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This book provides a broad overview of the development of Ibero-American cultural policy in an important and innovative way. This volume brings together specialists in the field, from different nations and disciplines, and provides the keys to understanding the different trajectories and experiences of some significant countries in the area on both sides of the Atlantic; the recent developments in this domain such as urban cultural regeneration policies and cultural development policies; and the dynamics of policy transfers such as cultural diplomacy. The book also contrasts the applicability and the explanatory power of the idea of the family of nations for the analysis of cultural policy with models inspired by the welfare regimes. This book allows international researchers an overarching view of the peculiarities and the latest achievements in the field of Ibero-American cultural policy. This book was originally published as a special issue of the International Journal of Cultural Policy.
Governing in a Global World captures the panorama of women governing around the world. Even though the modern era marks history’s greatest advancements for women, worldwide they hold fewer than 30 percent of decision-making positions and are often missing from negotiating tables where policies are made and conflicts resolved. The opening chapters present trends and context for studying women in public service by focusing on path-setters across the globe, the status of women in the world’s executive and legislative bodies, and their participation in public service across several nations. Later chapters examine power, leadership and representation of women in public service, with several chapters looking at women governing from a regional perspective in the Middle East, Sub Sahara Africa, Latin America, and China. The final chapter presents empirical evidence that shows how policies to increase women’s representation in the public arena reduce gender inequality more than any other policy intervention. Taken together, the chapters illustrate the worldwide importance of, and challenges to, promoting gender equality and women governing.
En las ultimas tres decadas, muchos pafses en America Latina y el Caribe han reconocido el tema de la salud como un derecho humano. Desde inicios de la decada del 2000, 46 millones de personas adicionales, de los pafses estudiados, gozan de la protecci6n de programas de salud con explfcitos derechos a recibir atenci6n. Las reformas han venido acompafiadas por un incremento en el gasto publico del sector salud, financiado en gran pa rte por los ingresos fiscales generales que priorizan o estan dirigidos explfcitamente hacia las poblaciones sin capacidad de pago. Los compromisos polfticos se han traducido en general en presupuestos mas elevados yen leyes aprobadas que circunscriben los fondos destinados al sector salud. En la mayorfa de los pafses se ha priorizado la atenci6n primaria en salud por su costo efectividad y han adoptado metodos de adquisici6n que incentivan la eficiencia y la transparencia en los resultados y que les dan a los administradores del sector salud un mayor apalancamiento para dirigir a los proveedores hacia la . consecuci6n de las prioridades de salud publica. Sin embargo, a pesar de los avances. aun subsisten las disparidades en el financiamiento y calidad de los servicios de los subsistemas de salud. Cumplir con el compromiso de la cobertura universal de salud exigira esfuerzos concertados para mejorar la generaci6n de los ingresos fiscales de manera sostenible y de elevar la productividad y efectividad del gasto. En el re po rte Hacia la cobertura universal en salud v la equidad en America Latina v el Caribe: Evidencia de poises seleccionados. los autores sefialan que la evidencia tomada de un analisis de 54 encuestas de hogares corrobora que las inversiones en la ampliaci6n de la cobertura estan generando resultados. A pesar que los pobres aun presentan los peores fndices de salud en comparaci6n con los ricos, las disparidades se han reducido en gran medida, especialmente durante las primeras etapas de vida. Los pafses han alcanzado elevados niveles de cobertura y equidad en la utilizaci6n de los servicios de salud maternoinfantil. El panorama se torna mas lleno de matices y no tan positivo cuando se trata de la salud en adultos y de la prevalencia de condiciones y enfermedades cr6nicas. La cobertura de las intervenciones de enfermedades no transmisibles no es muy alta y la utilizaci6n de los servicios se inclina hacia aquellos que gozan de una mejor posici6n. La prevalencia de las enfermedades no transmisibles no ha mostrado el comportamiento esperado en vista de la cafda en las tasas de mortalidad: un mayor acceso a los servicios de diagn6stico por pa rte de los segmentos mas ricos podrfa encubrir cambios en la prevalencia real. Los gastos de salud provocados por situaciones catastr6ficas han ido en descenso en la mayorfa de los pafses. El panorama en torno a la equidad, sin embargo es mixto, apuntando hacia limitaciones en la medida. Si bien la tasa de empobrecimiento a causa de gastos de salud es baja, con tendencia decreciente en terminos generales, entre dos y cuatro millones de personas en los pafses estudiados aun caen por debajo de la lfnea de la pobreza despues de haber incurrido en gastos de salud. Los esfuerzos para darle un seguimiento sistematico a la calidad de la atenci6n en la region, apenas dan sus primeros pasos. Sin embargo, un repaso a la literatura revela graves deficiencias en la calidad de la atenci6n de salud, asi como sustanciales diferencias entre los diversos subsistemas. Elevar la calidad de la atenci6n y asegurar la sostenibilidad de las inversiones en salud siguen siendo una agenda inconclusa.
