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In Wil Lou Gray: The Making of a Southern Progressive from New South to New Deal, Mary Macdonald Ogden examines the first fifty years of the life and work of South Carolina's Wil Lou Gray (1883-1984), an uncompromising advocate of public and private programs to improve education, health, citizen participation, and culture in the Palmetto State. Motivated by the southern educational reform crusade, her own excellent education, and the high levels of illiteracy she observed in South Carolina, Gray capitalized on the emergent field of adult education before and after World War I to battle the racism, illiteracy, sexism, and political lethargy commonplace in her native state. As state superintendent of adult schools from 1919 to 1946, one of only two such superintendents in the nation, and through opportunity schools, adult night schools, pilgrimages, and media campaigns—all of which she pioneered—Gray transformed South Carolina's anti-illiteracy campaign from a plan of eradication to a comprehensive program of adult education. Ogden's biography reveals how Gray successfully secured small but meaningful advances for both black and white adults in the face of harsh economic conditions, pervasive white supremacy attitudes, and racial violence. Gray's socially progressive politics brought change in the first decades of the twentieth century. Gray was a refined, sophisticated upper-class South Carolinian who played Canasta, loved tomato aspic, and served meals at the South Carolina Opportunity School on china with cloth napkins. She was also a lifelong Democrat, a passionate supporter of equality of opportunity, a masterful politician, a workaholic, and in her last years a vociferous supporter of government programs such as Medicare and nonprofits such as Planned Parenthood. She had a remarkable grasp of the issues that plagued her state and, with deep faith in the power of government to foster social justice, developed innovative ways to address those problems despite real financial, political, and social barriers to progress. Her life is an example of how one person with bravery, tenacity, and faith in humanity can grasp the power of government to improve society.
The long-standing dilemma for the progressive intellectual, how to bridge the world of educated opinion and that of the working masses, is the focus of Leon Fink's penetrating book, the first social history of the progressive thinker caught in the middle of American political culture.
A picturesque community in the Upstate's piedmont landscape, the city of Laurens possesses a rich heritage and unique small-town character and charm. Since its founding in the latter part of the eighteenth century, the city, named for Revolutionary War hero and distinguished South Carolinian Henry Laurens, has grown and developed into the county's primary crossroads, serving not only as the county seat, but a center of social activity, from circuses to Chautauquas. This volume, with over 200 black-and-white photographs and postcards, captures the Laurens of yesteryear, a time measured by the sound of railroad whistles, hoof beats on dusty streets, and the early noisy stirrings of automobiles. Covering the many elements of everyday life in Laurens--the academic, industrial, spiritual, and social--this visual history takes readers on a remarkable tour through the area's past, showcasing early schools, such as the Laurensville Female College and the "old" Central School; turn-of-the-century textile mills, such as the Laurens Cotton Mill and the Watts Mill Plant; a wide variety of churches, including Baptist, Methodist, and Presbyterian denominations, to name but a few; and early residences and businesses that make up the Laurens Historic District.
Written for classroom and pre-service teachers who wish to adopt a "civil rights pedagogy," Grappling with Diversity illuminates the diverse worldviews of people in our nation's history who are usually omitted, marginalized, or misrepresented in the American school curriculum. In order to prepare young people to interact in a variety of contexts with people who are different from themselves, the contributors take a serious look at teaching them to examine the origins and assumptions underlying mainstream thinking, which divides the nation into North and South, us and them, rich and poor, black and white, and to analyze alternative educational frameworks for understanding people and the planet. They also explore the concept of privilege by asking which stories are privileged in contemporary culture, what readings are available, and whose interests are served by them.
Women have played a prominent role in shaping South Carolina's history through active participation in many aspects of the state's development, from securing state appropriations for public libraries to helping to establish the South Carolina Board of Social Services. While many of their achievements have been documented by various organizations, a number of these irreplaceable records have been lost or discarded. Winthrop University, for years one of the largest women's colleges in the nation, strives to preserve these important documents that tell the story of South Carolina women and the contributions they have made. The images in this volume are from the extensive collection of the Winthrop University Archives, which includes the records of the university and state women's organizations as well as numerous personal letters, scrapbooks, and diaries. Within these pages, you will discover the impact that women have made on education, politics, religion, sports, business, and the arts, and learn first hand about their lives and individual accomplishments.
They lived deeply separate lives. They wrestled with what Brown v. Board of Education would mean for their communities. And although they were accustomed to a segregated society, many women in South Carolina--both black and white--knew that the unequal racial status quo in their state had to change. Crossing the Line reveals the early activism of black women in organizations including the NAACP, the South Carolina Progressive Democratic Party, and the South Carolina Federation of Colored Women’s Clubs. It also explores the involvement of white women in such groups as the YWCA and Church Women United. Their agendas often conflicted and their attempts at interracial activism were often futile, but these black and white women had the same goal: to improve black South Carolinians’ access to political and educational institutions. Examining the tumultuous years during and after World War II, Jones-Branch contends that these women are the unsung heroes of South Carolina’s civil rights history. Their efforts to cross the racial divide in South Carolina helped set the groundwork for the broader civil rights movement of the 1960s and 1970s.