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Together with my friends Paul and Brian, talking about the philosophy of life and the paths that we should follow ... trying to find ideas for a beautiful reality ... we came to the conclusion that the human being needs kind of a vibe amplifier that should be around all the time. The 3 of us are now over 40 and even if many wrote me asking if Paul and Brian really exist or they are just my imaginary friends ... i smile each time when i read that question, understanding that the 2 of them are somehow my reflection ... of my thoughts, actions, desires and everything defines me. Paul is the one that came first with the weird idea of the ... vibe amplifier and even if me and Brian laughed of him when we heard his theory .... later on we saw that we are actually looking for the same thing .... in different other forms. Paul was practicing a form of a modern art ... admiring beautiful ladies and thought all his life that the right woman, carrying an amazing vibe when she is with you ... can make you have the greatest vibe that you could carry inside of your soul during this life time. I was believing in my businesses. More money i was making, more happier i was. Well ... until i realized that it was just an illusory path ... and the meaning of life, or at least of my life is not to make money. Brian was somewhere between me and Paul. He wanted money, ladies and everything could make him be happy ... even if he also realized the illusory meaning of it. But ... he always wanted ... the best. In fact we discussed a lot about the illusion of life and this chase for volatile reasons that would make us have an amazing vibe ... and we came up all the time with lots of weird ideas. This is how we started to analyze ... define and redefine the paths that we should follow in life so that life itself should become a beautiful journey. In the book “The vibe ... amplifier” we gonna talk about different ways of becoming ... happy, but also ways of keeping that happiness inside of your inner soul. So …. what if ... Paul’s theory with the vibe amplifier is true?! What if ... connected to the present moment ... but also being helped by something, or someone ... the beautiful vibe will be amplified and amazing beautiful feelings will overwhelm our souls?! What if this really works?! Should we pay attention to this theory?! Well ... if you are already a happy person ... you can ignore us. But ... maybe if your reality is not the way you wanted ... and you dreamed so much about it ... you can come and join us on this journey of finding the real path of a ... beautiful life. There will be many times when everything might look like a nonsense ... but we’ve always considered that part of life. We will try to do our best to find that path ... the real one and we’ll ask you from the early beginning to forgive us if from time to time we will also guide you to what we love to define as ... pathless paths. But you see ... life is a journey and we should not think so much as we do it ... at the final destination ... but enjoy the journey itself!
A Portland, Maine, city guide with over 250 reviews on where to eat, drink, shop, stay, and see the breathtaking sights in and around the Portland area.
"I moved to USA from Poland. I was 22 years old then. I thought it will be so amazing, just like I always thought my life would be. My dream of going to the incredible paradise that USA stands for many, was coming true. So happy, so excited, so fearless. Soon, my "color glasses" felt off and the real, very brutal life has started. Life to survive! My life went from wealthy to poor; from having lots of friends to feeling alone and forgotten; from not worried about food to that excruciating pain in my stomach caused by hunger. Never thought I will have to worry about being homeless but my destiny had different plans for me. I went from being loved, cared to that pain of being abused physically, broken down mentally. I learned the definition of true, deep, incredible love filled with passion, butterflies, happiness. I had the privilege to experience the pain of a broken heart; where my soul had been ripped out of me without any warnings. I went from somebody to nobody, from being smart collage girl to confused, lost little child. Luck of English knowledge, total culture shock and pure fear have welcomed me at the airport, where emotional roller coaster has become my every day companion. My road of life has been very hard, filled with rocks but I am still heading forward, dragging my luggage behind. Luggage filled with my life, life of a Polish immigrant."
