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Pages 330. 58 illustrations. The book is divided into three parts. In the first part (The intuitions) the author deals with the most relevant hypotheses on the illusory reality of the perceptible world. The existence of a level of consciousness that transcends matter has been envisaged by the great thinkers. We find this idea in Plato's Myth of the Cave, in Berkeley's Immaterialistic Theory, in the Psychology of Form. The most authoritative source lies in the works on the collective unconscious and on the theory of synchronicity by Carl Jung. In the second part (Confirmations) the author describes in an elementary but detailed way the path of quantum physics, from Thomas Young's double slit experiment to the phenomena of the superposition of states and quantum correlation. Through these privileged keys it is possible to understand quantum entanglement. In the third part (Perspectives) the author describes the theories developed by David Bohm on the "quantum potential" on the "implicated universe". and on the holographic vision of the cosmos. Everything is explained with absolute simplicity, without the use of mathematical formulas and with the help of many illustrations. Humanity, from its very beginnings, wanted to investigate the origin and composition of things, to discover their functioning and their intimate purpose. The universally used method is to break down objects into smaller and smaller parts, then analyzing them with every possible technique, from visual investigation to chemical reactions. This still happens today. For example, if a scientist wants to discover the chemical and physical structure of a cube of granite, he will break it into smaller and smaller pieces until it is divided into individual atoms. However, if the scientist himself wants to investigate the individual particles that make up the atom, he receives an incredible surprise. The granite cube behaves like an ice cube would. The scientist sees the matter that becomes fog, evaporates, disappears between his fingers. Solid matter becomes energy that vibrates. The single particles are transformed into fluctuating waves without any solid corporeality. At the subatomic level, matter is no longer solid matter, it becomes something different. Elementary particles deceive us. They look like solid specks if someone observes them, but they behave like vibrating waves when they are not observed. Atoms practically only contain vacuum. On the surface, we believe we can touch, weigh, manipulate and measure matter. But, in its most intimate composition, matter becomes a ripple of emptiness, energy, information, wave or vibration. What seems to us solid material, in its most intimate essence is no longer solid material. At this point, it is clear that we can no longer speak of a single reality. Depending on the levels of observation, from the extremely small to the infinitely large, there are many realities, all different but all absolutely true. Or, perhaps, there are many aspects of a higher reality, still unknown. All philosophies and religions have always hypothesized a "zone of the spirit" transcending matter; no one, however, has ever been able to provide proof of its existence. Today quantum physics is opening a huge window on horizons that, until the last century, we could not have imagined. The confirmations come from the experiments carried out successfully, especially those relating to the phenomenon of quantum entanglement.
Pages 354. 58 illustrations. The book is divided into three parts. In the first part (The intuitions) the author deals with the most relevant hypotheses on the illusory reality of the perceptible world. The existence of a level of consciousness that transcends matter has been envisaged by the great thinkers. We find this idea in Plato's Myth of the Cave, in Berkeley's Immaterialistic Theory, in the Psychology of Form. The most authoritative source lies in the works on the collective unconscious and on the theory of synchronicity by Carl Jung. In the second part (Confirmations) the author describes in an elementary but detailed way the path of quantum physics, from Thomas Young's double slit experiment to the phenomena of the superposition of states and quantum correlation. Through these privileged keys it is possible to understand quantum entanglement. In the third part (Perspectives) the author describes the theories developed by David Bohm on the "quantum potential" on the "implicated universe". and on the holographic vision of the cosmos. Everything is explained with absolute simplicity, without the use of mathematical formulas and with the help of many illustrations. Humanity, from its very beginnings, wanted to investigate the origin and composition of things, to discover their functioning and their intimate purpose. The universally used method is to break down objects into smaller and smaller parts, then analyzing them with every possible technique, from visual investigation to chemical reactions. This still happens today. For example, if a scientist wants to discover the chemical and physical structure of a cube of granite, he will break it into smaller and smaller pieces until it is divided into individual atoms. However, if the scientist himself wants to investigate the individual particles that make up the atom, he receives an incredible surprise. The granite cube behaves like an ice cube would. The scientist sees the matter that becomes fog, evaporates, disappears between his fingers. Solid matter becomes energy that vibrates. The single particles are transformed into fluctuating waves without any solid corporeality. At the subatomic level, matter is no longer solid matter, it becomes something different. Elementary particles deceive us. They look like solid specks if someone observes them, but they behave like vibrating waves when they are not observed. Atoms practically only contain vacuum. On the surface, we believe we can touch, weigh, manipulate and measure matter. But, in its most intimate composition, matter becomes a ripple of emptiness, energy, information, wave or vibration. What seems to us solid material, in its most intimate essence is no longer solid material. At this point, it is clear that we can no longer speak of a single reality. Depending on the levels of observation, from the extremely small to the infinitely large, there are many realities, all different but all absolutely true. Or, perhaps, there are many aspects of a higher reality, still unknown. All philosophies and religions have always hypothesized a "zone of the spirit" transcending matter; no one, however, has ever been able to provide proof of its existence. Today quantum physics is opening a huge window on horizons that, until the last century, we could not have imagined. The confirmations come from the experiments carried out successfully, especially those relating to the phenomenon of quantum entanglement.
