged documents that had already been discredited fourteen times by various intelligence agencies found its way into President Bush's State of the Union address in which he made the case for war with Iraq. How Cheney and the neocons assembled a shadow national security apparatus and created a disinformation pipeline to mislead America and start the war. A seasoned, award-winning investigative reporter connected to many back-channel political and intelligence sources, Craig Unger knows how to get the big story -- and this one is his most explosive yet. Through scores of interviews with figures in the Christian Right, the neoconservative movement, the Bush administration, and sources close to the Bush family, as well as intelligence agents in the CIA, the Pentagon, and Israel, Unger shows how the Bush administration's certainty that it could bend history to its will has carried America into the disastrous war in Iraq, dooming Bush's presidency to failure and costing America thousands of lives and trillions of dollars. Far from ensuring our security, the Iraq War will be seen as a great strategic pivot point in history that could ignite wider war in the Middle East, particularly in Iran. Provocative, timely, and disturbing, The Fall of the House of Bush stands as the most comprehensive and dramatic account of how and why George W. Bush took America to war in Iraq.
Many Christians think of end times prophecy as a gigantic, intimidating puzzle -- difficult to piece together and impossible to figure out. But every puzzle can be solved if you approach it the right way. Paul Benware compares prophecy to a picture puzzle. Putting the edge pieces together first builds the 'framework' that makes it easier to fit the other pieces in their place. According to Benware, the framework for eschatology is the biblical covenants. He begins his comprehensive survey by explaining the major covenants. Then he discusses several different interpretations of end times prophecy. Benware digs into the details of the Rapture, the Great Tribulation, the judgements and resurrections, and the millennial kingdom. But he also adds a unique, personal element to the study, answering questions as: -Why study bible prophecy? -What difference does it make if I'm premillenial or amillenial? If what the Bible says about the future puzzles you, Understanding End Times Prophecy will help you put together the pieces and see the big picture.