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América Latina y el Caribe es una región diversa y heterogénea en un mundo en mutación. Las formas y tipos de inserción internacional de sus países responden a miradas político estratégicas distintas y eso se refleja en sus relaciones con otras regiones del mundo. La asociación para la cooperación aparece como una demanda efectiva para satisfacer los intereses nacionales y regionales tanto en la Unión Europea como en América Latina y el Caribe. Esa cooperación requiere establecer vínculos entre los diversos foros y procesos de coordinación, cooperación e integración multilateral, regional y birregional dentro de una lógica de gobernanza multinivel acorde con los cambios que conlleva la creciente multipolaridad. Para que la región latinoamericana y caribeña aumente su influencia en el nuevo multilateralismo en construcción deberá enfrentar un gran reto: construir una posición común en áreas prioritarias, diseñando, además, un proyecto político estratégico que guíe su inserción en el sistema internacional. En este sentido se observa en América Latina la emergencia de nuevas formas de asociación a nivel intrarregional que se distinguen de los antiguos mecanismos de integración. Asimismo se desarrollan entre las naciones de la región y los países y grupos de países fuera del continente nuevas relaciones que muestran la forma en que América Latina se está insertando en un sistema con múltiples actores. Ejemplo de ello son los BRICS y el G-20. [Description in English] Latin America and the Caribbean: Global Links in a Complex Multilateral Context Latin America and the Caribbean is a diverse and heterogeneous region in a transforming world. The forms and types of international insertion implemented by the region's countries correspond to different politico-strategic visions, and this is reflected in their relations with other regions of the world. Association for the sake of cooperation appears to be an effective demand for satisfying national and regional interests both in the European Union and in Latin America and the Caribbean. That cooperation requires the establishment of links between the different forums and processes of multilateral, regional and bi-regional coordination, cooperation and integration within a logic of multilevel governance that is in keeping with the changes brought about by increasing multi-polarity. In order for the Latin American and Caribbean region to increase its influence in the new multilateralism now being constructed, it must face an enormous challenge, which involves building a common position on priority areas, as well as putting together a politico-strategic project that can orient its insertion into the international system. Along these lines, Latin America is witnessing the emergence of new forms of association at the intra-regional level that differ from former integration mechanisms. Similarly, the new relationships being formed between the nations of the region and countries and groups of countries outside of the continent show how Latin America is becoming inserted into a system with multiple actors. Cases in point are the BRIC countries and the G-20.
Frente a un nuevo contexto global con múltiples actores y sin un multilateralismo efectivo, el sistema multilateral se encuentra hoy en día en crisis. Esto se debe, en gran parte, a la crisis económico financiera que se vive desde el 2008; a menor atención de los Estados Unidos hacia América Latina y otras regiones del mundo y su inercia unilateral; al bloqueo en el sistema de Naciones Unidas y a la baja legitimidad de instituciones emergentes que no logran dar gobernabilidad global. En Occidente se constatan cambios profundos e importantes, como lo es la profundización de las relaciones de América Latina, particularmente de América del Sur, con la región Asia Pacífico; la consolidación de China como socio comercial estratégico relevante para América Latina desplazando a la Unión Europea, entre otros. Además las revoluciones y cambios en los países árabes y los cambios en África reorientan prioridades y tendencias en Europa que sin duda repercuten en América Latina. Esta publicación recoge las ideas centrales expuestas por destacados académicos (as) acerca de los cambios globales y las distintas visiones de países hegemónicos de la región y fuera de ella; así como acerca de las diplomacias de Cumbres como la de APEC, CELAC, de las Américas y la Unión Europea y las ideas expuestas en torno a temas emergentes transnacionales como lo son el cambio climático, la seguridad, la gobernanza, la gobernabilidad y la integración. A su vez, se analizan los temas de seguridad y defensa de cara a los nuevos desafíos del siglo XXI y los actores relevantes en la política exterior hemisférica, tales como Canadá, los Estados Unidos, México y Brasil. Finalmente, esta publicación cuenta con una reflexión acerca de la visión sobre los cambios que se han dado que continúan ocurriendo en el Sistema Internacional. [Description in English] Latin America and the Caribbean: International Relations in the 21st Century Summit Diplomacy and Spaces of Regional and Global Agreement Faced with a new global context that has multiple actors but no effective multilateralism, the multilateral system is now in crisis. This is largely due to the economic and financial crisis underway since 2008; to the United States paying less attention to Latin America and other regions of the world and its unilateral inertia; and to the deadlock in the United Nations system and the reduced legitimacy of emerging institutions, which are unable to achieve global governability. In the West, profound and important changes are being witnessed, such as the deepening of relations between Latin America, particularly South America, and the Asia Pacific region, and China's consolidation as a significant strategic trading partner for Latin America, supplanting other partners like the European Union. In addition, the revolutions and transformations occurring in Arab countries and the changes taking place in Africa are reorienting priorities and trends in Europe that no doubt affect Latin America. This publication brings together the main ideas presented by prominent academics with regard to these global changes and the different visions of hegemonic countries within and beyond the region; and to summit diplomacies such as that of APEC, CELAC, the Americas and the EU; as well as the ideas presented in relation to emerging transnational issues such as climate change, security, governance, governability and integration. In turn, the issues of security and defense are analyzed in relation to the new challenges of the 21st century and the relevant actors within hemispheric foreign policy, including Canada, the United States, Mexico and Brazil. Lastly, this work contains a reflection on this view of the changes that continue to take place within the International System.