A creative and comprehensive exploration of the institutional forces undermining the management of environments critical to public health. For almost two decades, the citizens of Western Mexico have called for a cleanup of the Santiago River, a water source so polluted it emanates an overwhelming acidic stench. Toxic clouds of foam lift off the river in a strong wind. In Sewer of Progress, Cindy McCulligh examines why industrial dumping continues in the Santiago despite the corporate embrace of social responsibility and regulatory frameworks intended to mitigate environmental damage. The fault, she finds, lies in a disingenuous discourse of progress and development that privileges capitalist growth over the health and well-being of ecosystems. Rooted in research on institutional behavior and corporate business practices, Sewer of Progress exposes a type of regulatory greenwashing that allows authorities to deflect accusations of environmental dumping while “regulated” dumping continues in an environment of legal certainty. For transnational corporations, this type of simulation allows companies to take advantage of double standards in environmental regulations, while presenting themselves as socially responsible and green global actors. Through this inversion, the Santiago and other rivers in Mexico have become sewers for urban and industrial waste. Institutionalized corruption, a concept McCulligh introduces in the book, is the main culprit, a system that permits and normalizes environmental degradation, specifically in the creation and enforcement of a regulatory framework for wastewater discharge that prioritizes private interests over the common good. Through a research paradigm based in institutional ethnography and political ecology, Sewer of Progress provides a critical, in-depth look at the power relations subverting the role of the state in environmental regulation and the maintenance of public health.
Regenerative and Sustainable Futures for Latin America and the Caribbean explores how to build sustainable futures for Latin America and the Caribbean, presents recommendations for policy and decision-makers to shape sustainable futures, and reflects on the value of collective action for a region that deserves a better tomorrow.
This 9th volume of International Development Policy looks at recent paradigmatic innovations and related development trajectories in Latin America, with a particular focus on the Andean region. It examines the diverse development narratives and experiences in countries such as Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru during a period of high commodity prices associated with robust growth, poverty alleviation and inequality reduction. Highlighting propositions such as buen vivir, this thematic volume questions whether competing ideologies and discourses have translated into different outcomes, be it with regard to environmental sustainability, social progress, primary commodity dependence, or the rights of indigenous peoples. This collection of articles aims to enrich our understanding of recent development debates and processes in Latin America, and what the rest of the world can learn from them. Contributors include: Adriana Erthal Abdenur, Alberto Acosta, Ana Elizabeth Bastida, Luis Bustos, Humberto Campodónico, Gilles Carbonnier, Ana Patricia Cubillo-Guevara, Fernando Eguren, Ricardo Fuentes-Nieva, Eduardo García, Javier Herrera, Antonio Luis Hidalgo-Capitán, Robert Muggah, Gianandrea Nelli Feroci, José Antonio Ocampo, Camilo Andrés Peña Galeano, Guillermo Perry, Darío Indalecio Restrepo Botero, Sergio Tezanos Vázquez, and Frédérique Weyer.
This book brings together a leading team of international experts in arts and global development to showcase effective practice and to explore how this vibrant interdisciplinary field has developed and what the latest research can teach us. Although arts play a central role in human development, and in the health and wellbeing of individuals and communities, few have attempted to comprehensively explore arts practice as global development. This Handbook first provides a theoretical framework for exploring arts and global development, before surveying a comprehensive range of art forms and development practices to explore the potential of the arts to strategically and beneficially contribute to more just and equitable conditions for communities across the globe. Stretching across the arts from theatre, dance, and music to poetry, film, and visual arts, the book covers topics as diverse as health, education, peacebuilding, livelihoods, sustainability, activism, and arts as research method in programming. The Handbook also identifies gaps in the literature, pointing towards the most pressing and promising avenues for further research over the next few years. This book will be an essential resource for any researcher, student, or practitioner wishing to understand the role of the arts in global development and in the global south more generally.