Finally, a scientific series that treats babies like the geniuses they are! With scientific and mathematical information from an expert, this is the perfect book for the next Einstein. Written by an expert, Quantum Entanglement for Babies is a colorfully simple introduction to one of nature's weirdest phenomenons. Babies (and grownups!) will learn about the wild world of quantum particles. With a tongue-in-cheek approach that adults will love, this installment of the Baby University board book series is the perfect way to introduce basic concepts to even the youngest scientists. After all, it's never too early to become a quantum physicist! Baby University: It only takes a small spark to ignite a child's mind.
An exploration of quantum entanglement and the ways in which it contradicts our everyday assumptions about the ultimate nature of reality. Quantum physics is notable for its brazen defiance of common sense. (Think of Schrödinger's Cat, famously both dead and alive.) An especially rigorous form of quantum contradiction occurs in experiments with entangled particles. Our common assumption is that objects have properties whether or not anyone is observing them, and the measurement of one can't affect the other. Quantum entanglement—called by Einstein “spooky action at a distance”—rejects this assumption, offering impeccable reasoning and irrefutable evidence of the opposite. Is quantum entanglement mystical, or just mystifying? In this volume in the MIT Press Essential Knowledge series, Jed Brody equips readers to decide for themselves. He explains how our commonsense assumptions impose constraints—from which entangled particles break free. Brody explores such concepts as local realism, Bell's inequality, polarization, time dilation, and special relativity. He introduces readers to imaginary physicists Alice and Bob and their photon analyses; points out that it's easier to reject falsehood than establish the truth; and reports that some physicists explain entanglement by arguing that we live in a cross-section of a higher-dimensional reality. He examines a variety of viewpoints held by physicists, including quantum decoherence, Niels Bohr's Copenhagen interpretation, genuine fortuitousness, and QBism. This relatively recent interpretation, an abbreviation of “quantum Bayesianism,” holds that there's no such thing as an absolutely accurate, objective probability “out there,” that quantum mechanical probabilities are subjective judgments, and there's no “action at a distance,” spooky or otherwise.
This book is ideal for students, researchers, and readers in all areas of quantum physics, color string theory and color supersymmetry. A Quantum Theory of Color Strings probes the very limits of quantum physics and scientific possibility. There are three principal ideas in this book. The first is that the colors of the force are the elementary color charges for the gluon standard model at the frontier of physics. The second idea is that gluons are the resulting combination of the fundamental color charges of the elementary particles of all there is. The color charge laws, or the color charge Maxwell equations, are the fundamental particle-wave equations of physical reality. The third idea is that six-dimensional space-time with a (3 + 3) formalism is emergent and fundamental to the color force and its charges.
Einstein introduced quantum entanglement in 1935 and referred to it as “spooky actions at a distance” because it seemed to conflict with his theory of special relativity. Today, some refer to it as "the greatest mystery in physics" and the 2022 Nobel Prize in Physics was even awarded for experimental confirmation of the "spookiness." While the mystery is experimentally well-established, its solution remains elusive because it is commonly believed that quantum entanglement entails that quantum mechanics is incomplete, that the world works according to "spooky actions at a distance," that causes from the future create effects in the present, that there is "superdeterministic" causal control of experimental procedures, that people can correctly disagree on the outcome of one and the same experiment, and that a single experimental measurement can produce all possible outcomes. In this book, a rigorous solution to the mystery of quantum entanglement is provided that entails none of those things. The key to this seemingly impossible feat is - to use Einstein's own language - a "principle" explanation that foregoes the need for any "constructive" explanation of quantum entanglement, such as those listed above. Ironically, the proposed principle explanation is Einstein's own relativity principle as grounded in quantum information theory. So contrary to popular belief, quantum mechanics and special relativity are far from inconsistent, as both are a consequence of the exact same relativity principle.