Central America constitutes a fascinating case study of the challenges, opportunities and characteristics of the process of transformation in today’s global economy. Comprised of a politically diverse range of societies, this region has long been of interest to students of economic development and political change. The Handbook of Central American Governance aims to describe and explain the manifold processes that are taking place in Central America that are altering patterns of social, political and economic governance, with particular focus on the impact of globalization and democratization. Containing sections on topics such as state and democracy, key political and social actors, inequality and social policy and international relations, in addition to in-depth studies on five key countries (Costa Rica, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala), this text is composed of contributions from some of the leading scholars in the field. No other single volume studies the current characteristics of the region from a political, economic and social perspective or reviews recent research in such detail. As such, this handbook is of value to academics, students and researchers as well as to policy-makers and those with an interest in governance and political processes.
Los temas de caracter global que configuran la nueva agenda internacional obligan a las regiones y paises a disenar respuestas coordinadas entre los Estados y entre estos y los actores no estatales. La region de America Latina y el Caribe no esta exenta de esto. Para enfrentar estos nuevos procesos y sus consecuencias nacionales y regionales se requiere de la asociacion para la cooperacion. Tanto en el ambito politico como en el economico, el multilateralismo global continua en crisis. La necesidad de mayor cooperacion demanda que deban superarse estas deficiencias y que se establezcan normas basicas que busquen un bien comun, disminuyan el conflicto, y potencien la participacion de los paises de la region. Los analisis que se presentan en este libro desean contribuir al conocimiento y la construccion de mejores formas de relacionamiento entre los paises de America Latina y el Caribe a nivel intrarregional, y entre estos y el sistema internacional, partiendo de que la agenda latinoamericana en temas prioritarios es muy similar, los temas globales forman parte esencial de la agenda regional y que muchos temas hemisfericos son "intermesticos" para todos, aunque con consecuencias muy diferentes. Sin embargo, la forma de resolverlos, prevenirlos, y a quien se acude para trabajarlos, aun resulta muy...
More than thirty years have passed since Latin America began the arduous task of transitioning from military-led rule to democracy. In this time, more countries have moved toward the institutional bases of democracy than at any time in the region’s history. Nearly all countries have held free, competitive elections and most have had peaceful alternations in power between opposing political forces. Despite these advances, however, Latin American countries continue to face serious domestic and international challenges to the consolidation of stable democratic governance. The challenges range from weak political institutions, corruption, legacies of militarism, transnational crime, and globalization among others. In the second edition of Latin American Democracy contributors – both academics and practitioners, North Americans, Latin Americans, and Spaniards—explore and assess the state of democratic consolidation in Latin America by focusing on the specific issues and challenges confronting democratic governance in the region. This thoroughly updated revision provides new chapters on: the environment, decentralization, the economy, indigenous groups, and the role of China in the region.
La Cooperación Sur-Sur retoma su importancia. La alta heterogeneidad y las apremiantes necesidades de los países de renta media, como los latinoamericanos, muestran que los flujos de ayuda internacional son insuficientes, pues se han desplazado en una importante proporción a otras regiones del mundo. Además, dentro de estos países se ha venido observando la disposición en aumento de ser actores importantes en el proceso de cooperación para el desarrollo de otras naciones. Este libro busca aportar al análisis de las formas en que las distintas modalidades de cooperación para el desarrollo que se observan en la región latinoamericana se están manifestando y cuáles son sus desafios y potencialidades en un contexto dinámico y con retos complejos. Con las contribuciones de estos importantes autores y autoras el libro busca contribuir en la generación de conocimiento respecto al camino a seguir para lograr que la cooperación internacional, en cualquiera de sus modalidades, logre ser más eficaz y contribuir de manera efectiva en el desarrollo de las naciones. [Description in English] Latin America and the Caribbean: New forms of Cooperation South-South dimensions South-South cooperation has acquired renewed importance. The enormous heterogeneity and the pressing needs of middle income countries, like those of Latin America, demonstrate that international aid flows are insufficient, since they have largely shifted to other regions of the world. In addition, within these countries there has been an increasing willingness to be important actors in the cooperation process for the development of other nations. This book seeks to contribute to the analysis of the ways in which the different modalities of cooperation for development can be observed in the Latin American region and the challenges and potentialities they face in a dynamic and complex context. Through the contributions of these distinguished authors, the book aims to help generate knowledge on the path to follow to ensure that international cooperation, in any of its forms, is more efficacious and contributes more effectively to the development of nations.
This volume collects and combines research on regional integration projects beyond Europe and in the Global South across a wide range of policy issues. Given the plurality and diversity of regional organisations, there is a growing need to systematically analyse, assess, and explain the performance of regionalism. Acknowledging the considerable differences in settings, institutional design, and politico-economic environment of regional organisations, the expert contributors move beyond EU-centric notions to offer a profound overview and propose new dimensions of innovative performance research. Systematic and in-depth research from Eurasia, Asia, Africa, and Latin America on organisations such as the Eurasian Economic Union, South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation, Indian Ocean Commission, Shanghai Cooperation Organisation, African Union, and the Organisation of American States, enables us to identify the conditions and determinants that shape performance across regions, actors, policy areas, and settings. The book provides readily accessible, important, and novel information to students and scholars of political science, international relations, EU and European studies, peace and conflict studies, comparative regionalism, interregional and inter-organizational studies, and area studies, and persons interested in specific policy fields such as trade, security, or development policy.