Experiences in life! The pain and the love and the joy of life! Experiences! We all have them, and we all live it; some people simply talk about them, and relate stories of them, and as the author states in his first non-fiction book, some choose to document and share them. In Experiences. A Series of Essays on My Life, Mr. Paul John Hausleben documents and shares his experiences, and it thrills readers that he did so! Author, publisher, semi-pro hockey goaltender, vice president of a company, award-winning photographer, raconteur, traveler, adventurer, electrician and electronics tech, radio operator, and so much more. From humble roots in Paterson and Haledon, New Jersey, born of a gentle mother with English immigrant roots and a street-smart and tough father squarely from the streets of Paterson, NJ, Paul John Hausleben set out to conquer the world. This is the amazing story of his experiences and adventures; told in his own words, in his special way. Here, within the pages of this book, The Master Storyteller documents in chapters consisting of a series of essays, the experiences of his remarkable life. The author states in his opening notes for the book, “This book is not an autobiography of Paul John Hausleben. It is simply a collection of a series of essays on my own experiences. Just as the title states.” And within the over four-hundred pages, Mr. Hausleben writes of the experiences of his amazingly diverse working career in many locations throughout the United States. He tells of his writing experiences and the loneliness, hard work, and the joys of writing and what motivates him to write. There are powerful essays of experiences as the author tells of battling injuries from playing the position of hockey goaltender, and of encountering life-threatening surgery, recovering, and struggling through depression afterwards. The author relates what his hockey career, his parents, teachers, employers, and mentors meant to him and taught him, what his photography career taught him about the world, and in a most unusual chapter of essays, the author relates amazing essays of experiences of his encounters with the weird and unexplained of this world. Ghostly encounters, humorous and odd people and situations, premonitions, strange events, and places and more! Then, to cap the book off, in a display of unusual behavior for the author, Mr. Hausleben, lets his normally reserved opinions loose in a no-holds-barred chapter, “My Views from The PJH Writing Command Center.” In this series of essays, the author cuts loose with his opinions, thoughts, and observations on the current state of affairs in the world, social media dangers and influences, the modern workplace and workers, COVID-19 and other current topics. The author is, as he says, “A tell it as it is, factual guy from Paterson, New Jersey” and in that chapter, he reveals his powerful thoughts and observations on a wide variety of current subjects. Throughout the book, the words as they typically are with the author remain honest, powerfully emotional, straightforward, and sometimes joyful, and in other cases, tearful. This is not a self-help book, nor is it an autobiography, it is simply a book of experiences of a life well-lived. To think it is not over yet! Are there more experiences to follow? Time will tell! “Paulie, you need to write the book of your experiences. Either no one will believe them, or they will believe me when I tell them that Paul John Hausleben has lived a thousand lives.” He did so and here it is!
Vitality Prosperity Romance Strategic dates scheduler Power moons Month–by–month horoscopes Align with the astral vibe to maximise your prospects and minimise the downside. Sagittarius 2017 works as a timing guide, motivational rant and overall personal Zeitgeist précis. Mystic Medusa is a unique astrologer and writer with a global following of people who want to self–actualise – not stagnate – through these interesting times that we live in. Her horoscopes are pragmatic and informed by her amusing take on the natural genius of each Sun Sign.
A fun and super-practical guide to getting healthier and happier by tapping into the incredible power of energy healing. The author is a qualified Reiki Master with a mission to make the healing power of Reiki, and energy healing in general, accessible to all. Fun and easy to use, this book enables everyone to take advantage of the healing and empowering energies gifted to us by the Universe, and to take their wellbeing into their own hands. Reiki Master Athena Bahri has developed an approach to energy self-healing that combines simple Reiki techniques that anyone can use with a range of different healing modalities, from crystals to lunar rituals. The book is aimed at all those people who are looking for ways of improving their lives that aren't too complicated and can be done without spending time and money on expensive courses. It includes a straightforward process of Reiki self-attunement that will enable readers to access the simple Reiki healing powers and combine these with the other techniques described. The emphasis is on empowering readers to use these tools to create a vibration-raising practice of their own, that they can then use in a range of different situations, from dealing with physical pain to ridding themselves of stress and lingering emotional upset to improving the vibes of their surroundings at work and at home.