This book examines the outlook for Latin American entrepreneurs in the new global environment. Using case studies from across the region, the book highlights liberalization measures nations are adopting to facilitate small and medium size enterprise (SME) creation and growth, and existing barriers that are threatening SME sector gains.
The Return of Cultural Heritage to Latin America takes a new approach to the question of returns and restitutions. It is the first publication to look at the domestic politics of claiming countries in order to understand who supports the claims and why. Drawing on analysis of articles published in national newspapers and archival documents and interviews with individuals involved in return claims, the book demonstrates that such claims are inherently political. Focusing on Colombia, Mexico, and Peru, the book analyses how return claims contribute to the strengthening of state-sponsored discourses on the nation; the policy formation process that leads to the formulation of return claims; and who the main actors of the claims are, including civil society individuals, experts, state authorities, and Indigenous communities. The book proposes explanations for why Latin American countries are interested in specific objects held in Western museums and why these claims have come to light over the past three decades. The Return of Cultural Heritage to Latin America argues that return claims ought to be the object of public debate, allowing contemporary societies to address the legacy of colonialism. The book will be essential reading for scholars and students engaged in the study of museums and heritage, political science, history, anthropology, cultural policy, and Latin America.
A systematic assessment of the impact of public access to computers and the Internet, with findings from developing countries in South America, Asia, and Africa. Shared public access to computers and the Internet in developing countries is often hailed as an effective, low-cost way to share the benefits of digital technology. Yet research on the economic and social effects of public access to computers is lacking. This volume offers the first systematic assessment of the impact of shared public access in the developing world, with findings from ten countries in South America, Asia, and Africa. It provides evidence that the benefits of diversified participation in digital society go beyond providing access to technology. Public access venues—most often Internet cafés in cities and state-run telecenters in rural areas—are places for learning, sharing, working, empowerment and finding opportunities. The book documents the impact of public access on individuals, on society and networks, and on women. Chapters report findings and examine policy implications of research on such topics as users' perceptions of the benefits of Internet café use in Jordan; ICT job training in Rwanda; understanding user motivations and risk factors for overuse and Internet addiction in China; the effect of technology use on social inclusion among low-income urban youth in Argentina; productive uses of technologies by grassroots organizations in Peru; use of technology by migrant ethnic minority Burmese women in Thailand to maintain ties with their culture and their family and friends; and women's limited access to the most ubiquitous type of venue, cybercafés, in practically all countries studied—and quite severely in some places, e.g. Uttar Pradesh, India. Contributing Editors Erwin A. Alampay, Roxana Barrantes Cáceres, Hernan Galperin, Abiodun Jagun, George Sciadas, Ramata Molo Thioune, Kentaro Toyama Chapter authors Ali Farhan AbuSeileek, Carolina Aguerre, Oluwasefunmi 'Tale Arogundade, Nor Aziah Alias, Sebastián Benítez Larghi, Jorge Bossio, Juan Fernando Bossio, Marina Laura Calamari, Nikos Dacanay, Jean Damascène Mazimpaka, Laurent Aristide Eyinga Eyinga, Mary Luz Feranil, Ariel Fontecoba, Omar Fraihat, Martin S. Hagger, Jianbin Hao, Sulaiman Hashim, Izaham Shah Ismail, Haziah Jamaludin, Xuemei Jiang, Laura León, Guoxin Li, Balwant Singh Mehta, Nidhi Mehta, Marina Moguillansky, Marhaini Mohd Noor, Avis Momeni, Théodomir Mugiraneza, Jimena Orchuela, Patricia Peña Miranda, Alejandra Phillippi, Jimena Ponce de León, Ghaleb Rabab'ah, Saif Addeen AlRababah, Wei Shang, Ryan V. Silverio, Sylvie Siyam Siwe, Efenita M. Taqueban, Olga Balbine Tsafack Nguekeng, Xiaoguang Yang