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The 20th century has seen dozens of milestones, changing the face of America. In 50 photos and tantalizing text, celebrate the thinkers, revolutionaries, artists, and scientists who led the way.
Biographies of twenty Americans whose contributions to the modern world range from polar exploration and civil rights to war correspondence and photography.
Dr. Pamplin profiles inspirational heroes of the 20th century. In telling their remarkable stories, he focuses on their key values and traits of courage, integrity, spirituality and positive attitude. These men and women discuss their successes, the lessons they've learned along the way and the beliefs that guide their lives. Among those profiled are Colin Powell, Jonas Salk, Bill Cosby, Elizabeth Dole and Oprah Winfrey.
A hundred years ago, any soapbox orator who called for women's suffrage, laws protecting the environment, an end to lynching, or a federal minimum wage was considered a utopian dreamer or a dangerous socialist. Now we take these ideas for granted -- because the radical ideas of one generation are often the common sense of the next. We all stand on the shoulders of earlier generations of radicals and reformers who challenged the status quo of their day. Unfortunately, most Americans know little of this progressive history. It isn't taught in most high schools. You can't find it on the major television networks. In popular media, the most persistent interpreter of America's radical past is Glenn Beck, who teaches viewers a wildly inaccurate history of unions, civil rights, and the American Left. The 100 Greatest Americans of the 20th Century, a colorful and witty history of the most influential progressive leaders of the twentieth century and beyond, is the perfect antidote.
Over twenty years ago when he was running for President, John Kennedy published a book called Profiles in Courage. He was interested in conventional heroes, principled and dedicated, who devoted themselves to holding "the ship of State to its true course." Charles DeBenedetti's timely book is about equally principled heroes who were frequently at odds with the direction the American ship of State was taking at home and abroad. The people who gave shape to the American peace movement in the twentieth century were Jane Addams, Eugene V. Debs, Norman Thomas, Albert Einstein, A. J. Muste, Norman Cousins, Martin Luther King, Jr., and Daniel and Philip Berrigan. These dynamic and individualistic people are discussed in separate mini-biographies in this volume.