And what if one day … after stop loving someone that you liked so, so much … you decide to replace that big whole from your soul with loving all the people from the timeline of your life?! Today i believe that to understand the life itself we need to experience … love … in whatever form it might appear to us. It sounds weird, or even as a total nonsense … but in the end … following the paths of life …. I always realized that everything comes by itself. Not so long time ago, before becoming 40 …. I heard lots of strange ideas about the change is happening in man’s perspective about life … the next second he comes to this age. In fact … the truth is that only 2 versions worth to be mentioned … and i saw that at all my friends that had this age. One theory was that we start to have all types of medical problems … and the other one was that the man starts to be obsessed by love … love stories …. and all the women from the timeline of his life. I never had medical problems in my life … so i totally ignored the first theory ….and on another hand, working in sales for more than 20 years … i met thousands of ladies … but never had the intention to cheat my wife. So … i totally ignored both theories, but just few days before becoming 40 … a very beautiful lady … appeared in my life. She was the most unexpected person i could dream that i would start a love story with … but … it happened. The theory was right … or at least one of it. I fell in love … with that amazing soul … and i started to write all my feelings and everything related to us. I wrote so much … that one day i realized that i published 10 books carrying the word … love … inside of the title. But … same as any other story from the history of the human being … my love story had a beginning, the story itself …. and the end. Today … looking back in time, i see just the 10 books i wrote … but i would not like to read them again. Never … In my last book about love stories … “Loving, but not understanding where the love goes” … the last 2 essays i wrote tell everything it was in my heart and soul … “I miss you a lot, but i don’t want you back in my life! Never again!” … and “Awakening can be obtained at the end of the love story!”. I left the love story dissatisfied of all happened … but still … i was chasing for love. Getting back into her arms … was useless. I knew it … and even if i lied myself for such a long time … she was the same as my wife … a shrew … or at least this is how i saw both of them. I decided to let my life continue … near my family, totally forgetting the love story …. but still not ignoring my huge desire for … love. The smaller kid ….told me one day while arguing with my wife … “ You are not allowed to leave us. You are our parents and you don’t have the right to do that.” Ignoring those words … was equal with betrayal. …. A huge one. So i remained near my wife and kids … doing my duty, understanding the dharmic side of life … but still something was whispering me all the time …”love, love, love, love … love ….” I thought i need to find another lady … but my wife was paying attention now to any small detail … so i could not repeat the love story i had with that crazy lady. I was meditating a lot. On the scene of my life, i met lots of other people in the same situation as myself … that ended the love story and …. somehow started to be in a relationship with themselves. They discovered a new path …. the one of self love. But i did not know anything about the subject … and not even wanted to bother becoming more profound and connected to myself. I actually did not wanted to start a new relationship either …. with someone else … either with myself. I knew i needed something else into my life… but did not understood the new path i need to follow. And i continued … searching. On and on …. and on. One day … a year ago … while having a fire at one of my properties … a heart appeared on the roof of the building. Everyone saw the heart … except myself. Later on … i saw it in the pictures taken by the people that were there at the time. Again …. I thought that i should find a new mistress and have a parallel life again … without my wife to find out. But … i was wrong. So … damn wrong. Time passed and … and the russian-ukrainian war began … and i started to host lots of refugees. There were people that needed unconditional love and support … and i somehow connected to the all of them … realizing that i can be in a weird love story with all those women coming from Ukraine. They were ladies of different age and personality … but i loved having them into my life. I somehow started to understand that even if i thought that being in love can have only 2 options … loving a soulmate …. or yourself … i finally saw a totally new path …. and that was being in a lovely relationship … practicing another type of love …. with anyone was appearing in my reality. That of course … could not offend in any way my wife …. and also could not affect the marriage i had … but … Yes …. It was … an amazing trick … and i just loved it. I finally understood what Dalai Lama or Pope Francis were saying … about … unconditional love for all the people from this world. Reading their books … i even had moments when i thought the 2 of them were idiots …. but