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Since 1992 the Department of Defense (DOD), through the U.S. Army Medical Research and Material Command, has received congressionally earmarked appropriations for programs of biomedical research on prostate, breast, and ovarian cancer; neurofibromatosis; tuberous sclerosis; and other health problems. Appropriations for these Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs are used to support peer reviewed extramural research project, training, and infrastructure grants. Congress has become concerned about funding increases for these programs given current demands on the military budget. At the request of Congress, the Institute of Medicine (IOM) examined possibilities of augmenting program funding from alternative sources. The resulting IOM book, Strategies to Leverage Research Funding: Guiding DOD's Peer Reviewed Medical Research Programs, focuses on nonfederal and private sector contributions that could extend the appropriated funds without biasing the peer review project selection process.
Extract: Real milk prices 15-20 percent lower than in 1983 would approximately balance production and consumption under conditions projected for the dairy industry during the remainder of the eighties. Government purchase, storage, and disposal could effectively stabilize prices near this level, but these are wasteful means of raising prices and, thereby, enhancing producers' incomes. Other programs such as direct payments, supply control, and price discrimination can transfer income to farmers at less cost to society in the short run, but can lead to serious inefficiencies over time. Changes in the marketing order program to bring prices charged to processors and paid to producers more in line with the value of the services associated with the milk would contribute to the efficiency of the industry.