A ``quantum graph'' is a graph considered as a one-dimensional complex and equipped with a differential operator (``Hamiltonian''). Quantum graphs arise naturally as simplified models in mathematics, physics, chemistry, and engineering when one considers propagation of waves of various nature through a quasi-one-dimensional (e.g., ``meso-'' or ``nano-scale'') system that looks like a thin neighborhood of a graph. Works that currently would be classified as discussing quantum graphs have been appearing since at least the 1930s, and since then, quantum graphs techniques have been applied successfully in various areas of mathematical physics, mathematics in general and its applications. One can mention, for instance, dynamical systems theory, control theory, quantum chaos, Anderson localization, microelectronics, photonic crystals, physical chemistry, nano-sciences, superconductivity theory, etc. Quantum graphs present many non-trivial mathematical challenges, which makes them dear to a mathematician's heart. Work on quantum graphs has brought together tools and intuition coming from graph theory, combinatorics, mathematical physics, PDEs, and spectral theory. This book provides a comprehensive introduction to the topic, collecting the main notions and techniques. It also contains a survey of the current state of the quantum graph research and applications.
"Niels Bohr was a central figure in quantum physics, well-known for his work on atomic structure and his contributions to the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics. In this book, philosopher Slobodan Perović explores the way Bohr practiced and understood physics, and the implications of this for our understanding of modern science, especially contemporary quantum experimental physics. Perović's method of studying Bohr is philosophical-historical, and his aim is to make sense of both Bohr's understanding of physics and his method of inquiry. He argues that in several important respects, Bohr's vision of physics was driven by his desire to develop a comprehensive perspective on key features of experimental observation as well as emerging experimental work. Perović uncovers how Bohr's distinctive breakthrough contributions are characterized by a multi-layered, phased approach of building on basic experimental insights inductively to develop intermediary and overarching hypotheses. The strengths and limitations of this approach, in contrast to the mathematically or metaphysically driven approaches of other physicists at the time, made him a thoroughly distinctive kind of theorist and scientific leader. Once we see that Bohr played the typical role of a laboratory mediator, and excelled in the inductive process this required, we can fully understand the way his work was generated, the role it played in developing novel quantum concepts, and its true limitations, as well as current adherence to and use of Bohr's complementarity approach among contemporary experimentalists"--
In The Age of Entanglement, Louisa Gilder brings to life one of the pivotal debates in twentieth century physics. In 1935, Albert Einstein famously showed that, according to the quantum theory, separated particles could act as if intimately connected–a phenomenon which he derisively described as “spooky action at a distance.” In that same year, Erwin Schrödinger christened this correlation “entanglement.” Yet its existence was mostly ignored until 1964, when the Irish physicist John Bell demonstrated just how strange this entanglement really was. Drawing on the papers, letters, and memoirs of the twentieth century’s greatest physicists, Gilder both humanizes and dramatizes the story by employing the scientists’ own words in imagined face-to-face dialogues. The result is a richly illuminating exploration of one of the most exciting concepts of quantum physics.
"Glorious."—Wall Street Journal Rescued from obscurity, Feynman's Lost Lecture is a blessing for all Feynman followers. Most know Richard Feynman for the hilarious anecdotes and exploits in his best-selling books "Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman!" and "What Do You Care What Other People Think?" But not always obvious in those stories was his brilliance as a pure scientist—one of the century's greatest physicists. With this book and CD, we hear the voice of the great Feynman in all his ingenuity, insight, and acumen for argument. This breathtaking lecture—"The Motion of the Planets Around the Sun"—uses nothing more advanced than high-school geometry to explain why the planets orbit the sun elliptically rather than in perfect circles, and conclusively demonstrates the astonishing fact that has mystified and intrigued thinkers since Newton: Nature obeys mathematics. David and Judith Goodstein give us a beautifully written short memoir of life with Feynman, provide meticulous commentary on the lecture itself, and relate the exciting story of their effort to chase down one of Feynman's most original and scintillating lectures.