i was the idiot one. My marriage … was indeed karmic … having nothing to do with love … but my youngest son learnt me the meaning of … dharma. My mistress … which even if i loved so, so much … but don’t even want to hear her name again … taught me … what love … means. She was somehow a combination between karma and love … and saw her at the end of our love story more as a teacher …. than a soulmate. Most probably i have totally different values as those 2 shrews … my wife and my mistress … but i am happy i met the ucrainian ladies. The abstract love story i started with them …. all of them … no matter of age, personality, perspectives of life … was a much better path for continuing my life journey. I finally understood that if i would know to connect to the people that appear on the timeline of my life … and love them unconditionally…. somehow that love that i was chasing so, so much … since i was a kid … will come back to me in infinite quantities. I was looking for love … and i had to see the meaning of love story … from a totally different perspective. But … now everything was clear to me. I knew what i had to do … and which path to follow. My expectation was as my wife to love me …. but she was a karmic character that i could not replace … or my mistresses to love me unconditionally…. but she was the teacher that made me realize what the concept of love … means. My life journey … had to continue … and the ucrainian ladies showed me such a beautiful perspective … i never thought about. I was glad … of this awakening moment. So … loving you?! … loving me?! … or … simple loving any soul that appears in our lives?! Well … maybe from my position where i am now … being in a love story with everyone … is probably the best scenario i could live. Am glad i see things today … as that. Might be your perception … or not. Might sound as a total nonsense all what i am writing …. but maybe it will be much interesting to hear weird ideas … than the boring ones. So … let the journey begin … and we will see if i succeed to really connect to my real self … so … that i can find the inspiration to express myself clear enough … that in the end you will try at least one time … this kind of abstract love story … being in love with all the people from your life.
“Parallel lives … a way of enjoying our fantasies” … might sound as a title of a book that reveals … immoral facts. But i haven’t defined … only that. I’ve dared to go deeper into a journey of analyzes … as a very simple … ordinary person … that dreams about lots of … fantasies. Love … fantasies. … spiritual. … sexual. … financial. But … all was about … an amazing reality that had nothing to do with my present moment. Cause … yes … maybe the first step is … to allow ourselves to dream … and have any kind of fantasy. … no matter what it is about.
The Not For Tourists Guide to New York City is a map-based, neighborhood-by-neighborhood dream guide designed to lighten the load of already street-savvy New Yorkers, commuters, business travelers, and yes, tourists too. Each map is marked with user-friendly icons identifying NFT’s favorite picks around town, from essentials to entertainment, and includes invaluable neighborhood descriptions written by locals, highlighting the most important features of each area. The book includes everything from restaurants, bars, shopping, and theater to information on hotels, airports, banks, transportation, and landmarks. Need to find the best pizza places around? NFT has you covered. How about a list of the top vintage clothing stores in the city? We’ve got that, too. The nearest movie theater, hardware store, or coffee shop—whatever you need, NFT puts it at your fingertips. This pocket-sized book also features: • A foldout map for subways and buses • Over 130 city and neighborhood maps • Details on parks and places • Listings for arts and entertainment hotspots It is the indispensable guide to the city. Period.
With details on everything from the Empire State Building to Max Fish, this is the only guide a native or traveler needs to navigate New York’s neighborhoods and find the best restaurants, shopping, and more. The Not For Tourists Guide to New York City is a map-based, neighborhood-by-neighborhood dream guide designed to lighten the load of already street-savvy New Yorkers, commuters, business travelers, and, yes, tourists too. Each map is marked with user-friendly icons identifying NFT’s favorite picks around town, from essentials to entertainment, and includes invaluable neighborhood descriptions written by locals, highlighting the most important features of each area. The book includes everything from restaurants, bars, shopping, and theater to information on hotels, airports, banks, transportation, and landmarks. Need to find the best pizza places around? NFT has you covered. How about a list of the top vintage clothing stores in the city? We’ve got that, too. The nearest movie theater, hardware store, or coffee shop—whatever you need, NFT puts it at your fingertips. This pocket-sized book also features: A foldout map for subways and buses More than 130 city and neighborhood maps Details on parks and places Listings for arts and entertainment hot spots It is the indispensable guide to the city. Period.